Author: King
Chapter 1

It was 9:34pm and Dr. Daniel Colvert just arrived at the building where he thought that he was going to change things forever. His driver stopped him in front of the building and Dr. Daniel slowly came out of the car. Dr. Daniel was tall with a beard, a fair skin and wore spectacle. He came with his lab coat and obviously you could tell that he was a scientist and a really good one at that.

Today was the day that almost all the great scientists gather in one building to discuss their discovery that could change the world and today Daniel got invited which he had been anticipating for a while. He was outside the car looking at the building while holding the car door open.

“Sir, how long will I be waiting for you?” His driver asked from inside the care.

“I won’t be long Simon, because once I show them what I have, they will have no choice but to stop everything that is to be done here today and I will make history,” Dr. Daniel said still looking at the building. “Well I will be going in now,” He put his two hands into the car and brought out a big briefcase and held it tightly. He closed the door and went into the building.

When he walked in, there was no one around him just a receptionist in front of him. It was a multi-story building so he expected the meeting to be going on in one of the top floors. He walked straight to the receptionist and when he got to her, before he could say anything the receptionist said, “You must be Dr. Daniel.”

“Yes that is me,” He replied.

“Alright then, just go to that elevator,” she pointed behind her. “Then go to the top floor, they will all be there.”

“Thank you,” He said as he left the receptionist and went over to the elevator. He entered the elevator and started to go up. He felt nervous and this was a new feeling for him, he had never felt nervous before. He was a very proud man because he was good at what he did and he knew that. But now the project he had been working for years was finally complete and he just needed the approval of the other scientists. It was his life’s work.

The elevator stopped and he finally reached the top floor, the elevator door opened and he stepped out. The room was dark and there were people around with lab coats like him, and at the far side of the room where the head scientists who were staying on a high table. He immediately knew that those where the people he had to impress.

The whole room was looking like an occult meeting and he understood why it was like that because he also liked how it was.

“Dr. Daniel!” One of the head scientists called out to him. “You are just here at the perfect time, no one is presenting anything now and I know you have something you want to show us.”

“Yes there is, I am honored to be here among like minds and what I have will change the world, I have been working on this for years.” Daniel said.

“Okay then, why don’t you show us what you have.” One of the head scientists said.

Dr. Daniel went to the center of the room where a table was placed. He dropped his briefcase on top of the table, took a deep breath and looked around, then he opened the case. Looking at what was inside the case, there were two glass containers with some kind of liquid in it.

Dr. Daniel picked one of the containers and raised it up, “This is my life’s work.” He said with confidence.

“What does it do?” The head scientist asked.

“I always saw the human body as weak and not up to its full potential. So I created a chemical to enhance the human body, to break all the limits.” He smiled. “It increase strength, agility, speed, stamina and more. It typically turned human into a superhuman.”

Everyone in the room were impressed and as usual some could not believe it. But the head scientists believed it because of the confidence and enthusiasm Dr. Daniel showed.

“If that does what you say it does then we are really impressed because with a chemical like that, it will be a big step for humanity.” One of the head said.

“Is there anything else we need to know about the chemical? Another head asked.

“Well the chemical can be taken into the body by drinking it, or even a contact with on the bare skin can make it go into your body. And I should mention, the chemical reacts with the human anger nerves but that is just the little and irrelevant issue and I am sure it would not be a problem.” He said. “I could only make two of the chemicals now because I do not have enough resources to make more but with your help and funding I can create much more.”

“Wait.” One of the head raised the attention. “What do you mean the chemical react with the anger nerves?” He asked.

Dr. Daniel was hesitant to speak, “I can assure you, it’s not a big problem. Because of the chemical enhancement, when it goes into the body it takes some time for it to settle and become one with the body and as it takes that times, it also enhances the anger nerve because the anger nerve is like a stimuli which can somewhat enhance the human body.” He explained with a little less confidence.

“So you are saying, whoever takes the chemical gets angry easily?” One of the head asked.

“Yes.” Dr. Daniel said.

“That makes the chemical very unstable, with anger concerned it will be very unpredictable.” One of the head said.

“That would not be a problem, the chemical is already perfect, there is nothing more than can be done to it.” Dr. Daniel said.

The whole room became tense, and especially for Dr. Daniel. The vision he saw coming here could crash down at any moment because he knew how strict these scientist can be, he could only hope nothing goes wrong.

“With everything we have heard, I don’t think we can approve your chemical, it is just too dangerous and risky.” One of the head said.

“Yes, we will need to take the chemical and look into it more.” Another head agreed.

At that moment, Dr. Daniel felt disappointed, after wasting all those years, they did not approve of his work. And one thing was sure, he was not just going to hand over the chemicals to them.

“You don’t understand, I have sacrifice so much in making this, do you know what this can do for humanity. Everything I do is for the improvement to humanity.” Dr. Danial yelled.

He started to sweat, he was not sure of what to do. He looked around and everyone there were looking at him.

"Look, we understand how you feel, but the chemical is too dangerous, so we will just take it and work on it.” One of the head said.“No, no, you can’t have it. I have spent too much time on this.” Dr. Danial said.

The Heads realized that Dr. was not going to hand over the chemical so they decided to use force to get it from it, “Security!” The head yelled at a direction. “Please help us with those chemicals and bring them to us.”

One security man came out from a corner and started to walk towards Dr. Daniel. Dr. Daniel did not realized that there was security in the room until now.

He was not prepared to hand over the chemicals so he knew that he had to do something fast. Soon he realized that he had to leave this building and go far away to a place that they will not be able to get him.

He immediately tried to put the chemicals back into the brief case but as he was doing that, the brief case fell on the floor. He tried to pick the case back but the security man was already close to him. So he just started to run with the chemicals in his hand.

He ran till he got in front of the elevator he came from but he knew that he could not use it so he looked to his left and saw the stairs and ran to it immediately and started to go down. It was a long way down because of how tall the building was, and as he ran he did not look back.

He got to the bottom, he saw the receptionist there and from the way she looked at him, she knew what was happening and it seemed like she was just ending a call. He did not waste time, he went straight to the exit.

He got out of the building, looked forward and his driver there was there with the car and he was glad. When he got closer to the car, he could notice that the security were going to come out of the building any time soon and he also notice police siren noises. And he realized who the reception called, which was the police. He needed to think fast, he did not want to take any chances with the chemicals. He knew if he entered the car and tried to go, the police might get him.

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