"Ummm, I'm sorry for asking, I knew you won't be because the water is warm," he said and was quiet for a minute then immediately spoke up when he felt his thigh touch the delicate skin of her lap, "Isabel, you know what I really want right now?""No. What do you want?" She replied with a breaking voice as she turned to look at him, hoping to have him engage her in a conversation. "I want to hug you, Isabel." He said with an affectionately tensed voice she knew he was also desiring her but could not make the move all these while. A smile glimmed across her face before she said with a happy tone, "Me too." After she said that, the bathroom creeped into silence as they both had their eyes shimmering with affectionate bond for each other whilst they stared right into each others eyes. Ethan lifted his left hand and crossed it over her shoulders then pulled her into his arms with his right hand wrapping her entire body into his. She covered her face in his right collar bone the moment he
"Ummm, no, I mean, yeah. I thought you would not want that." He half stuttered with a thoughtful stare as he nudged his forehead with the fingers of his right hand. "Why would I not want that? Except you're not comfortable with it then it is okay. I do not want to force you to do what you are not ready to do." She said and was about turning to face the opposite direction but he stopped her immediately, and placing his hands on her shoulders, he said, "I already talked to whatsoever will make you happy. And besides I really want to cuddle you. So could you please stop acting like you do not know that I feel the same way as you do." Ethan said, taking a deep breath before moving his hands upwards to her neck region, "I know you are a virgin and I do not want to do anything that will undo that, but does that stop me from kissing you? Have you even kissed anyone?" He asked inquisitively. "No I have not." She said slowly in what seems to be a whisper as her eyes dimmed because he had hi
"You do not have to sacrifice your love for Madison for me. Ethan, I am fine so long as you stay alive and care about me as a sister to you. You can get married to Madison if everything works out between you two, even if I survive after all these, I will be happy to see you two have a happy ever after. After all, I do think myself being in Madison's shoes, how is she going to feel that her boyfriend she's known and had feelings for for a long time now, suddenly gets attached to someone new not even her class and spend a lifetime with, forgetting all you two have had with each other all those past years. Now that won't be fair and I won't pretend to have a blind conscience." She expressed herself vividly. "I have never come across anyone who does not think of themselves like you do. You are a rare personality and that is still more reason why I am going to do whatsoever it takes to ensure that you are safe. I'm speaking of taking you as a sister I have already done that and I wish to
The crowd that gathered around the fenced area of the arena to watch the game was much and causing commotion because the leadership of the factions who were watching from their luxurious viewing boxes high above ground level at the capitol hill had announced that there will be a prize won by whomever makes it out alive coupled with the fact that it will be more than two beasts this time to make the game much more fun to watch. Alicia Silverstone who interviewed Ethan prior to this time was the one who announced the increase of the beast and from the look of things, they had it all planned out to punish Ethan and a few others whom they had called to the council to be interviewed before this time. They believed that those like Ethan were threatening and seems special and that was the reason why they were sending them in, together with the people they care about. Edward balls, who disliked Ethan at first sight was sitting next to Alicia Silverstone on the chiefest seats, though they bot
[Tactics activated, sequence complete!] A feminine voice in the system overshadowed that of Terranova the moment the ground began to vibrate; beasts were already on the move, advancing at full speed towards them and the rest of the participants. "Is that it?" Ethan yelled. Isabel at this point froze and in her mind she felt, ...this is it...this is when I dies, because the fury of the beast that was heading in their direction was great. The moment Ethan yelled at Terra, Terranova spoke,Terra: "I think it is time for you to let go of Isabel. That thing is coming after you. And yes the system is ready for combat!" The moment the system was done talking he left Isabel immediately and kind of pushed her aside. His feet was immediately pinned to the ground as he held his balance like he was was about to catch something projected towards him. [Initializing defense mechanism] the feminine voice vocalized internally. The beast heading in his direction became fierce in appearance because it
"You have to help them Ethan!" Isabell yelled pointing at the left flank where there were five participants being bitten by beasts, but Ethan what's to focused on back. He wanted to ensure that day unlocked the inner entrance before anything else. That was more important to him then caring for the people who were being eaten by the beasts. When he noticed that Isabel stood still and did not follow him any longer he had to turn back and listen to her. "All right you go over there and ensure you keep running and do not stop for anything. While I am helping them out that will kind of be a destruction." He said and changed direction even if that was not what he intended and it was something he was not happy doing. "I'm on it! Just go." Isabell scolded even though she saw him going that direction already. At the moment, he was getting used to Terranova and everything that system does, he felt united and acquainted with the changes that occurs while being totally himself. What marvelled t
"We are going to have to forfeit it's for today and come back another time. For now all we have to do is to take a mental picture of this and possibly if there's any sketch artist amongst us in DC United then we are going to contact the person to help us with the sketch. This way everyone else will be able to see the picture and then think of a way we could open it. This is going to require the technology of the past. I somehow see this coming. Isabell, we have to leave here immediately because the factions begin to suspect us." The moment he was about ending his speech, he held her hand and led her out. "Lure that one beast that is left out of that arena. I can handle the fact that just one a young man is able to kill them. And bring the lab scientist to me once you are done!' Alicia Silverstone ordered Edward Balls upon her feet and left with annoyance. She was not even interested in getting to see Ethan. Ethan hastened towards the center of the arena holding Isabel and they watche
"Yeah I know about that. But we do not have to lie. We just have to tell him the truth, I mean what if he finds out? I can't see any reason why he's going to trust us after that." Perry said. "Trust? What do I care about that? Come on enter school continue our game." Peter muttered. When Ethan and Isabel got home, they sat on the couch in the living room in silence for half an hour until Ethan noticed tears rolling down her eyes."Hey, is everything all right what are you thinking about?" He asked with a caring tone as he drew closer to her. Isabel sniffles and said with a calm but moody tone, "I don't always going to die today. I never believe time could make it out alive." "Yeah, I know. But then you did made it out alive. You did it, you were courageous and the strongest woman I've ever seen." Ethan said feeling proud of her but no words of his at the moment could impress her. "No I was not courageous and neither am I the strongest woman, Ethan. I was lucky. I was so lucky tha
"And why should we believe you?!" Someone screamed Madison looked at Loretta, and then at Kim but Loretta spoke immediately to support her before anyone else standing by her "You should believe her. She is telling the truth. I have seen it and I am part of the few who are not in agreement with the killing though we have to accept our fate of alignment in order not to be silenced. You know the punishment of not abiding by the rules here in the capitol hill? Ours is even worse." Lorette stressed. "And I happen to be a part of those who are not in support but I have to go by authority and play by the rules. Thanks to a survivor in the midst of it all, his name is Ethan and he is standing right here with us all. You may have heard of him or you may not have. I wish to give him the chance to tell us more about what is going on. Ethan please." Kim added and stepped back with gestures to get Ethan to speak. Ethan spoke convincingly and after he was done, almost all the members of the amit
"Nothing is going to happen to him. The beasts won't go into the restaurant, I do not believe they will. Your family are survivors that is one thing I believe. You are a survivor and I will try my best to be quick so that they will not send you in until all this is done. Besides, there was an exemption on your case. They said you are going to be placed in position as the manager, remember?""With the way things are going down here, I do not think it will be considered anymore. There has been a change of plan ever since you were away. Dr Muppet didn't tell you he is now capable of being shortlisted as a candidate for the game? There is no exemption anymore. The announcement was made a few days ago." "Hmm, alright let us take that as a means of doing everything we have to do quick. Trust me, I have this believe that we are both going to find ourselves together again. Please, Isabell, let us go in. And please be with me in heart. Heart to heart, Isabell. Alright?" Ethan said fondly of p
"You have to stop, Isabell, whatever you are trying to do, you just have to stop. I am not like the factions, Madison is not like...." Ethan took a deep breath and exhaled, then he said calmly as he placed his hands on her arms "Madison is not like the factions. I know you do not like hearing her name but she is not what you think she is. She is not like her father. There are a lot of them like her in the capitol hill. Many are not even aware of what is going on in D.C. United here. You should not turn your back now. Madison is not even doing any of this because she loves me or have an attraction for me. She is fighting for a greater good, which is to have the killing come to an end and I have seen it in her eyes and all over her that she is desperate to stand against her father and to bring justice to the people. I know you are doing all these because you love me and want me to be yours. But as much as she may act this way, she is not. Put yourself in her shoes and understand. She sh
Isabell raised her hand immediately in a way that made Madison clear her throat and was like "okay, who else is willing to come in with her?""I will." Arnold said lifting his hand. "No, not you Arnold. I don't need you to come now. I know why. Max, Greg? Which one of you is willing to come in?" Ethan asked thoughtfully and it was obvious that he does not want to lose Arnold as he has done his friend Parker. "I will go." Max said before Greg could. "Very well then. We have Isabell and Max." Ethan said. Ethan wanted to stop Isabell but he felt it was going to be pointless and he was not also ready for another long hour of conflict and attempts to convince her to accept his apologies. He knew Isabell to be a die hard and incapable of listening when her mind is made up in whatever she has in view, despite the fact that she was obedient to him on several occasions."Okay, that will be enough at the moment. Your assignment, you and Max will be simple. Whatever we discuss and whatever ne
Madison whispering, said to Ethan, "who is she exactly?" "She is my friend. Why?" Ethan said with a guilty stare. "C'mon Ethan, don't play around. I know what I am asking you and am sure you know as well. Tell me, are you two in any relationship because she loves you from what I see and she is jealous that I am here. This is not going to work out if we are not all focused on one thing." "It is complicated, Madison. Trust me, I can not start talking about it for now. I promise to let you know what is going on sooner. For now, just bear with me and try not to take whatever she says or does into heart. I can't lie to you that I like her a lot but I am not just sure of what to say right now. It is my fault and you can count me as one to be blamed but not her. Please, alright?" Ethan muttered quietly while glancing at Isabell who stood with arms folded at a distance watching him talk with Madison. Madison was quiet for a minute before saying "you had better figure it out. I don't want
"Alright, I will let my friends know that you are going to help us in this way. I believe it is for the best. Lysbia is going to need a balance again in society and I believe together it is going to be done by us." Ethan finished and they both continued moving. "Wow, this place exists?" Madison exclaimed when they entered Dr Muppet Puppet's room. "Yes, it does." Ethan said and kept looking around.."So many books in this library." Madison said looking very much amazed at the sight of Dr Muppet Puppet's books "Yes, it does. Don't touch anything. Dr Muppet!" Ethan instructed her and then called out with a loud voice. There seems to be no one in here. So he turned and said to Madison, "stay in this room, I will be right back." Ethan left through the front door and shut it on his way out. He first hurried to the house he bought when he was about leaving D.C united. When the taxi driver pulled in front of his house and he stepped out anticipating to see Isabell, the system spoke,Terr
Terranova: "Sir, you have reached full system capacity. Welcome back from static mood." "Static mood? Everything was blank Terranova? I was dead you mean." Terranova: "practically yes. You died but you can not die so long as I am in you. Which is why you should rather call it static mood because that is what it is from now on." "Whatever mood it is, please do not do it again. Do you know how hurt I feel in my head?" Terranova: "I can't tell, though I think it is for the best. You are only feeling dizzy I believe." "This isn't a feeling of dizziness. I know what it feels like when I am dizzy. Hello, Madison." Ethan said as he turned his neck around to see Madison standing like she's frozen. "Why are you frightened?""Excuse me? Why am I frightened?! Damn Ethan, you just came from the dead! No one does that! At least not anyone I have known except Jesus Christ. You don't expect me to be cool, do you? Damnit! I wonder what you have in your body that is performing all this. You scare
"Well I was in The laboratory not quite long ago and he walked in and spoken your manner that's made me suggest that you have given him a higher authority than myself. Why should I tell him that I am to deliver an the report of Ethan's test to you myself but still he insisted that he was the one to deliver it and with every amount of Allah creating in his gut!" Madison sputtered with raging eyes. "Well I asked him to be sure he gets it directly to me I never knew you were going to be there." "I suppose he had already told you that I was at the lab when he arrived? Didn't he?" Madison asked. "Well he never did he did not tell me anything about your presence there. And if he had done what should that matter to me? All I needed was this test here. And it appears that we might be in more trouble from what is written here about that young man. Have you looked at what the test says about Ethan Hills?" "Of course I have. And I do not think you should be threatened by it. Whatever it sugg
"He does not only show signs of an Amity he is also executing potentials of a parrhesia-dauntless. I think this guy is underestimated and he has so much potentials than anyone of Us. Do you buy enemies know who he is before now?" Kim asked with eyes on Madison. "No." She denied. And shifted her gaze from Kim to Ethan who was lying with his eyes still close. "I thought you have an idea who he is before now and if you don't why are you so interested in him?" Kim asked again. "Why should I not be interested when my father is also so much interested in him? I believe whoever my dad has his eyes on is someone worth paying attention to that is why I am here." Madison muttered as she touched Ethan's hands without even realizing she was doing it. Kim looked at her and sensed she was lying about not knowing him. "I see! You have justified yourself for being so interested in him. But forgive me to ask do you even know his name?" "Ethan. His name is Ethan Hills." Madison replied with a low