All Chapters of Once Despised, Bastard Billionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
42 chapters
Chapter 011- Tempête to the rescue
"Timo, what do you want now?" Madame Eliza snapped as she answered the phone, her voice filled with frustration."Hahaha, Madame," Timo chuckled. "Relax, I didn't call to stir up trouble. I just wanted to chat," he said from the other end."Really? you want us to chat? I've already set everything up for you and your gang to start fresh in Germany with new identities. Do you really want to risk getting caught by the cops for good? I don't understand why you reached out to me considering you don't work for me anymore," Madame Amelia asked, her impatience evident."Nah, woman. You want me to sit in Germany and wait for food to come to me?" Timo joked. "How do you expect me to survive? My gang and I engage in a bit of pickpocketing here in Heralzia, of course! By the way, I have some exciting news and a proposal for you," he announced.Madame Eliza sighed, "I'm all ears. Hurry and spill the beans, but don't get me in trouble," she pleaded, wondering what Timo would want to tell her."Can
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Chapter 012- $15 billion premium card
Chapter 012- $15 billion premium cardFuming with frustration, Tempête brushed Mr. Thomas's hand away and pointed an accusing finger at him. "You have no right to tell me what's right or wrong, civilian. My lord is the one you just dared to touch. Leave before I lose my temper!" he demanded."I'm sorry, Lieutenant Tempête, but this poor commoner is not your Lord or anything related to royalty. I understand that you're just trying to let us free him, but we surely won't. We respect you so much, sir." Mr. Thomas whined but his plea was immediately met with a swift kick to his belly, causing him to wince in pain and cry out, "Ouch!''"If you don't leave here at this moment, I might be forced to bring out my gun!" Tempête yelled, making Mr. Thomas and his thugs hastily flee away in great fear of being shot.Throughout the ordeal, Logan and his mother remained silent as they sat on the dry, bare floor. Surprisingly, Logan appeared unperturbed by Tempête's timely arrival to their rescue, wh
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Chapter 013- Logan refuses the money
Chapter 013- Logan refuses the money''How did you know the amount without even looking at my phone? Did you send it?'' Logan demanded.Before Tempête could respond, Logan hurriedly read the transaction details.He read aloud, ''Heralzia Central Bank—$300 million—Dian…'' He paused mid-sentence, his eyes widening in anger as if about to slam his phone on the floor, but he stopped himself.''Why did she send me this money? Did I ask for it? What do she and her mother think they’re doing, trying to manipulate me with unsolicited money?'' Logan fumed.Madame Amelia's tone was both advisory and concerned as she said, "I hope one day you’ll learn to control your temper. Why did you stop yourself from throwing the phone?”Then she turned to Tempête, her curiosity piqued. ''Who is Logan talking about?''Tempête replied, ''He’s referring to Diane.''''Diane? Who’s Diane?'' Madame Amelia asked, her tone growing sharp.Tempête answered, ''Diane is the daughter of Lady Eliza, your husband’s secon
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Chapter 014- A father figure
Chapter 014- A father figureTo his surprise, it was Cody, the main gate guard at the Bennett estate."Wait, what? Mr. Cody! How can that even be possible?" Logan exclaimed in disbelief."Hi Logan, Lady Zora caught me talking to Heiress Diane last night, and I got fired after they left. They told me not to show up for work today. So, this morning, I headed to the Reed estate to seek your help, considering your newfound wealth. That's when Mr. Tempête here told me you weren't at the estate, and he brought me here," Cody replied."Wow, Tempête, you really know how to surprise me," Logan grinned. "Mr. Cody has been like a father to me at the Bennett estate, always there to guide me through tough times.""Is he the guard you mentioned who would watch over me?""Yes, my lord," Tempête nodded."Mr. Cody means more to me than just a guard; he's like a father figure. Yes, I want him by my side," Logan declared, embracing Mr. Cody."Thank you, Logan," Mr. Cody expressed his gratitude.Logan th
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Chapter 015- Logan meets the Manager.
"Young man, do you think I'm joking here? Look at your rough clothes. Do you think you're qualified to see the Manager?''Logan was taken aback as the security guard peered down at him with disdain, clearly judging him for not wearing expensive clothing.He opted to avoid a confrontation with the security guard, so he flashed a smile and spoke calmly,"I'm dead serious - I absolutely need to speak with the Manager.''As Logan kept repeating the same words, the security guard's anger reached a boiling point. With a cold stare, he lashed out at Logan once more."Young man, you don't have the right to enter so please leave now else I would be rude!'’As the security guard's icy words echoed for the second time, Logan's patience wore thin and a frown creased his face.He took a step forward and seized the security guard by the collar. Then, he swiftly retrieved his phone from his pocket and thrust it right into the security guard's face.Madame Amelia and Cody froze in disbelief, torn bet
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Chapter 016- Three hundred dollars contract
Chapter 016- Three hundred dollars contract "Felix, did Lieutenant Tempête get back to you about the ceremonial uniform of the security team for the upcoming anniversary?" Fabio inquired eagerly, but the security guard just shook his head."Negative, sir," responded the security guardThe Reed family oversees several big and small companies, including Skyville Suites. Interestingly, these companies cannot directly contact the family members and have to communicate through Tempête instead.Logan couldn't help but smile as Fabio mentioned Tempête with admiration; the same Lieutenant who had respectfully bowed before him just a few hours earlier.Fabio pressed his thumb against what seemed like a high-tech scanner on the door. In a matter of seconds, it emitted a series of beeps and flashed green, unlocking the door and revealing the plush office space beyond.Fabio went into the office, catching Logan off guard as he stood lost in thought, a faint smile on his face. However, Fabio's su
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Chapter 017- Mockery
"Enough with the suspense. Please, just spill it already," Danny urged."Check it out, I landed you a contract, dude!" Logan exclaimed, causing Danny to leap up in excitement and give Logan a bear hug."Thanks, man! I didn't see this coming, I gotta admit," Danny said, beads of sweat glistening in his blonde hair.As Logan laughed, he patted Danny on the back and said, "Hey, don't thank me just yet. We've still got to grab the clothes.''Danny leaned back, his excitement waning. "Okay, okay. But I'm curious, why didn't you grab the contract for yourself? You needed it as well.''Logan's face tensed, the hint of a determined smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I don't need it anymore. You'll understand everything soon, I promise.''As they walked towards the reception, Danny glanced at Logan, curiosity piqued. "By the way, did you have a good time at Madame Ruthie's birthday dinner last night? And how's Zora doing?''Logan's expression darkened at the mention of Zora. His usual
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Chapter 018- The Unexpected Authority
Chapter 018-"What if I don't?" Logan replied with a question.Katherine's smirk turned into a sly grin as she uttered, "Prepare to have your ego shattered, Mr. Logan. You won't be staying here for long." With those words, she stormed out of the room, returning almost instantly with a security guard by her side. To Logan's surprise, it was the same guard who had knelt before him some minutes ago."Okay, what's happening here? Who's causing trouble? Where is he?" The security guard bellowed as he scanned the wide open space, observing each individual. Logan was positioned towards the reception counter with his back turned to the others so the security guard had not spotted him yet.Madame Amelia's heart pounded with fear as she watched Logan, fearing he might get into trouble.She made a move to stand up but was stopped by Cody's firm grip. "Don't, ma'am, he knows what he's doing," Cody reassured her. However, Madame Amelia couldn't shake off her worry."It is possible that he might n
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Chapter 019- The Exclusive VIP Lodge
Chapter 019- The Exclusive VIP Lodge "Are you deaf?" he bellowed. "Is the Exclusive VIP lodge open? And tell me, on which floor is it located?" Logan's frustration boiled over with each passing second.Katherine's laughter faltered as she sensed Logan's mounting frustration. Her previous confidence disappeared, replaced by a nervous tremor. "Sir, I... I apologize. The Exclusive VIP lodge is on the top floor. However, it's strictly reserved for the prestigious Reed family and their guests.''Logan's eyes narrowed as he shifted from being confident to being determined. "You're correct. I am a guest of the Reed family, and I require immediate access to that lodge immediately.''Katherine's eyes widened in disbelief as she struggled to process Logan's words. "Are you telling me that you actually have permission from the Reed family to access the VIP lodge?''"Absolutely," Logan retorted, his tone daring any disagreement.The room became silent, replacing the murmurs of the customers with
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Chapter 020- The Urgent Call
Chapter 020-Logan's words were suddenly drowned out by the jarring ring of the telephone on the office table. Without hesitation, he sprang into action, racing to the office to answer the call."Hello, this is the reception. Am I speaking with someone on the top floor?" the caller asked."Katherine, is that you?" Logan inquired eagerly."It is Katherine Li on the line, I really need to talk to Mr. Logan. There's someone here to see him," said the urgent voice on the phone."Yeah, you're speaking with me," Logan responded confidently."Who on earth could it be? I didn't inform anyone of my whereabouts," Logan pondered with a furrowed brow."Lieutenant Tempête wants to have a word with you," Katherine said, breaking his reverie."Ah, Tempête! Put him through.""Apologies for the interruption, my lord. I must speak with you immediately; it's very urgent," Tempête conveyed."Sure, feel free to proceed.""Unfortunately, this matter isn't suitable for a phone conversation.""Sure, you're f
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