Chapter 005- An unwanted visitor 

Chapter 005- An unwanted visitor 

Blake's grip tightened further, his fury unrelenting as he glared at Logan with undisguised loathing. "Sorry simply won't cut it," he snarled, his voice low and menacing. "You've endangered my family, and now you'll pay the price!''

Logan was caught off guard as Blake's fist came flying towards him, landing square on his nose with a sickening crunch. 

The impact sent a wave of pain through Logan's face, causing his eyes to water and his nose to gush blood.

The crimson stain also began to spread across his shirt as he stumbled back, trying to regain his balance.

As Logan staggered back, reeling from the blow, he could hear the gasps and murmurs of the onlooking guests, their shock and horror mirroring his own as Blake loosen his grip completely.

''That’s for my mum and the fake love you have for my sister!'' Blake spat with contempt as he ran his fingers across his face, wiping the little sweat that formed on his forehead.

Logan's voice was hoarse and strained as he gasped for breath. "This is completely unfair," he managed to say between coughs, "I should be given a chance to explain." His eyes darted around the room, searching for someone who would listen to him.

"Ings... Ings did it," he finally blurted out, his words punctuated by another fit of coughing as he struggled to keep the blood streaming down his nose from seeping to his lungs as he spoke, his body wracked with pain.


The sudden accusation sent vibrating shivers down the spine of everyone present in the hall.

''Ohh, Logan, so you've resorted to telling lies,'' Bradley Lexington, the family physician and longtime friend of the Bennett family said as he stormed towards him with an expression of thinly veiled contempt.

Bradley's booming voice shattered the silence as he confronted Logan. His eyes glared with anger and disbelief as he confronted Logan, who stood there with reddened cheeks, looking down at the ground, trying to avoid his gaze.

"What is the meaning of this, Logan?" Bradley's voice echoed through the room, causing the cutlery on the tables to rattle. "Do you honestly expect us to believe that pitiful excuse of yours?"

Logan's heart sank as he struggled to find the words to respond. He could feel the weight of Bradley's disdain bearing down on him, making him feel small and insignificant.

As Logan found himself unable to defend himself, Zora stepped forward with an aura of determination, her eyes alight with righteous indignation as she confronted Bradley Lexington.

"That's enough, Lexington! You're not in the right position to interfere in this situation," she said firmly, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife.

"Ings, himself should prove his innocence like Logan did, and I strongly believe his sincerity and thoughtfulness are worth more than all the riches in the world.''

Bradley scoffed, his lip curling in disdain as he turned his gaze towards Zora. "And what do you know about sincerity and thoughtfulness, Zora?" he sneered. "You've always been too blinded by your infatuation with this... this commoner to see the truth.''

Zora's eyes blazed with an intense anger, her pupils dilating as she braced herself, unwilling to yield even an inch in the presence of Bradley Lexington's bitter and spiteful words.

"Your audacity is beyond belief, Lexington," she exclaimed, her tone laced with disdain.

"Logan has more manners and bravery than you could ever dream of possessing. Your lack of perception is truly astounding, and it seems that your own shortcomings have blinded you to the truth.''

Zora's sharp words pierced through the air like a dagger, cutting Bradley to the core. He felt his pride wounded by her biting retort, and his face flushed with disappointment.

As he took a step forward, his fists clenched at his sides, he struggled to contain the rising anger that threatened to consume him.

The tension between them was thick as Bradley's eyes locked onto Zora's, his gaze intense.

"How dare you speak to me in such a manner, Zora?" Bradley fumed, his voice dripping with venom. "I have been nothing but a loyal friend to your family, and yet you chose to defend this... this impostor over me?"


Zora's expression remained stoic as she faced Bradley, who was glaring at her with a mix of anger and frustration. His body language was tense, and his fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. 

"I will not stand idly by while you slander my husband's name," she declared, her voice firm. "Logan is innocent, and I will do whatever it takes to prove it.''

Bradley's eyes narrowed into menacing slits, and a malicious gleam flickered in their depths. He took a slow, calculated step towards Zora, his movements deliberate and threatening.

"You may believe that you hold all the cards, Zora," he sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "But you are sorely mistaken. I have ways of dealing with people like you and that bastard of a husband."

The tension in the room was palpable, and Zora could feel her heart racing as she felt threatened .

"Tch, I don't give the least f*ck about what you are capable of. Ings should speak for himself and that's all," She said as she abruptly turned away from Bradley and fixed her gaze on Ings, who was hovering protectively over Madame Ruthie, as she received medical attention.

With measured steps, She approached Ings, her heels clicking against the polished marble floor.

Ings stood his ground, his expression a mixture of apprehension and resolve. He knew this moment had been inevitable, yet he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt gnawing at his conscience.

''Explain yourself, Ings," Zora demanded, her voice cutting through the silence like a razor. "Tell me the truth!''

Ings swallowed hard, steeling himself for what was to come. "Zora, I... I can't," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Zora's eyes narrowed, her patience wearing thin. "Can't or won't?" she pressed, her tone unyielding.

Ings hesitated, his mind racing as he searched for the right words. "I... I've been trying to protect myself," he finally admitted, his voice trembling with emotion. "But I can't keep lying to you.''

Zora took a deep breath, her impatience increasing with each passing moment. ''Protecting Logan's image from what? Speak up!!'' 

''From the truth," he replied abruptly, his gaze locking with hers. ''I caught Logan inflating the gift package with chlorine gas but I was so scared to talk before Mum tore the package open, I was afraid he will kill me,''

Zora's breath caught in her throat, her mind reeling at the implications of Ings'words "What do you mean?" she whispered, her voice barely audible above the din of the room.


Ings'words left everyone in the hall awestruck.

Zora's voice trembled as she turned towards Logan, her eyes pleading for the truth. "This can't be true," she said firmly, lifting his head and meeting his tearful gaze. "Please, I beg you, look into my eyes and tell Ings is not saying the truth.''

''I swear I don't know what he's talking about, Ings was the one that exchanged the gift,'' Logan said,crying his eyes out, but nobody was ready to listen to him. He desperately wanted someone to talk to, but it seemed like no one was interested in hearing what he had to say.

Everyone seemed to be fascinated by Ings' Malicious story.

''Would you believe an outsider over your biological brother just because of that filthy ring on your finger? I hope your eyes are opened to see the kind of wicked soul he is before it's too late.'' Blake questioned sarcastically.

"That's enough!" Mr. Bill's voice thundered, his eyes blazing with fury as he glared at Blake and Zora in turn. "I will not tolerate any more arguments in my house. Logan, you have proven yourself unworthy to be a part of this family, and I will not have you causing any more trouble.''

"Rencroso, please get in touch with Cody and ask him to confirm if the police are here," Mr. Bill requested, turning to his bodyguard.

''He's the one calling, Honourable boss,'' Rencroso replied as he handed Mr.Bill the phone.

"Cody, are the police already here? I need to know for sure, please confirm for me.'' Mr.Bill inquired as he answered the call.

''Honourable boss, this is not about the police sir, a woman and her convoy are here,trying to forcefully enter the hall,'' Cody replied from the other end.

''I’m not expecting anyone as such. Let them in five minutes,'' Mr.Bill ordered as he turned to Rencroso and the other guards immediately.

''Stay alert! I think we have an unwanted visit..'' Before Mr.Bill could complete his command, incoming husky and thunderous voices interrupted him.

''Everyone, stay put! Heiress Diane of the Reed is here!''

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