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Everything repeats itself in life and would repeat itself, the main thing is to break the circle that has formed in time. She knew that she was following him, she knew that this was not good, but she was obsessed with the desire to get the stone! Sophie, Lily's close friend, has learned everything in recent days: the time when the girl's mysterious cohabitants leave the house, and the place - an abandoned beach by everyone. How long had it taken her to get that piece of information! “I have to make it! It can’t be otherwise!... - it was spinning in her mind, - After all, I want this so much! It was not so easy to follow, but can you imagine it IN THE CENTER OF A SMALL TOWN and in full view of everyone? “Who are they anyway? One has knee-length hair, the other is all black, as if goth ... - for a long time, looking at the vampires only from a distance, Sophie was sure that I was a girl, then she laughed for a long time from her own awkwardness. Right now, this conversat
One life of Sarro la Cassa . Discovery
Fears are not accidental - they are our eyes to the future. Subconsciously, we knew that Sophie was the culprit, although we had no reason to say so. It’s just that she had a very bad character, and Sarro’s fears couldn’t have been far-fetched, could they? We were looking for her until dawn, but the girl, as if on purpose, closed all the locks and cut us off from communication. It pretty much pissed off each of us.- He doesn't take it again ... - Lily shook her head nervously, looking at the phone screen for the hundredth time, - What are we going to do?- And if it's not her? - I whispered, - If you and Sarro were mistaken ... everything can be? Lily gave a surprised look.Everything but THIS!-Give me 5 minutes! - exclaimed Sarro, - I had an idea ...*** After such a busy day and night, she could not think of anything but what had happened, and, after a long hesitation, she decided to take a desperate step - to describe what had happened. Sophie looked at the work s
One life of Sarro la Cassa Diamond
How difficult it is to describe all the feelings when he is the key to your life ... The mysterious stone haunted Sophie - she dreamed about it, imagined it on a shelf or table, glowed with a ghostly scarlet fire in the middle of the night ... She noticed or it seemed to her that it became warm, it was only necessary to touch the smooth shiny edges with a hand ... It was strange, especially considering that he lay the whole night against Sophie's face, on the pillow, and the window was open next to him ... “I must have had cold hands, so it seemed ...” the girl assured herself, driving away thoughts of trembling fear, “Or,” she clasped her palm with her palm, “I don’t even know ...” - and again fell into a dream. The blue haze and the noise of cars passing outside the window, willy-nilly, made her forget about everything. The morning came slowly, Sophie did not want to open her eyes, the strange sensations that filled her throughout the night, as well as the memories that cam
One life of Sarro la Cassa experiences
Thoughts coming from the heart will sooner or later find their place in reality. How many different feelings overwhelmed her. The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. And not from uncertainty, as it seemed at first, but from fear, a boundless wave of horror covering her consciousness. They tore at her soul, making her think she was going crazy. Sophie suffered not the first hour, not the first day, and this brought unbearable suffering. “The stone should be with me, as it is a part of the soul ... it is my lucky ticket to the path of a rich life ...”*** We did not immediately understand what Sarro had done.- Locked! - Lily exclaimed indignantly, - Why does he always treat me like that? - resentment and, a little, misunderstanding shone in her eyes, - It’s good that today is not school ... I went to the door, pulled the handle.- Because of her ... - he whispered in a low voice, - Since then he has not been himself ... all because of this "eternal lo
One life of Sarro la Cassa Vampire Surroundings
I'll be back when the time is right... Night covered her vision. Sophie dreamed of huge cats chasing her in long shadows. Subconsciously, the girl was already beginning to understand that they were the culprit of her “troubles”. As if charmed, waking up and falling asleep endlessly, she repeated, as if in delirium, my name, she thought that it was because of me that she felt so bad. Vinyl innocent angel. She believed that the stone was a part of her and was already losing her mind ... “Vampires surrounded me… there is no way forward or back… There is no point in fighting, I won’t win anyway… Misheo helps them… Misheo himself is one of them. Really... Why then is it so hard for me to believe this? - she thought with pain, looking at the slowly shining stars.And again a dream, doused with a cry,Frozen in her ears.And reborn in the eyes of the faceAnd ice in hateful lips.Shadows flickered, blurring the glare,Again plunging the light into darkness,One face, illuminating all
One life of Sarro la Cassa This can't be!
And my life suddenly changedAnd a new dream cameWhen I got so close to deathAnd I just wanted to find you! I woke up in horror, the first moments without understanding where. Nobody around. Sweet silence and the ticking of the clock. The warmth of his own wings and hair fell on his body like a blanket. There was a fog in my head, dark stains gaped with bottomless lapses in memory. "What am I doing here? And why is there no one around? I rolled over on my stomach, I wanted to hide in the pillows and fall into thoughts again, when suddenly my gaze accidentally slid onto a cracked stone, and I remembered everything. At first, yesterday's events continued to seem like some strange unrealizable dream, but in fact ... "Where is Lee and ... Sarro ..." - tears came to my eyes again. Really, it happened? Consciousness refused to believe, but his last phrases, endlessly spinning in his ears, his voice and desperate cry sounded like an unceasing howl mixed with pain, similar to the cr
One life of Sarro la Cassa Epilogue of the third part
-... What is it? Are they reborn? Lily muttered in surprise, sitting across from me. The sea was ahead. Again, just like the first time we met! The azure waves were silvery somewhere in the distance, and the sunset was still smoldering on the horizon. How beautiful it was! - Looks like it does. Otherwise, they would not have played a wedding!-Yes. And so began the second life of our Sarro!- Remember how he generally treated this event. You and Becca...- Yes, since then he has changed a lot! - looking into the expanses of burning waves, I answered.- And the moon could not be reborn, because ...-That was a mistake of nature! Strange as it sounds... She's neither an elf nor a vampire. You know.-Yes… The pink mountains blazed in golden light. The forests rustled with dense juniper foliage. The last cicadas were singing, the air was warm and clean as ever. Everything seemed to bloom, shone and sparkled in anticipation of our meeting! Long hair carpeted the little mound on w
One life of Sarro la Cassa Prologue
I'm walking between the gray streets,Past the blue houses,The timid moon bunnies,Coming out of the clouds.Fascinated by the star hazeAnd I am offended by life.Spreading scarlet wings,I will emerge from oblivion! My mood changed faster than the clouds noisily driven by the cold snowy wind. How tired of everything when they said all sorts of nonsense! “Well, if you don’t like it, don’t read it! Why just piss me off?!“ Yes, we are talking about my novel. Readers' opinions are so opposite that I confess I don't know who to believe. Of course, I myself understand that this is how it always happens, but still ... And the character is to blame for everything! After one bad review, I do not believe the top ten who liked it. Strange, you say, but I will answer in my own way: I am a vampire, and therefore I perceive everything differently from you. Right now, I can't figure out what I'm thinking. Like about one book, and at the same time the imagination is already drawing anoth
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Lily was out and it was starting to slowly kill me. So what's slow? Terrible and unbearable! Loneliness brought me pain and coldness, and this, as a rule, drives people crazy. As I see it, vampires have also been affected. The evening was coming to an end, and the first stars were already beginning to twinkle in the blue-black sky. My face again began to resemble a white sheet and was terribly tortured. But, despite all these metamorphoses, the realization of their uselessness was the worst thing in the world. I was sitting with my legs crossed on a fluffy blanket, the very one that this mischievous vampire had once thrown at me, who had also disappeared somewhere. “She took him with her, which means he really is dearer to her ... - I understood, squeezing my elbows with force and digging my nails into the thin white skin. Suddenly, something warm touched my back and began to desperately stroke it all the way to the neck. I froze, unable to turn around and look into the face
Explosive feelings 2
The heat of the blizzard is blowingAnd warms the souls of the two of us,Alas, sometimes it's coldLike a beast, cold and invisible. Sarro's joy knew no end! As much blood as he managed to steal yesterday, he had not drunk for a very long time! The vampire was even scared to imagine how much. He was no longer worried about anything: neither the fact that he wanted to arrange a magnificent feast, nor what was happening in the house - nothing. He did not answer Chiurelli's questions, was rude and closed himself again, reveling in the mysterious delight. He heard the screams of Nyashik and Erdeli coming from behind the door - they said that one of them was burned and again needed bloody treatment. “He wants to take away from me everything that I got with such hard and painstaking work! Definitely deserves it! You see, he appeared without a name and a past, such a handsome man, and now he imagines himself in charge? Let this not happen! Never…” - his arrogant inner voice took preced
Explosive feelings
He was on the edge and brokeAnd all the pain subsided from the soul,And a new friend in the house appeared,Souls of his revealing the password. The silence of the night was cut by notes of a terribly unpleasant sound. They cut on the ears and drove insane those who, like me, tried to enjoy this silence. At first I did not know what it was, I even tried to guess, but the truth was so simple that it was worth going to her call, she opened without anyone's help. When I slipped out of Lee's bedroom and was already level with the door leading to Erdeli's room, I froze, not really expecting this! “This rascal also knows how to snore! Well, Lily definitely messed something up! You will not find such a vampire in the world anywhere else!” How long I looked at them and listened to this, to be honest, disgusting sound - I don’t know, only a certain feeling that has been tormenting me for more than a day, deprived me of any desire to do something, made me think over every ste
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-Enough! came from behind me. Nyashik! What are you on time for? Came to the smell of torn feathers? And thanks a lot for that...-Let's get out of here! And don't get too close! Take a look and realize that she is alone, and you have many more defenders!“But this…” there were no other words except for “stupid”.It's her job to offend! Do you see how he rejoices when he enters into an argument?-Yes…- Shut up! It's pointless for her to say anything! Angry and ready to kill, I was forced to admit that this little vampire is my friend, and he does not want evil.- But managed to spoil the mood!She needed that! I sighed and, grabbing a few chocolates from the nearest table, bared my teeth behind the proud girl.-Let's go ... or else I ... A hand grabbed my elbow tightly. I turned around.-You!... One of those who are not indifferent to my fate.Thank you... but the meeting is over for today. I could not speak, the anger was so strong in my throat that I was afrai
I wanted to find her so passionatelyAnd he was ready for everything.Didn't see the beautiful world aroundAnd I only thought about love. There is no limit to my joy! Today this prankster slept all night! ... Yes, some vampires can do this, but neither I nor Sarro are one of those, I generally think that such are an order of magnitude lower. How wonderful it was to watch how this Nyashik, as he deigned to call himself, fervently clattered his teeth and muttered something. “Probably, I bit someone in a dream,” I thought, longingly realizing all the frailty of such a life, “How long does it take ... how many things could be done ...” - but even having the opportunity to do it, today I’m so tired , which was nothing at all. He sat, looking at the sleeping people, and quietly looked at the stars shining so brightly outside the window. He was cleaning his feathers, trying to find and feel what Lee was so attracted to and, probably, found - this is warmth. Feeling the movement
Didn't accept my loveAnd quickly created itAnd she replaced her own mother,But she couldn't compare! The newly appeared stranger delivered a lot of trouble! And that pissed Lee off terribly. So cute in appearance, at first he really was like that. He sat and rubbed against his palm, like a cat, twittering something in an incomprehensible language and meowing as if. But his true nature was not long in coming! If something was not according to his desire, Nyashik spread his little wings, began to run around the room, destroying everything he saw. And then he completely took up vampire affairs: he bared his fangs at every opportunity favorable to him. He did not let up for a minute, forcing him to sit and entertain him, but he did what he liked. So during that night, about three vases, several figurines and the already mentioned plate were broken, the Christmas tree was almost turned over twice and several of its balls were bitten. And this despite the fact that Lee ran after
He got such a life!And home, and happiness, and love,And before my eyes only my ownAnd warm blood flows!She alone deserves to liveShe alone does not betrayNothing can be closerWhat a new day brings you! Something definitely happened to me today! Such a wonderful mood flooded, and most importantly, I don’t know why. Before my eyes endlessly repeated yesterday evening. Its sweet tangerine scent and Lee's joyful words. I remember the warmth of her hands on my feathers, and what I can’t understand in any way is that it didn’t anger me at all. And after all before, yes quite recently! how annoying is that... The starry sky, at which we looked together with loving eyes, did not seem black at all to me, just like the cold that disappeared in an unknown direction. "Crap! My head is still spinning! There are some sparks ahead! What is happening to me?...” - I tried to find an answer all morning, but I couldn’t ... Yesterday evening stubbornly continued to spin in my mind. Me a
I'm walking between the gray streets,Past the blue houses,The timid moon bunnies,Coming out of the clouds.Fascinated by the star hazeAnd I am offended by life.Spreading scarlet wings,I will emerge from oblivion! My mood changed faster than the clouds noisily driven by the cold snowy wind. How tired of everything when they said all sorts of nonsense! “Well, if you don’t like it, don’t read it! Why just piss me off?!“ Yes, we are talking about my novel. Readers' opinions are so opposite that I confess I don't know who to believe. Of course, I myself understand that this is how it always happens, but still ... And the character is to blame for everything! After one bad review, I do not believe the top ten who liked it. Strange, you say, but I will answer in my own way: I am a vampire, and therefore I perceive everything differently from you. Right now, I can't figure out what I'm thinking. Like about one book, and at the same time the imagination is already drawing anoth
Epilogue of the third part
-... What is it? Are they reborn? Lily muttered in surprise, sitting across from me. The sea was ahead. Again, just like the first time we met! The azure waves were silvery somewhere in the distance, and the sunset was still smoldering on the horizon. How beautiful it was! - Looks like it does. Otherwise, they would not have played a wedding!-Yes. And so began the second life of our Sarro!- Remember how he generally treated this event. You and Becca...- Yes, since then he has changed a lot! - looking into the expanses of burning waves, I answered.- And the moon could not be reborn, because ...-That was a mistake of nature! Strange as it sounds... She's neither an elf nor a vampire. You know.-Yes… The pink mountains blazed in golden light. The forests rustled with dense juniper foliage. The last cicadas were singing, the air was warm and clean as ever. Everything seemed to bloom, shone and sparkled in anticipation of our meeting! Long hair carpeted the little mound on w