Chapter 2

A young man struggles to rise from his current position lying on the street. A few minutes ago, a luxury car hit him as he was about to cross the road. Since the situation was quite deserted, the car didn't stop at all, not even to apologize.

Nonetheless, the young man still managed to see and remember the type of car and the license plate number of the vehicle that hit him. It was a red Lamborghini Veneno Roadster.

The young man groaned with his fists clenched on the street, attempting to lift himself back up. The blood on his temple was making him increasingly lose consciousness, until he eventually passed out.


"Your husband is truly troublesome, Laura! Why do you still want to stay with him?!"

A familiarly annoying voice could be faintly heard. Although he couldn't open his eyes yet, he could clearly hear what was being said.

"Oh, come on, Mom! If it wasn't for him saving me back then, I wouldn't have married him!"

"Why did you have to make that vow back then? Everything is chaotic because of your vow. I have to bear the shame of having a poor son-in-law!"

Adam Davis continued to listen to the conversation between his wife and mother-in-law. Why was what he knew and heard so different this time? All this time, the Smith family had always pressured him by saying he owed them for saving his life. But why did Laura say something else?

Had they been deceiving him all this time, making him feel indebted? It was outrageous! Adam was still processing all the new information he had just learned.

During his time as a son-in-law in the Smith family, insults from his mother-in-law had been like a daily occurrence. It wasn't just his mother-in-law who disliked him, but nearly every member of the Smith family. Even his wife had never been kind to him. There was always a cruel expression and authoritarian attitude when she treated her husband.

Adam, who felt like he was just a guest in that house, could only stay silent when he was treated as nothing more than a servant in that house. All because they continued to say they had saved Adam's life from an accident. If the truth was the opposite, how cunning their behavior had been all this time.

Two years ago, he woke up with no memory. And when he first opened his eyes, the first face he saw was Laura's, who eventually became his wife.

Initially, Laura and her parents were still friendly because at the time of the accident, Adam was wearing an expensive suit. They thought the man was wealthy. However, when Adam lost his memory and no wallet or phone was found on him to explain his identity, their attitude changed drastically.

No one searched for him during his days in the hospital. The Smith family then concluded that the man was just a poor thief stealing clothes from the wealthy.

Adam clenched his hands as he felt a pang in his head. His entire body suddenly tensed as he suppressed the pain spreading throughout his body. He couldn't even hear the conversation between his wife and mother-in-law anymore. Many memories were swirling in his head. Adam groaned as he struggled to bear the pain.

"Mom! What's happening to Adam? Why is his body suddenly stiff?" Laura panicked as she saw Adam writhing in pain.

"Huh! Good! Let him die! Don't bother about him!" Margaret seemed indifferent. If her poor son-in-law died, she could arrange for her daughter to marry the son of the Lloyd family, one of the conglomerates in Brighton.

"Mom!" Despite resenting Adam for losing his memory and being poor, Laura still couldn't bear to see her husband in pain. After all, Adam had once saved her from death.

At that moment, Margaret grunted in irritation. She glared at Adam with disdain before saying, "Mommy will call the doctor."

Shortly after, Margaret entered with a doctor and several nurses. The nurse asked them to leave so the doctor could focus on the examination.

Laura paced anxiously in front of the room, hoping nothing bad would happen to her husband. Margaret, watching her, felt displeased.

"Why are you so worried about your poor husband! Isn't it better if he just dies!"

"Nevertheless, Adam once saved my life, Mom."

"For two years, we have provided for him. Isn't that enough to repay him!" The hatred towards Adam was uncontrollable. There was nothing to be proud of about her male in-law except for his handsome face.

Laura remained silent. It was exhausting for her to argue with her mother. Nevertheless, Margaret, who was still not satisfied with insulting her son-in-law, continued to spew hateful words.

Her mouth fell silent as the door opened, and the doctor came out. Laura rushed to the doctor in a panic. She felt relieved when the doctor said her husband was not in bad condition and had been given a sedative.


"How are you feeling?" Adam looked towards his wife as she entered the room. Behind her was his mother-in-law, who always wore a sour expression when she looked at him.

"No need to ask!" Margaret replied. "You can see for yourself that he's awake. He must be fine! Don't stay too long in the hospital! Our money will run out if we keep supporting you!" she added as she sat on the sofa on the right side of the bed.

Laura sighed deeply as she arranged the fruits she brought on the nightstand. Though not as bad as her mother, Laura never defended Adam. The woman mostly remained silent when Margaret ranted.

Adam's hands clenched tightly upon hearing the hurtful words from his mother-in-law. If the Smith family knew who he really was, they wouldn't dare to speak to him like that again.

Adam had just regained his memory before becoming the son-in-law of the Smith family. The family truly didn't know how to repay kindness. Adam had saved their daughter from an accident, only to lose his memory and luxurious life. Yet, they treated Adam like trash.

"Not Adam Davis. My name is Sean William Anderson. Owner of the Anderson Group. How dare you treat me so poorly.”

Anderson Group is the largest software company in England. His face had been kept hidden from the media at his own request because he valued his privacy.

Adam Davis was a name given by Lucius Smith—Laura's father—when they were about to get married because he couldn't marry his daughter to a nameless man.

"I'm fine!" Feeling calm, Adam turned his face and stared at the ceiling. However, before he returned to his past life, he still had to be the son-in-law of the Smith family. He also had to settle his relationship with that family to avoid future disruptions.

"Don't stay too long in the hospital! You might bankrupt us!" Adam sighed deeply. He knew the Smith family wouldn't go broke just by paying his hospital bills.

Not wanting to burden the hospital costs for too long, Adam finally returned home after spending the night in the hospital. Although the doctor objected, Margaret threatened Adam to force the doctor to allow him to go home.

Laura led Adam to their room. Occasionally, she glanced at her husband because she felt something was different about Adam's demeanor. He was quieter than usual. Adam rarely spoke, but he used to smile at Laura even though she was always cold towards him. However, since the hospital, Adam didn't even want to look at Laura.

"Get me a drink, Laura!" Laura was startled by Adam's command. It was the first time Adam had given her an order. Laura wanted to get angry, but Adam's current aura was truly different. He... was no longer the Adam she knew.

"Who is the drink for?" Margaret asked as she accidentally crossed paths with Laura.

"This drink is for Adam, Mom."

"What! How dare Adam tell you what to do, Laura!" Margaret seemed displeased upon realizing her useless son-in-law dared to command Laura. "Mommy can't allow that." Margaret was about to turn, but Laura held her arm.

"Let it go, Mom. Adam is unwell. Don't make it worse."

Margaret frowned; there was something wrong with her daughter. "Did Adam do something bad to you?" accused Margaret, who was about to get angry if that were the case.

Laura shook her head. "No. I just felt like doing it."

Laura passed her confused mother, who was still looking at her. Margaret was convinced Adam had done something to Laura.

Adam turned as Laura entered with a glass of water in her hand. His face still looked cold, with eyes ignoring Laura's presence. And for the first time, Laura felt afraid that he would leave her.

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