The dim warehouse echoed with Phillip's footsteps as he paced in front of Jessica. Frustration boiled under his skin, the tension of Clara’s kidnapping like a vise on his chest. He had been preparing for Andrew’s moves, but the game had just taken a turn that he didn’t anticipate. And now, more than ever, every second mattered.

"Do we have any leads?" Phillip asked, voice tight as he ran a hand through his hair. His eyes met Jessica's, searching for any hint of hope.

"Nothing concrete yet," Jessica replied, her own expression mirroring his frustration. "I’ve got Greene and the others following up on potential hideouts linked to Andrew. But he’s careful, Phillip. He won’t leave her anywhere obvious."

Phillip clenched his jaw, trying to suppress the surge of anger and helplessness. Clara was too valuable to lose, not just to their operation but also as a friend who’d put her trust in him when she joined the fight against Andrew Lane. He couldn't afford to let his emotions cloud his judg
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