To be happy, you must be your own sunshine
-C. E. Jerningham
The ventilation tube fills with my screams of horror. Ivan holds the zombie's head with his free hand and twists it until the zombie dies. He pushes the zombie away and looks at me, who's still startled and shivering in fear.
He looks at the deep bite mark on his hand and looks at me. I can see through his eyes that he's struggling to think of something. I don't know what.
"Ivan..." I mutter his name and take his injured arm close to examine it.
His hand holds mine, and I can feel it has turned cold due to the instant blood loss. I quickly open my side bag, where I've arranged some first aid. Then I pull out some wrapping bands from it.
"It'll hurt, okay?" I quickly wrap his arm tightly so that he won't spill more blood.
"You are aware that I will soon be infected, right?" he asks.
For some reason, my vision gets blurred with tears. Why did this stranger have to take the zombie attack instead of me? The zombie was about to bite me, but he took my place, and now he'll become one soon.
"I will bite you afterwards." he reminds me.
"I am not going to leave you."
Ivan's free hand flicks my forehead. He leans against the ventilation tube's wall and laughs.
"You are so naive, Andrea. I am glad you didn't join the special forces. You can't have your feelings in the way of your life. You should get out of here." he says.
"Why do you sound so calm?! This is serious! If you turn into one and- and bite the rest of us... there won't be anyone to find the cure!" I exclaim.
Ivan's uninjured hand comes to hold my right cheek, and it takes me by surprise.
"I can't blame you for being clueless." he shakes his head, withdrawing his hand. "I won't get infected."
"What do you mean?! It bit you!"
"Look here." Ivan unbuttons his shirt, making the atmosphere inside the tube even warmer. I look aside for a brief second before looking at his chest again. He moves his shirt to reveal some wounds on his chest. They look like scratch marks. "And here." he pulls his shirt so his shoulder is revealed where there's a... bite mark.
"What is this..."
"I was bitten and scratched by zombies once. Once when I went out to get supplies. So I spent the night in the supermarket waiting to get infected without going back to the hideout so my friends will be safe. For some reason, I didn't shift into a zombie. And afterwards, I found out zombies simply ignore me. It's like I am one of them when I am actually not."
"Oh, god. How is that possible?" I ask.
"I don't know. I have no idea till today." he sighs. "However. No one knows this. Not even one of them. So I would appreciate it if you would keep it a secret. I didn't want you to find out, either. I don't even know you."
"Oh, come on. You just saved my life. You are my benefactor now."
"Yeah... I guess. Let's keep on moving."
We go forward after he buttons up his shirt, passing the dead zombie, and we come across another ventilation window. We look through the window and notice it's the ventilation window of a washroom, a men's washroom, to be specific, as we can see the urinals. There isn't anyone in there.
Ivan holds his baseball bat and crashes the window open.
"I'll go back. You stay here till I get the others," he says to me.
So I stay by the window, waiting and watching the washroom, suspecting there might be an infected person in there. But I hear no growling sounds. The others join me after a few minutes. I get down from the window first, landing on the ground and losing my balance.
Ivan picks me up as soon as he gets down.
Ugh... I don't know how many times he's going to save me like this. I don't like to owe anyone.
Once we all are down, we look around. Everyone seems to have the same idea because Sasha and I lock ourselves in two bathroom stalls while the boys line up in three urinals. I come outside after I am done, only to hear the boys in a conversation.
"Let me see how big it is." I hear Henry's hushed voice.
"Shut up. Creep." Ivan cusses, sparing a glance at me.
Eric laughs aloud, realising what it is about. Henry turns red and starts explaining to Eric and me how once he saw Ivan naked and got cursed by seeing his moderately large manhood. Now he wants to confirm it again.
"Don't listen to him." Ivan groans before walking to the door of the washroom.
I stand behind him, shaking my head when I remember what Henry said. How big it might be- WHAT! I did NOT think that!
"I'll deal with the ones outside," Ivan says to me before walking out of the washroom. Now I know why he's fearless when it comes to zombies. Because he's one of them when he doesn't show any symptoms.
"What a dumbass. One time he might get killed for playing hero." Sasha says with a dissatisfied sigh.
"Well, he's good at it." I reason.
"Oh, don't you dare take his side! I am afraid he has lost interest in life." Henry replies.
I stay silent, glad to know that it isn't true. They don't know who Ivan really is. He's low-key infected but doesn't show any symptoms. I don't even know why I am not scared of him.
"What happened with that zombie inside the ventilation tube?" Henry asks about the zombie that attacked me in the ventilation tube.
"Oh... what did Ivan say?" I awkwardly ask.
"He said that it tried to attack, but he wrestled it and killed it."
"Yeah." I nod, looking away awkwardly, afraid they might see any difference in my face.
"It's all clear." Ivan opens the door for us to get out. I walk out while giving him a concerned look as he's painted with blood on his face. I take out a piece of cloth from my side bag and throw it at his face.
"Nice way to treat your benefactor." he sarcastically says to me.
"You complain too much."
Related Chapters
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Latest Chapter
33. Snowflakes
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31. Love Letters
Some cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go -Oscar Wilde ~.~ (A/N: the written letters are between the * marks) - *Mon Chéri, To answer your questions, my favourite beverage is coffee, although my stomach doesn't respond well to that. And my favourite song is Warriors by Imagine Dragons. It was in a series I watched. And no, I am not a diary person. I have never written in diaries. So. I am going to get released in two days. It's been seven months since the isolation period, and I am excited yet anxious to meet you. It's never been the same since the virus spread in Cargo, so it'll take me some time to get used to my life ahead. But thank you for writing to me every two days because without those letters I would've been so depressed. I never thought I would say this to someone. I never thought I would fall for someone after everything, either. I think I love you more than you can think. And my heart is beating fast as I am writing this letter to you. I can't
30. Mon Chéri
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29. Crossing The Boundaries
There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved-George Sand~.~Bailey takes out a syringe and stabs Eric's neck quickly. She injects the substance inside, but my heart feels so cold, thinking it may be too late. Just as she does that, my hands get pulled back, and a soldier cuffs me. I turn to him in confusion."What are you doing??" I ask."It's for the safety of others." the tall guy says before turning to the rest of the soldiers. "Cuff them and check their bodies. Take the infected man into a separate lab.""Wait!" I exclaim. "Can I meet your captain? His name is Luke Plowden. One of my friends. And stop handcuffing us! We are not infected!""Right." the rude man says before looking at Eric, who looks sane but in a trance. And the rude man's attention goes to Ivan, who has his arm bandaged. "Show us your arms."I become impatient. This guy is just too much!A soldier walks to Ivan and removes the bandages forcefully, then reveals his fresh marks on the arms."Were
28. A Sacrifice
“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.”-James Oppenheim~.~As Ivan drives in the other direction, the mindless zombies run after it. We take that as the green light to move. We quickly make our way through the streets toward the supermarket from before. We hide behind walls and sneak around the supermarket. As we come across the parking lot, we can see many zombies lurking among the vehicles."Damn it," Eric mutters."Let's wait for Ivan and proceed. We are almost there." Henry says, looking at the green meadow ahead of us, which is across the parking lot.So we hide and wait for Ivan behind the supermarket. It takes almost half an hour for Ivan to appear. He almost runs past us but stops when he sees us.He joins us and hides behind the supermarket as well."We'll have to make it through the parking lot," he says."Yeah. And there's a field afterwards. So surely, once we are out of the parking lot, the zombies will spot us. We only get a
27. Escaping The Hellhole
Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier -Mother Theresa ~.~ (The Day) Each one of us prepared a backpack for the short journey. I had mine filled with some samples we found in the laboratory, and Ivan has his one filled with those as well. Others have gadgets to lure the zombies away. And last but not least, Eric and I have the smoke signal guns safely tucked in our pockets. It's early in the morning, and we decided not to choose night because of the smoke signals. At night no one would notice the smoke signal at all. That makes it even more difficult as zombies see well during daylight. We put on our bags and leave for the vehicle. As we discussed last night, we are going to enter the deadliest part of the city, which has the most number of zombies than other areas. I can remember the last time I was there. It was swarming with zombies. Sasha made a sketch of the area and drew out a plan on how we could travel by vehicle for a mile or two and get
26. Missing Puzzle Piece
“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” -Abraham Lincoln ~.~ When night comes, everyone goes to sleep. I get up from the floor mattress and go to Ivan's room. I don't know why. But my feet take me there. I walk over to his bed and look at his peaceful sleeping face. "It's a bit creepy to watch someone sleep," he says without opening his eyes. "Tsk. And too creepy to pretend sleep." "I was actually sleeping. I am a light sleeper." "Damn. I can't imagine how you sleep." "What are you doing here? Missed me?" he asks. "Not really." "Says the guy who kissed me twice in my sleep-" I quickly cover his mouth with my hand. "Stop using that against me." I hiss. He holds my hand and pulls me toward him with a smirk. I fall on top of him, and when I try to get away, he puts his arm around my waist. "Why don't you sleep here tonight?" he suggests. "Really? Wouldn't it be awkward?" I ask. "I am going to sleep next to you once we escape this country anyway
25. The Bloody Fear
Life is full of happiness and tears; be strong and have faith.” -Kareena Kapoor Khan~.~We decided to leave our hideout in one week of time. So the packing starts before everything, and everyone seems to be excited about leaving already."I want Ivan! Where is Ivan??" Bailey yells across the hall in search of Ivan, who's currently making me a bowl of instant noodles."What do you want, nerd?" Ivan asks in a playful tone."I want your blood," Bailey says in a sinister way."Are you a vampire or something?" I ask, holding out the bowl so Ivan can put the noodles in. Once he does, he starts washing the pan he used to make the noodles.Ivan is my personal noodles maker."I am not." Bailey says. "I have to make the antidote, guys. I can do it quickly. In two days' time if I get Ivan's blood sample.""Ohh." Ivan and I say in unison.Ivan follows Bailey. I follow them while chewing on the noodles.Bailey makes Ivan sit on a chair, and she takes out a new syringe. I close my eyes when she d