Chapter 004- The Unveiling 

Chapter 004- The Unveiling 

"Madame, I... I hope you'll like this," Logan said softly, his voice barely audible above the murmur of the crowd.

Despite his nerves, he was confident that his gift would be well-received, but he couldn't help feeling anxious as he waited for her reaction.

Madame Ruthie's eyes lit up with genuine warmth as she reached out to accept the gift, her smile radiant despite the dim lighting of the dining hall. "Thank you, Logan," she said sincerely, her gratitude evident in her voice.

With trembling hands, Logan placed the package into Madame Ruthie's outstretched hands, his heart pounding with anticipation. He held his breath as she carefully began to unwrap the gift, the tension in the room evident as everyone waited in anticipation.

As the wrapping fell away, revealing the empty package, a collective gasp rippled through the crowd as Chlorine gas nestled within the package filled the atmosphere of the dining hall.

Logan, the Bennett family and every one of the guests were suddenly overcome by a choking sensation, their eyes watering and their throats burning as they struggled to breathe.

Panic erupted among the gathering as they all fell on their knees, desperately searching for an escape from the toxic fumes.

In the midst of the chaos, Logan's mind raced, his thoughts a mix of fear and confusion. ''What have I done? Everyone is about to lose their lives because of my carelessness.'' he muttered between coughs, blood trickling from his nose.

Logan's heart sank as he watched Madame Ruthie's smile falter, agony flickering across her face.

As the feelings of despair and hopelessness began to set in, a sudden commotion caught everyone's attention as a highly trained team of emergency responders burst into the hall.

The team members moved with precision and efficiency, their bright uniforms shining in the dimly lit room as they assessed the situation and sprang into action.

Their quick response and expert care brought a sense of calm and relief to the previously chaotic scene.

A loud hiss filled the air, and the sound of machinery whirring to life echoed through the hall as their specialized equipment had sprung into action, quickly neutralizing the chlorine gas and restoring safety to the dining hall.

In response to the suffocating guests, the emergency responders, who were easily identifiable by the Xington Pharmaceutical Industry emblem on their coats, quickly sprang into action.

They deftly handed out portable oxygen masks to ensure that everyone was able to breathe properly.

Logan, with a sense of relief washing over him, quickly grabbed a mask and secured it over his face, the cool rush of oxygen instantly soothing his burning lungs.

Around him, he could see others doing the same, their panicked expressions slowly giving way to cautious gratitude as they breathed in the life-saving air.

Within moments, the toxic threat had been vanquished, and calm began to settle over the room once more.

As cool ventilation began to fill the room and the last traces of the fumes ebbed away, Logan's gaze found Zora, who was now wearing her own oxygen mask with a serene expression. 

Despite the ordeal, her eyes still sparkled with warmth and appreciation as she looked towards Logan, silently assuring him that she understood where the mishap came from.

Logan looked at her with a tired but appreciative smile, grateful that disaster had been averted and everyone was safe.

But before he could say anything, he noticed that Madame Ruthie didn't move an inch since normalcy returned to the hall.

Very concerned, he slowly crawled to where she laid, her frail form unmoving amidst the chaos that had ensued. Logan's heart clenched with fear as he reached her side, his hands trembling as he gently shook her shoulder.

"Ma'am, can you hear me?" Logan's voice was filled with a sense of urgency, as he desperately tried to awaken her.


Logan gulped hard as Madame Ruthie remained unresponsive, her breathing shallow and labored.

Panic surged through Logan as he realized the severity of her condition. He glanced around desperately, searching for someone, anyone, who could help.

Ings laid nearby, his expression screaming guilt as he watched the scene unfold. Logan's gut twisted with suspicion, but he pushed aside his doubts for the moment, focusing all his energy on waking his mother-in-law.

Suddenly, Blake's voice rang out, cutting through the residual tension in the hall as all attention was directed to Madame Ruthie "Someone, please help! Mum needs medical attention!"

The emergency responders sprang into action once more, rushing to Madame Ruthie's side with their equipment. With practiced efficiency, they began administering emergency medical first aid, their movements swift and accurate.

Logan hovered anxiously nearby, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the scene unfold before him. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as he waited for any sign of improvement in Madame Ruthie's critical condition.

As chaos subsided in the dining hall and Madame Ruthie was attended to by medical personnels, Logan's relief quickly turned to confusion and dread. Despite his efforts to save her, he couldn't shake the feeling that all eyes were on him.

''Everyone present is already disappointed in me. I'm sure they're just waiting for the right time to confront me,'' Logan thought to himself.

As the emergency responders continued Tryon to revive Madame Ruthie, Logan found himself approached by Blake, his expression cold and unwelcoming.

"What have you done, Logan?" Blake's voice was barely more than a whisper, but the accusation in his tone was evident.

Suddenly, without letting Logan utter any reply, Blake's fingers dug into the collar of Logan's shirt, his grip unwavering and unyielding.

The anger emanating from him was palpable, mixing with the fear coiled inside him like a snake.

Logan could feel his own fear rising as Blake held him in place, but he knew that he couldn't back down. He met Blake's intense gaze, trying to read the emotions flickering across his face.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen," Logan protested, his voice strained as he tried to break free from Blake's grasp. "I swear, I had no idea the vase in that package was replaced with something dangerous.''

Logan's voice trembled as he spoke, his eyes pleading for understanding. But Blake's grip only tightened, his jaw clenched with rage as he glared at Logan.

"You claim to care about my sister, Zora, yet you would put my mother's life at risk with your incompetence?" Blake spat with contempt.

Logan's heart pounded as Blake accused him of something he didn't do. Panic surged through him as he thought of different ways to defend himself.

"Please, Blake," he pleaded, his voice trembling with emotion. "I swear I had no idea. I would never do anything to hurt Madame Ruthie. You have to believe me.''

But Blake's expression remained stony, his distrust evident as he stared down at Logan. "Believe you?" he scoffed. ''After what just happened?''


Logan's heart sank as he realized how difficult it would be to convince Blake it was Ings Fault.

"Mr. Bill was heartbroken as he stared at his unconscious wife. Through tears he was forcing to hold back, he yelled at Logan, "I trusted you. I let you into our private lives and this is how you repay us?''

Logan felt a lump in his tightened throat as Mr.Bill's words filled him with guilt. "I'm sorry, sir." he whispered, "I never meant for this to happen.''

Blake's grip tightened further, his fury unrelenting as he glared at Logan with undisguised loathing. "Sorry simply won't cut it," he snarled, his voice low and menacing. "You've endangered my family, and now you'll pay the price!''

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