Phillip's eyes remained fixed on the stranger as the seconds stretched into a tense silence. The stranger’s smile was unsettling, a blend of confidence and cunning that spoke of someone who knew more than they should. Phillip’s instincts screamed caution, but his curiosity wouldn’t let him turn away. He knew that in this deadly chess game with Andrew Lane, even the smallest advantage could shift the balance.

"My name is Leonard," the stranger finally said, his voice smooth and controlled. "I used to work for Andrew Lane, but our... business relationship has soured recently. I have information that could be pivotal in your struggle against him. But first, let's discuss what this information is worth to you."

Phillip's jaw tightened as he studied Leonard. He had seen men like this before—opportunists who played both sides, willing to sell their loyalty to the highest bidder. But Phillip also knew that sometimes, in desperate situations, you had to work with the devil you knew.

"That dep
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