Chapter Thirteen: Testing Themselves To The Limit

Artemus quickly took a shower and got dressed. He didn't have the time to eat or drink something warm, so he just decided to have a late breakfast at the University Cafeteria.

While he is cycling his way towards the campus, he suddenly remembers that his first class is Physical Education. He can still has to make a quick stop at the Boys' Locker Room to change into gym clothes.

Once he arrives at the University, he parked his bike at the designated spot and quickly went to the Boys' Locker Room to get ready for his Physical Education class. Afterwards, he quickly ran towards the school gymnasium as if he is in the middle of a marathon.

And once he reached the gymnasium, his classmates are already doing their warm-up exercises. He heaved a sigh of relief when he realized that their Physical Education Instructor isn't at the gym yet. And it means that he is not yet late, technically.

Once Mr. McDowell enters the gymnasium, he started the class rightaway. He asked the students to gather around and stand in front of him.

"Good morning, everyone!" Mr. McDowell greeted all of the students.

"Good morning, Mr. McDowell!" all the students said in unison.

"We will be doing a 4x100 baton relay today. You have to reach the goal at a given time, and our time goal this time is for 51 seconds..." Mr. McDowell finally made his announcement.

All of the students groaned in frustration once they heard Mr. McDowell's announcement.

"Well, I can see your enthusiasm there. But you have to remember, your grades are at stake here so please, do your utmost best. You can choose your teammates now, and there should be four members in each team." Mr. McDowell further explains.

And before Artemus could start looking for his own teammates, one familiar guy suddenly approaches him.

"Hi, Artemus. Can I form a team with you?' it was none other than Kai, who was smiling at him.

"Oh well, I don't have  choice, do I?" Artemus thought to himself.

But he has to make sure that he should be very careful with his words and actions whenever Kai is around.

"Sure. But we still need two members." Artemus nodded in agreement.

"Of course. I actually got two more members." Kai stated, while glancing at his back.

Sure enough, there was a guy and a woman behind Kai. Artemus knows Jennifer and Nick as they sometimes share a class together.

"Oh, welcome to the team, Nick and Jennifer." Artemus greeted them.

"Thanks for inviting us to the team, Kai." Nick smilingly stated.

"We'll do our best!" Jennifer smilingly added.

"Now that we finally have four members in our team, we need to have a good communication with each other. This is not an individual test, but this is a group effort, okay?" Kai spoke again, in a confident manner.

"Got it!" Nick nodded in agreement.

"Yes, captain!" Jennifer beamed at Kai.

"Crystal clear." Artemus was the last one to speak.

"---Okay, everyone! I'll give you twenty minutes to do warm-ups with your team members. You also have to think of your own strategy to win. Afterwards, we'll start the baton relay, alright?" Mr. McDowell reminded them again.

"What are we going to do now, leader?" Artemus suddenly asked Kai.

"Yeah, we will follow whatever plans you have." Jennifer nodded in approval.

"We are willing to listen and follow you." Nick spoke as well.

"Thank you for trusting me, guys. Anyway, Nick and Jennifer should pair up with each other to do series of warm up exercises. Artemus and I will do our own warm ups." Kai casually instructed them.

"Yes, leader!" Jennifer enthusiastically replied, while giving a salute towards Kai's direction.

As Nick and Jennifer started doing their own thing, Kai started talking again.

"So, shall we start with our own warm-ups, Artemus?" Kai called for Artemus' attention.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I can do it all by myself." Artemus formally responded.

"Well, I'm the leader of this team, Artemus. Whether you like it or not, you have to follow me." Kai responded, in a matter of factly tone.

Artemus just shook his head, but he didn't say anything else.

"Alright then, let's start by doing stretches. Please follow me." Kai started giving him instructions.

Artemus didn't have any choice but to follow their "leader."


After twenty minutes of doing warm up exercises, Mr. McDowell suddenly calls for their attention again.

"Okay, people! Gather up!" their PE instructor announced.

Kai, Artemus, Nick and Jennifer started gathering as a team, as they listened intently to their instructor.

"Alright, here is what we're going to do. Each team has four members. The team leader will choose who is going to be the first runner, second runner, third runner and the fourth runner. You will pass the baton to each of your members. Our goal for today is 51 seconds. If you were abke to reach the goal in a given time, you'll expect good grades on my subject. But if not, I will mark your group as "failed," is that clear, everyone?' Mr. McDowell further explains.

"Yes, sir!" all of the students enthusiastically responded.

After the last-minute announcement, all of the students went to their respective teams. Each of the group did their own strategy meeting.

"Okay guys, here's the plan. Our first runner will be Nick. Then, our second runner will be Jennifer. You're the third runner, Artemus, and I'll be the last one. Now remember, you don't have to be pressured and stressed. Just give it your best shot, and run with all your might." Kai encouraged all of his team members.

And his Pep Talk seems to be effective because Artemus, Jennifer and NIck looks more confident than before.

"The first team for the 4x100 Baton relay is Kai's team. Please go to your respective positions and get ready!" Mr. McDowell calls for the first team to run.

Kai, Artemus, Jennifer and Nick went to their own positions, and once they are all ready, Mr. McDowell fires a blank pistol, and the baton relay officially started.

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