All Chapters of Once Despised, Bastard Billionaire : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
42 chapters
Chapter 021- The Aim to Stop Eliza
Chapter 021- The Aim to Stop Eliza Indeed, Diane's mother, Madame Eliza, is capable of killing Grandpa Dom before he gets to sign the document, making her the oldest member of the Reed family alive."Wow, Mother, I never thought of that," Logan exclaimed. "Tempête, you need to leave for home right away and keep a close watch on Eliza. She's even more dangerous than we realized.""She might have already overheard the Heiress speaking to you, Mr. Tempête," Cody interjected."Exactly, hurry up, Hulk'ee. We can't let that wicked woman take over my husband's property!" Madame said, determinedly gritting her teeth."And don't forget to mention the food and supplies!" Cody groaned as his stomach rumbled."Don't worry, they'll bring them in no time," Tempête confirmed as he made his way to leave."I need to check something on the ground floor too," Logan said as he followed Tempête out."Don't stay out there too long, Son. You know you shouldn't be walking alone now!" Madame Amelia yelled be
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Chapter 022- Brawl at Lutherwheels
Chapter 022- Brawl at Lutherwheels Logan looked around, expecting to see a security guard, but to his surprise, there wasn't a single one in sight."Is anybody here?" Logan called out, but there was no response."How can a place this big not have a security guard?" he muttered to himself as he pushed open the barricade doors.Logan stepped into the surroundings, with the showroom in his sight. As he moved closer, a sudden yell from behind made him pause."Hey, stop! Help! We have an intruder on the premises. Where do you think you're going?" Turning around, Logan was startled to see a middle-aged man swiftly advancing towards him with a baton in hand – the security guard of Lutherwheels.Before Logan could utter a word, the guard was upon him, swinging the baton. Logan managed to dodge the blow and grappled with the guard for control of the weapon."Lunatic!" spat the guard. "How did you breach our security? You must have escaped from the asylum down the road."Logan realized that t
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Chapter 023- $500 million dollars at once!
Chapter 023- $500 million dollars at once!''It's not for sale, sir, period,'' Helen stated firmly, ready to walk out on Logan. But then a voice pierced through the room."Are you serious, Helen Alderweird?" Yvonne exclaimed as she swept into the showroom."I mean, you have the looks, but come on, we need some brains too! Why are you holding back on selling that car?''Wendell was keeping his father's corrupt actions a secret from his fiancée, Yvonne, so she had no idea that the car was hidden and not actually up for sale."Why are you so insistent on not selling the car, Helen? Are you under the impression that you can single-handedly make decisions for this company?" Yvonne snapped, clearly agitated."It's not that, ma'am, it's just..." Helen began, but then hesitated, thinking about the potential consequences of revealing the true reason in front of a stranger."Regardless of your reasons, I find them unsatisfactory," Yvonne stated, turning her attention to Logan."Once again, I ap
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Chapter 024- Assumptions
Chapter 024- Assumptions "Just stop. I don't need your explanation. Can you drive?" Logan asked, determination etched across his face."Sure thing, sir," Rowe replied eagerly."Get in the driver's seat and drive to where they are. I want you to park behind them specifically," Logan said as he settled in the passenger side of the car."Oh, I see what you're up to. Like something out of the movies, huh? The charismatic billionaire trying to impress his crush!" Rowe chuckled, but Logan shot him a stern look."I've never seen someone so nonchalant, especially at your age. Just do as I say, okay?" Logan said, his tone serious."Sorry, boss," Rowe said, jumping into the plush BMW. He started the car and made a swift u-turn towards Zora and the man."I can't believe Zora is moving on so quickly after the drama with her siblings. It's like she never cared. But I'll prove her wrong," Logan smiled to himself as he contemplated his next move.At the Asherkine Ornamental Gallery, Zora Bennett an
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Chapter 025- Saving Grandfather's Life
Chapter 025- Saving Grandfather's Life"And what, mother? You need to tell me! I'm getting really scared here!" Logan pressed.Madame Amelia gasped in disbelief. "The TV presenter just reported that the Reed estate is on fire!"Logan's eyes widened in shock. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he asked, "What do you mean the Reed estate is on fire?""I couldn't believe it when I heard it either," Madame Amelia replied."I can't shake the feeling that this is no ordinary fire," Logan said, swiping the beads of sweat off his forehead. "Do you think it has to do with anyone?"Hesitating, Logan finally exclaimed, "Eliza! It could only be her. She's the only one I can think of right now.""Call Hulk'ee right away! I hope this isn't true... that woman is full of surprises," Madame Amelia urged.As Logan reached for his phone to dial Tempête, his call came in. "Hello Tempête, I hope it's not true," Logan said in a quick, urgent voice."Oh my goodness, have you heard? When I arrived at t
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Chapter 026- Minutes Before Tragedy
Chapter 026- Minutes Before Tragedy "Really? This boy now knows how to throw money around," Madame Amelia mused as she settled onto a sofa with a remote control in hand. *Alaxar Clinic* "Hey Heiress, you're still here. You should head home - there's no point in sticking around," Dr. Vanessa said, peeling off her medical gloves. Her hands were as white as snow from the glove's powder fillings. Diane felt a surge of frustration at the doctor's words, but she held her composure. "What do you mean I should go home, Doctor? I won't leave here until I see my grandfather and take him home!" She exclaimed. "Heiress Diane," Dr. Vanessa said with a mischievous grin, placing a comforting hand on Diane's shoulder. "I've already explained that you can't enter the ward right now. Your grandfather is improving, and I urge you to trust us and leave so we can continue our work.'' "And ain't we supposed to know what happened to him? He couldn't have just passed out without a reason," Tempête
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Chapter 027- Tragedy
Chapter 027- Tragedy "Who are you!? Get your hands away from me!" he yelled.Both Vanessa and Amelia stumbled back in disbelief, their hands tightening around the tray to prevent the tranquilizers from spilling."I swear, that old man must have nine lives," muttered Eliza. "Eliza!" Grandpa Dominic blinked rapidly, trying to comprehend if this was all just a dream."Can you believe it? My own daughter-in-law tried to poison me with insecticide spray," Grandpa Dominic exclaimed in shock.Before Eliza ignited the gas cooker to start the fire at the Reed estate, she cunningly sprayed Grandpa Dominic's room with insecticide, disguising it as an air freshener. She knew that Grandpa Dominic, being elderly, wouldn't be able to move quickly and intended for the insecticide to render him unconscious, potentially leading to a tragic end in the ensuing fire.''Oh, you finally get to know it's an insecticide spray and not a perfume. Anyways you're going down today….I mean, right now.'' Eliza bar
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Chapter 028- Late Reunion
Chapter 028- Late Reunion "You're Eliza Reed!?" he exclaimed, shooting a dangerous, dreadful stare at the woman.Eliza defiantly declared, "Yes, I am Eliza Reed. Does that explain why you pushed me to the wall?" She winced, rubbing her aching back.Logan's eyes widened in concern. "Oh my! I hope you haven't done anything to my grandfather?" he exclaimed, turning to the men behind him."Stay here with her till I return. I want to check on Grandpa Dom. She must not move an inch," Logan commanded firmly.Logan sprinted at top speed to the VIP ward, following his urgent command.Eliza was taken aback and puzzled by the sudden rush, so she glanced at Rowe and Cody."Where's he off to? Is he Log..." She was abruptly interrupted by Cody before she could finish her sentence.''Will you keep shut or I step on your head, wicked soul.'' Cody barked.*VIP Ward*Logan's eyes widened in disbelief as he took in the sight of multiple unconscious bodies scattered across the ward floor. With each pers
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Chapter 029- Wendell Disastrous Visit
Chapter 029- Wendell Disastrous Visit"The president's son?" Logan interjected, clearly intrigued."Yes, that's the president's son? And where's the security guard?" Rowe asked as they pulled up to the hotel, feeling the tension in the air as they parked the car.Looking at Logan, who was clearly affected by his grandfather's passing, Rowe inquired, "What should we do with Lady Eliza? Should we leave her here in the trunk until morning?''Logan's expression hardened as he nodded. "Yes. She stays in the trunk. We'll deal with her later."As they stepped into the hotel reception, they were confronted with a startling scene. The receptionist, Katherine, was bound and gagged, her eyes wide with fear. Muffled sounds escaped her mouth as she struggled to talk.Cody hurried to her side. "What happened, Ms. Katherine? Who did this to you?''Logan observed Katherine's situation and said, "Mr. Cody, do you think she can talk with her mouth bound?"Quickly, Cody removed the gag from Katherine's
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Chapter 030- A Visit To The Local Motel
Chapter 030- A Visit To The Local Motel Logan quickly put the call on loudspeaker for everyone to hear, and gestured for silence, his heart pounding as they waited for the caller's next move.The room was so quiet that you could almost hear a pin drop. Both sides seemed to be locked in a battle of wills, waiting for the other to break the silence.Finally, the caller broke the tension. "I'm not surprised you're being rude, Mr. Logan Reed. Waiting for your elders to speak first, are you?" The voice on the other end had a mocking lilt to it."What do you want?" Logan's voice was like ice."You're the impatient type, aren't you?" the caller teased. "Aren't you going to ask who you're speaking with?""I've never cared about people's personalities, and I don't plan on starting now," Logan retorted with unwavering resolve."Even if you don't ask, I'll make it known anyway. I am Wendell Luther, son of Heralzia's President George Luther," the caller declared, sounding like he relished his ow
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