Philip's heart raced as he answered the phone. Clara’s voice was calm, but he could sense the urgency behind her words. "Philip, I found something. We need to meet."

"Where?" Philip asked, already grabbing his coat.

"There's a café on 5th Avenue. I'll be there in twenty minutes."

Philip agreed and hung up, his mind spinning with possibilities. He rushed out of the mansion, telling Barry he had an important meeting. Barry nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

The drive to the café seemed to take forever, but finally, Philip arrived. Clara was already there, seated at a corner table. She looked up as he approached, her expression serious.

"Thank you for meeting me," Clara said as Philip sat down. "I found some information about your parents’ accident."

Philip leaned forward, eager to hear what she had discovered. "What did you find?"

Clara took a deep breath. "I spoke to a few people who were around at the time. There were rumors that the accident wasn’t an accident at all. Some believe it was deliberate—someone wanted your parents dead."

Philip felt a chill run down his spine. "Do we know who?"

Clara shook her head. "Not yet. But there’s more. I also looked into the shooting of your foster mother. The circumstances are quite similar. It seems like someone has been targeting your family for a long time."

Philip’s mind raced, trying to connect the dots. "But why? What’s the motive?"

Clara hesitated. "I think it has something to do with your family’s business. The Aton Empire is powerful and influential. There are people who would do anything to gain control."

Philip nodded, understanding the implications. "So, someone within the company might be behind this."

"It’s possible," Clara agreed. "We need to be very careful. Whoever is behind this is dangerous."

Philip sat back, processing the information. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together, but there were still many questions left unanswered.

"I need to talk to Barry about this," Philip said. "He might know more."

Clara nodded. "Be careful, Philip. Trust no one."

They parted ways, and Philip headed back to the mansion, his mind buzzing with everything Clara had told him. When he arrived, Barry was waiting for him in the study.

"What did Clara say?" Barry asked as soon as Philip walked in.

Philip recounted the conversation, watching Barry’s expression grow more serious with each detail.

"This confirms my suspicions," Barry said with a disgusting look on his face. "We have a mole in the company. Someone who’s been working against us from the inside."

Philip felt a surge of determination. "We need to find out who it is and stop them."

Barry nodded. "Agreed. But we need to be smart about this. If we make a wrong move, it could cost us everything."

They spent the next few hours devising a plan. They would review all communications, monitor suspicious activities, and discreetly question key employees. Barry also decided to bring in an external security firm to assist with the investigation.

As the night came on, Philip couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched. The mansion, usually a place of comfort, now felt like a fortress under siege.

The next morning, Philip woke up early, determined to start the investigation immediately. He and Barry met with the security team, briefing them on the situation. The team, led by a man named Carter, seemed competent and discreet.

"We’ll start by reviewing the most recent communications and looking for any anomalies," Carter explained. "We’ll also set up surveillance to monitor any suspicious activities."

Philip and Barry agreed, feeling a bit more at ease knowing that professionals were handling the situation. But Philip knew that they couldn’t rely solely on the security team. He needed to be proactive.

He decided to confront Jessica again, this time more directly. He found her in the garden, seemingly lost in thought.

"Jessica," Philip said, his tone firm.

She turned to face him, her expression guarded. "What do you want now, Philip?"

"I know you’re involved in this," Philip said, not mincing words. "I know you have connections that could help uncover the truth about what’s been happening."

Jessica’s eyes narrowed. "You’re accusing me of something serious, Philip. Be careful."

"I’m not accusing," Philip replied. "I’m asking for your help. If you have any information, anything at all, I need to know."

For a moment, Jessica seemed to consider his words. Then she sighed. "Fine. I do have some information. But it’s going to cost you."

Philip frowned. "Cost me? What do you want?"

Jessica’s eyes gleamed with a hint of malice. "I want power. I want a seat at the table, a role in the company."

Philip hesitated. "I can’t promise that. But if you help me, I’ll make sure you’re not left out."

Jessica smirked. "Alright. I’ll tell you what I know."

She leaned in, lowering her voice. "There’s a man named Victor Greene. He’s been pulling the strings behind the scenes. He has a lot of influence and connections. He’s the one you need to worry about."

Philip felt a mix of relief and dread. He had a name, a target. But Victor Greene was known to be ruthless.

"Thank you," Philip said, his voice sincere.

Jessica nodded. "Just remember our deal."

As Philip walked away, his mind raced with this new information. Victor Greene was a formidable enemy, and taking him down wouldn’t be easy. But Philip was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

Just as he reached the mansion’s entrance, his phone buzzed with a text from Clara. It was a single sentence that sent a chill down his spine:

"I’ve found something big. We need to talk. Urgently."

Philip knew that whatever Clara had discovered, it could change everything.

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