Chapter 18

Dr. Edward was working on something in his lab and then his assistant scientist walked into the lab.

“Sir, the police are outside the building waiting to see you, it is concerning Dr. Colvert.” The assistant scientist said when he got to Dr. Edward.

“You know I said never to disturb me when I am working on something. But I guess I will let you off the hook for this one because it is very important.”

Dr. Edward started to remove his eye goggles, mask and gloves. And then his assistant said. “But I don’t understand sir, why are you so fixed on getting the chemical Dr. Colvert created. I thought it was unstable and dangerous.”

Dr. Edward finished with what he was doing and walked toward the exit of his lab, but before he left he said, “Walk with me.” He left the lab and his assistant rushed to him immediately.

Dr. Edward was considered the top scientist with so many achievements to back it up. He was also there the night that Dr. Colvert presented his chemical, he was one o
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