Chapter 006- Logan meet Heiress Diane

Chapter 006- Logan meet Heiress Diane

''Stay alert! I think we have an unwanted visit..'' Before Mr.Bill could complete his command, incoming husky and thunderous voices interrupted him.

''Everyone, stay put! Heiress Diane of the Reed family is here!''

''Stay right there or we might be forced to break your filthy legs with this pistol,'' Rencroso barked as he, alongside the other Bennett guards pointed guns at the beautiful woman as she elegantly walked in, followed by four hefty men.

"Even your boss, Bill, wouldn't dare to do that. But let's not talk about family rivalry. I'm here for my half-brother and I demand to see him!" Diane replied firmly, unfazed by the guards' weapons as Mr. Bill reluctantly ordered them to lower them.

Zora chuckled and said, "Ohh Diane, do you think this hall looks similar to the one in your late father's estate? And what do you think about your half-brother? You think this is the right place to search for him?"

Mr. Bill's patience had run thin as he confronted Diane with a perplexed expression on his face. "I can't fathom what you were thinking, Diane. You stormed into the house of your family's rival in search of your half-brother? I'm struggling to wrap my head around it. Can you please explain it to me?'' Mr.Bill said.

"I'm sorry, but I don't feel confident in my ability to tell a story to a bunch of Bennett Idiots who seem to have already made up their minds," Diane said as she glared at Mr.Bill, her voice tinged with frustration.

"You clearly knew about his whereabouts before I did, which is why you kidnapped him. And yet, here you are, still asking me questions as if I'm the one who's in the wrong." Diane pointed her index finger at Mr. Bill, her eyes flashing with anger.

Observing the conversation escalate, Bradley Lexington felt compelled to intervene ''Sir, it's unbearable seeing this little brat talk to you in that manner, I think you must order Rencroso to throw her out immediately before she becomes uncontrollable.''

Bradley didn't anticipate the reaction of the four hefty Diane guards when he spoke, and they immediately raised their guns, poised to shoot. However, Diane intervened and signaled to them to lower their weapons.

''The next time you chose not to mind your business, I swear I wouldn't stop them from pulling the trigger,'' Diane warned as she brought out a passport photograph, revealing the image of a strikingly beautiful woman in her late twenties.

Diane handed the picture to Bradley with a commanding tone and said, "Pass this picture around the room, and I want an answer from each one of you. Do any of you have any idea who that beautiful woman in the picture is?"

Standing at the center of the room, her eyes scanning each person with a piercing gaze. The air was tense, and everyone could feel her authoritative presence.

As the picture was passed around, she watched each person's expression, hoping for a prompt response. But as the picture reached Ings, he flung it to the ground in a sudden fit of anger, something seemed to snap within him.

There was a moment of stunned silence before Zora quickly swooped in and picked up the pictures.

''First, you said it was your half brother, and now, it's a Woman.'' Ings hissed in annoyance ''Are you sure the air you inhaled before coming here is not mixed with tobacc…?''

''Shhhh'' Zora interrupted him before he could complete his statement, drawing everyone's attention as they awaited her next words.

''Mother-in-law! She looks like my mother-in-law.'' Zora muttered.

''Hahaha, Big Joker,'' Diane laughed. ''You must be joking, Zora. There's no way the only heir of the Reed family will get married to an useless Bennett. Never will my sweet Logan stoop so low!''

As soon as Diane mentioned Logan's name, a sudden and powerful wave of surprise rippled through the entire hall, causing everyone to turn their heads towards Logan who was still recovering from the physical blows he had received from Blake as he visibly winced and groaned in pain.

The sound of his discomfort echoed throughout the room, adding to the already tense atmosphere. 

All eyes turned back to Diane again as she broke the silence in the room.

''Why is everyone staring at that messed-up guy? Does he have anything to do with my half-brother? Diane asked out of curiosity.

''That's Logan, my husband.'' Zora replied calmly.

''Funny you, Zora.'' Diane laughed ''Well, thanks for the introduction, but I'm here for our heir;Logan Reed not Logan beaten-up like a slave.'' Diane said in a sarcastic tone.

"And why is he not reacting? I command you to raise your head, Mister," demanded Diane, but Logan remained unfazed, maintaining his posture without flinching.

As Diane noticed the lack of response from the seemingly troubled individual, she felt compelled to continue speaking, hoping to understand the reason behind his silence.

''Ohh, since you want me to force you, then I will.'' Diane said, clearly furious as one of her guards marched towards Logan but Zora stood in his way.

"Stay right there!" Zora commanded the guard, her palm held out. She then turned to Diane and said sternly, "Tell your doll not to move an inch or we might be forced to gun him down.”

"Enough of all this rizzbazass!" Logan's voice boomed, demanding the attention of everyone in the room. His frustration and hurt were evident as he confronted Zora. "Stop pretending like you care, Zora. A few minutes ago, you could have intervened and prevented Blake from laying his filthy hands on me," he accused, his words heavy with disappointment and betrayal. Zora's eyes filled with regret as she shook her head apologetically, unable to meet Logan's gaze.

Logan's muscles tensed as he raised his head, with deliberate slowness, his eyes locking onto Diane as his jaw clenched against his will.

''Did your mum, Eliza send you to finish me off completely?'' Logan sneered inquisitively as he rose to his feet, shooting a sly, curious glance at Zora.

Diane was completely shocked when Logan casually mentioned the first name of her mother, the powerful Matriarch and head of the Reed family.

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