Chapter 144: Tasked With Recovering The Money.

Selah seeing Alexander’s sloppy attire, rolled her eyes in disdain: “Mrs. Jones, your useless son-in-law is here. Look at him, dressed like a farmer. Such a waste, your daughter is so beautiful."

"The saying goes, 'A wise wife takes a foolish husband, like a jasmine flower stuck in a cow's dung.' Now that I’ve met Mrs. Jones’s useless son-in-law, I really believe this saying. I don't know what Mrs. Jones was thinking when she agreed to this marriage back then."

"But in a way, it's for the best. Since Mrs. Jones’s son-in-law is so weak, it allows us sisters to gather with her. If she had a decent son-in-law, she might not even acknowledge us on the street."

These sisters had often been belittled by Valeria, so now that they had the chance, they seized the opportunity to mock Alexander, taking revenge for the past slights. Valeria was extremely angry inside, the more she looked at Alexander, the more irritated she became, and she couldn’t help but scold him.

"You useless fool, I told yo
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