Jessica woke up the next morning feeling drained. The weight of her father’s words hung heavy on her shoulders, and the tension between her loyalty to him and her growing feelings for Philip was starting to take its toll. She knew she had to go back to Aton Empire, but every step felt like she was walking into a trap—one that she couldn’t escape.

As she dressed for the day, her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. Andrew’s reminder that he was always watching played on repeat in her head, making her second-guess every move. She knew she had to keep her guard up, but the idea of betraying Philip—of using him—felt increasingly wrong.

When she arrived at Aton Empire, the atmosphere was noticeably tense. The news of Barry Aton’s death had spread, and the employees were on edge, uncertain of the company’s future. Jessica felt their eyes on her as she made her way through the building, whispers following her down the halls. She kept her head high, though inside she was struggling to maintain h
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