Chapter 2

He thought of something else, he went to the car and open the door. “Get out of the car,” He told the driver.

The driver was confused, he did not know what was going on but he could tell that Dr. Daniel was really tense and worried.

“What happened sir? Did everything work out fine in there?” The driver said coming out of the car.

“Everything went wrong and I want you to do something for me.” Dr. Daniel said. “I need you to take this chemicals and run away from here as fast as you can, do not let anyone see you, do not let anyone find you.” He gave the chemicals to the driver.

“But sir…” The driver was about to say something but Dr. Daniel stopped him.

“Just listen to me and don’t say anything. Go straight to my safe house, I will take the car and I will meet you there. Once you get there, stay there and wait for me.” Dr. Daniel said.

The driver was confused but he just had to follow Dr. Daniel orders. He started to run the other direction away from the car. Immediately Dr. Daniel entered the car, took a deep breath and started to drive.

He knew that if the both of them were in the car driving, the chances of getting caught by the police was high and he could not take that chance. Now all he had to do was outrun the police by any means necessary and get to the safe house.

He also knew that no one will get to the driver since he was the one they were after. And it will be easier for him to move around since he was on foot and no one will suspect him.

Dr. Daniel drove off as the police chased him down, while he drove, he was not panicking at all, he knew what he was doing. Knowing that the driver was somewhere else, gave him some kind of comfort. All he had to do was, outrun the police and escape them. That was easy for him, he has being living in this city for a really long time so he knew where to go to escape the police and he was also good behind the wheels.

The chasing went on but after a while, Dr. Daniel managed to escape them and went into hiding. The head scientist were angry that they could not get Dr. Daniel but the search for him still went on and they did not plan to stop till they find him.

On the drivers’ part, while the police were still chasing Dr. Daniel and not too long when he left with the chemicals. The driver ran as fast as he could without stopping, there was no one chasing him but with the way Dr. Daniel reacted giving him the chemicals he did not take any chances so he just ran and ran.

He saw an alley and ran into it so that he can get clear of anyone chasing him and lose them. There was no light in the alley so it was hard for him to see, but he did not care, he just kept running.

Then he ran into someone who was walking through the alley, because of how dark it was he did not see the person on time. One of the chemicals hit the person, broke and poured on the bare skin of the person. The driver did not stop running but he slowed down and looked back at the person but he did not see the person well. He did not know who it was, so he faced forward and continued to run. He had already lost one of the chemical, he did not want to lose the other one.

The person that chemical poured on was still in the alley, but the person fell on the floor and was in severe pain, after a while the person passed out there in the alley.

The next morning, Dr. Daniel was already in his safe house which was in the outskirt of the city. But his driver had not arrived yet so he was waiting for him.

Dr. Daniel was in front of the safe house waiting, he was no longer in his coat, just his shirt, and both sleeves were up. He was impatient but there was nothing he could do about it so he just waited.

Finally he could see his driver from a distance, he was relieved but he did not move from where he was, he just waited for his driver to come to him.

His driver was looking tired, he could barely stand because of the whole running he did. As he got closer, Dr. Daniel notice that his driver was only holding one chemical. He was confused and he became angry.

His driver got in front of him, he stretched his hand to grab the chemical, “Why is there only one chemical?” Dr. Daniel asked angrily.

“Well sir, while I was running, I went into an alley and I bumped into someone, the chemical poured on the person.” The driver said trying to catch his breath

Dr. Daniel could not believe what he just heard, “I gave you the simple job and you messed it up, why can’t you just get a job right?” He yelled. Dr. Daniel managed to calm himself down because he did not want to add any more to the headache he had. And there was still one chemical left. “Did you see this person you ran into?” Dr. Daniel asked.

“No I didn’t sir, it was too dark to see anything.” The driver answered.

Dr. Daniel did not expect nothing less from his driver, so he turned away facing the entranced to the safe house, “I guess I have to find that person who has my chemical.” He said to himself and then walked into the safe house.

A week before…

Derick Torns, just woke up in his room, he stayed on his bed thinking of the times his mother would come to his room to wake him up for school. He stood up from his bed, stretched a little then went into the shower.

Derick is 17 now, his birthday was just last week which he mostly spent with his best friend. He was done with the bathroom, he came out and wore clean clothes. He came out of his room and started to walk down stairs.

He was in the hallway, some of the walls were cracked and some of the lights were no longer working. It was as if the house has not been maintained for a while. When he got downstairs, he could see the T.V in the living room was on and he knew who it was.

“Good morning mom.” He said when he got to the living room. “Hope you slept well?” He asked when he went closer to his mother.

“Yes I did Derick, How are you? Are you going to school today?” She said still sitting on the couch.

Derick knew his mom hardly slept because of the way she looked and she was also in the living room. She was still in her nightwear, her hair was scattered but it was now a usual thing.

“Yeah mom, I am going to school, I am already prepared so I will be going now.” He replied.

“Alright, make sure you get something to eat before you go.” His mother said.

“I am okay mom, I will eat in school,” He replied. “So why don’t you go to your room and get some sleep.” He continued.

“Do not stress yourself too much, you should get to school.” She said.

“Yeah, but I have you to take care of you.” He replied.

He went closer to her and helped her stand up, then they both walked to her room. He watched her as she went on her bed, and when she did that she immediately fell asleep. He was relieved seeing her sleep, so he closed her door slowly and left the house.

Derick’s father died two years ago which made his mother go into depression and mentally drained, because of the shock she also fell ill but it was not nothing too serious. Derick has been taking care of his mother since then and his mother has been doing the best she can for him.

His father’s death also hit Derick hard but because he was the only child and his mother, he decide to swallow everything and be the man of the house but deep down he was holding a lot in.

He was outside his house, he grabbed his bike and started to ride to school. As he rode, he stopped at a house but he did not get off his bike. He brought his phone out of his pocket to check what the time was. As he was doing that, someone came out of the house that he was in front of. It was a boy and he came out with his own bike and went straight to Derick.

“You are out late John.” Derick said.

“Sorry, slept late last night working on some homework so I woke up a bit late.” John replied.

They both started to ride to school together. “How is your mom doing?” John asked.

“Well I feel like she is getting better. Soon she will be completely okay.” Derick replied with a little disbelieve in his mind.

“That is nice to hear.”


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