The car sped so much that it was like a light, that was what Philip commanded his drivers to do, what ran through his mind was to find who were responsible for his mother being shot.

When he arrived at the Aton empire Barry Aton was at work.

“Where is papa?”he asked the head chef

“Boss is at the office,” the head chef replied.

“Make me a cup of hot chocolate” Philip demanded as he paced around the room, he was so angry he wished he had known his grandfather before now he wouldn't have gone through what he went through in the hands of Jessica.

He wanted revenge, as he paced around and the chef brought the hot chocolate. “This is the chocolate sir” the head chef said as he saw the fury on Philip’s face.

“Cool, you can now leave, tell the drivers to wash up the vehicles and set my bathing water. I want to have a long bathe”. He commanded the chef to spread the duties accordingly.

When everything was set Philip got into the bath, poured himself some liquor, listened to classical music that was soothing to his soul, he needed that, he needed to be at ease and make the necessary plan.

As he lay in the bathtub he slept a few hours when he woke up, Barry Aton was looking at him in constant stare.

“Oh you are up” Barry Aton said as he laughed.

“Good day papa” Philip said as he was shy.

“Strong men are not weak to be seen in this vulnerable state” Barry Aton said to him.

“How do you mean vulnerable”

“I clearly got in here and you were fast asleep inside your bathing water, who does that?”Barry Aton said as he grumply stood up to go add more whiskey to his cup.

“Lesson no one to be tough and win your battles don't look vulnerable”Barry Aton added.

“Thank you papa, now I think I need space to change, can you give me that?”.

“Okay boy, I will be downstairs waiting for you at the dinner table”.

Philip understood what he just told him, and he wished his grandfather had been in his life right from when he was young, maybe he wouldn't have fallen for Jessica.

After he was done wiping his body he wore his rob and headed downstairs for dinner.

AT the dinner table was all assorted types of food Philip had never eaten he was overwhelmed not knowing where to start for he was famished.

AT the dinner table when the meal. It was silent everywhere. “I have resigned from the Aton empire today”Barry Aton broke the silence.

The silence went round in the room. “Why?” Philip asked.

“I have found my successor,”Barry said.

“Who is that?”Philip asked.

There was a hint of silence on Barry's face and also disappointment for he expected Philip to know he was the one to take over. “Of course it is you silly,”Barry said as he nodded his head smiling. “Again you need to be smart and proactive and also anticipate, you will need that so much”.

“I am setting up a party meeting tomorrow to announce my new CEO and there will be a formal introduction of you to everyone. No one actually knows who is my successor yet, so keep it a secret,”Barry Aton said.

Philip went to bed, he couldn't sleep, he pondered how his life just turned around in a few days, from going to prison to now the new CEO of a powerful and respected company.

The next day he looked so tired as he woke up late and went to meet his grandpa. He was not available. Philip dressed up as he was about to go. He was welcomed by the guards from the orders of Barry Aton not to leave the building due to security issues.

Late in the evening, Barry Aton gave him a call to come by dressed in suit to the Office where the party would be hosted.


As Philip stepped out of the car, a wave of anxiety washed over him. The crowd, much larger than he had anticipated, danger ahead, and a crushing sense of imposter syndrome began to creep in. He felt as if he didn't deserve this attention, this acknowledgment and mantle that was about to fall on him.

With his head down, he walked quietly, deliberately avoiding eye contact. His heart pounded as he maneuvered through the mob of people. Then he saw his ex—Jessica, a vision in a sleek dress, effortlessly taking pictures and sipping wine. The sight of her made his anxiety spike, his hands starting to shake.

"Philip, what a pleasant surprise," Jessica said, her smile curling with the venomous charm of a serpent.

"You’re serving here?" she continued, her tone dripping with condescension. "From your suit, you don’t look like you’re serving here. Where did you get that suit from? Stole it?"

Philip stood frozen, unable to form a response. The humiliation clawed at him, tightening his throat.

"Say something, boy. Or are you still heartbroken because of my marriage to Mr. Strong? He’s a better man than you, and very good in bed. Twice the man you are," she added, her words cutting deep.

The weight of her words rendered him speechless. He felt as if he might crumble, the anxiety pushing him to the brink of breaking. A woman from across the room noticed his distress and stepped in, pretending to be his date.

"Hi, baby," she said, slipping her arm around his and pulling him close.

Jessica’s expression soured as she turned and stormed off to find her husband, Mr. Strong.

"Thank you for that," Philip said, his voice barely a whisper.

"Who is she to you?" the woman asked.

"An old flame," Philip replied, trying to steady his breathing.

"So, what’s your name?" she asked, her eyes warm and understanding.

"Philip," he answered.

"Nice name. Mine is Clara Lewis," she said with a smile. "So, what are you doing here? Do you work here?"

"Not yet," Philip said, managing a small smile.

"What about you?" he asked.

"I’m a detective," Clara replied.

The word "detective" struck a chord within Philip. He remembered that he needed someone to investigate the mysterious circumstances surrounding his parents’ deaths and the shooting of his foster mother.

Deep in thought, he was startled when Clara interrupted. "Be a gentleman and take me inside," she said, extending her arm. Philip took it gratefully.

Together, they walked in with grace and poise, pausing to take a few pictures before finding their seats. Soon, refreshments were served—an exquisite array of delicacies that Philip barely noticed, his mind still reeling.

The room buzzed with anticipation as Barry Aton, the formidable head of the Aton Empire, took the stage. "It is time for the main event: the announcement of the new CEO of Aton Empire," he proclaimed.

Jessica, her father, and Mr. Strong sat nearby, their eyes fixed on Barry. They were eager to meet the new CEO, hoping to form an alliance to infiltrate the Aton Empire further.

Barry continued, "I have decided to retire. Under my leadership, the Aton Empire has seen enormous success, and now I wish to pass the mantle to someone I believe is better suited to lead us into the future."

The board of directors and everyone else in the room were on edge, eagerly awaiting the announcement. An envelope was brought to Barry, and he opened it with deliberate care.

"Frank Aton, my son!" Barry announced.

A collective gasp echoed through the room. The general belief was that Barry had lost his daughter and had no son. Where did this son come from?

To everyone’s astonishment, Philip Scott stood up and walked towards the stage. Barry greeted him with open arms.

"This is my son, my grandson," Barry declared. "All this time, I thought my bloodline had ended, but life has proven me wrong by bringing my son back to me."

Barry embraced Philip—now known as Frank Aton—tightly. The room was abuzz with whispers and shock.

From across the room, Jessica's face twisted in disbelief. "Oh dear, we are screwed," she muttered, realizing the gravity of the revelation.

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