chapter 9

The car ride to the Blackwell estate was silent. The only sound was the steady rhythm of rain pelting against the windows. Anderson—formerly Jacob—sat rigid in the back seat, his mind swirling with questions and doubts. Every turn of the wheels seemed to pull him further from the life he had known and deeper into a world that was both foreign and familiar.

His gaze drifted to the butler, who sat in the front, his back straight and composed. “Tell me something,” Anderson finally broke the silence, his voice laced with unease. “Why did my father—why did he never try to find me?”

The butler didn’t turn around but responded with a calm, measured tone. “Your father’s decisions were always made with the family’s best interests in mind. When you were lost to us, he believed it was best to protect the family from the scandal. But he never stopped searching for you, Master Anderson. Not for a single day.”

Anderson scoffed, his fingers tightening around the seatbelt. “So, he just let me live a lie while he carried on with his perfect life? Doesn’t sound like the actions of a father who cared.”

“He did care,” the butler said firmly. “But the world of the Blackwells is not kind, nor forgiving. Your father had to make difficult choices to ensure the family’s survival. You were always meant to return when the time was right.”

Anderson fell silent, digesting the butler’s words. The rain had slowed to a drizzle as the car approached the estate’s gates. The imposing iron bars parted silently, welcoming them into a world of wealth and power that was now his to inherit.

As the car rolled up to the grand entrance, Anderson couldn’t shake the feeling of stepping into a trap. The mansion loomed before him, its stone facade almost menacing in the dim light. He swallowed hard, forcing himself to appear calm as the butler opened the car door for him.

“Welcome home, Master Anderson,” the butler said, his tone warm yet laced with an unspoken warning.

Anderson stepped out of the car, his eyes scanning the mansion’s exterior. The place reeked of history, of secrets buried deep within its walls. He followed the butler up the stone steps, each footfall echoing in the silence that surrounded them.

Once inside, Anderson was greeted by a grand entry hall that seemed almost too extravagant to be real. A sweeping staircase dominated the room, leading up to the upper floors where he imagined his ancestors had walked, plotting and scheming their way through life. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, their light casting an eerie glow on the polished marble floors.

The butler guided him through the mansion, his steps precise and practised. “There is something I must show you, Master Anderson,” he said, his voice low. “Your father’s study.”

Anderson’s heart raced as they approached a pair of heavy wooden doors. The butler pushed them open, revealing a room that was both grand and intimidating. Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with volumes that seemed untouched for decades. A large mahogany desk sat in the centre, its surface meticulously organized, except for a single envelope that lay atop it.

Anderson hesitated before crossing the threshold. The study felt like a place where decisions were made, lives were altered, and destinies were sealed. It was a room that had seen the rise and fall of generations.

“This is where your father spent most of his time,” the butler explained, his voice tinged with reverence. “He wanted you to have this—his final words to you.”

Anderson approached the desk slowly, his eyes fixed on the envelope. His name—Anderson Blackwell—was written in an elegant script across the front. He picked it up, his fingers trembling slightly as he broke the seal and unfolded the letter within.

" My Dear son, Anderson,"the letter began.

    If you are reading this, then my time has come, and you have returned to take your rightful place. regret that I could not be there to guide you in person, but know that I worked hard to prepare you for the day you would return.

   You are now the head of this family, and with that comes great responsibility—and danger. There are those who will seek to challenge you to undermine your authority. Trust no one but yourself until you have secured your place.

   You must be strong, Anderson. Stronger than those who came before you. Our enemies are watching, waiting for any sign of weakness. But you are a Blackwell. You have the blood of leaders and survivors, running through your veins.

    Show the world what it means to be a Blackwell.

The letter ended abruptly, leaving Anderson with a mix of emotions he couldn’t quite sort through. Anger and confusion swirled within him as he folded the letter and placed it back on the desk.

The butler stepped forward, his eyes filled with something akin to sympathy. “Your father was a complicated man, but he always had the family’s best interests at heart. He believed in you, Master Anderson, to be the one to carry on the Blackwell legacy.”

Anderson’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the butler. “And what about the others? Do they believe I’m the rightful heir?”

The butler hesitated, a shadow crossing his face. “Your uncle… has his own ideas about the future of this family. He has been managing the estate in your father’s absence, and he may not be so eager to relinquish that control.”

“So, I’m walking into a lion’s den,” Anderson muttered to himself.

The butler didn’t respond immediately, but when he did, his voice was grave. “You must be careful, Master Anderson. Your uncle is not a man to be underestimated. He has allies, both within the family and beyond. But you have something he doesn’t—you have the rightful claim to the Blackwell name.”

Before Anderson could respond, the butler’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, glancing at the screen before his expression tightened. “There’s something you should see, Master Anderson,” he said, his voice tense. “It’s regarding the Montgomery family.”

Anderson’s heart skipped a beat. The Montgomerys—their name, was synonymous with power and influence, much like the Blackwells. But the two families had a history, one that was fraught with tension and rivalry.

“What is it?” Anderson asked, his voice steady despite the unease creeping into his gut.

The butler handed him the phone, the screen displaying a news article. The headline read: *Mysterious Death Rocks the Montgomery Family—Authorities Suspect Foul Play.*

Anderson’s eyes scanned the article, his pulse quickening with each word. 

“Do you think this has something to do with me?” Anderson asked, his voice low.

The butler’s expression was unreadable. “It’s possible. The Montgomerys have always been our rivals, but this… this could be the start of something much bigger.”

Anderson’s mind raced. He had barely begun to understand the complexities of his own family, and now he was being dragged into a conflict that spanned generations.

“I need to know more,” Anderson said, handing the phone back to the butler. “I need to know everything about the Montgomery’s and what they might want with me.”

The butler nodded. “I’ll gather the information, Master Anderson. But be cautious. The Montgomerys are dangerous, and if they see you as a threat…”

“I know,” Anderson interrupted, his voice firm. “I’ll be ready.”

As the butler left the room, Anderson felt a cold dread settle over him. The weight of his new identity, of the legacy he was expected to uphold, was suffocating. And now, with the Montgomerys in the mix, the stakes were even higher.

He walked over to the window, looking out at the sprawling estate. The rain had stopped, leaving the grounds glistening under the fading light. But even in the calm, Anderson could sense the storm brewing on the horizon.

               This is just the beginning. 

Far from the Blackwell estate, in a darkened room within an abandoned mansion, a group of men and women sat around a long table, their faces hidden in the shadows. At the head of the table sat a figure, his eyes cold and calculating.

“The Blackwell heir has returned…,I should have killed that little brat back then. How dare he survive?!” the figure said, his voice dripping with disdain. “We need to act before he gains a foothold. The old man’s death gave us an opportunity, and we can not afford to waste it.”

One of the men leaned forward, his expression grim. “What are your orders, Master Judas?”

The figure’s lips curled into a sinister smile. “We remind him who truly holds the power in this town. And if he refuses to fall in line… we make sure he never has the chance to rise.”

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