Chloe was in the living room when the news came up. She was staring at the TV in disbelief a she heard what what were saying about Cage. It was alarming to think that it would get so bad to this extent and it made her wonder if they were really telling the truth about him.

She was beginning to believe that might be possible because Cage had really vanished since the accusations began. He hadn't said anything to prove that he was innocent and that gave her a lot of trouble because he could be on his way to hail if things continued this way. She looked at her phone again and pushed down the urge of calling him. She remembered what he had told her last time about how he was doing everything to get his name off the eyes of the government and she guessed he was still doing what he could.

She knew she had to trust him and hope he would prove his name soon enough, but her patience and hope was wearing thin. She didn't know what to believe now, and it worried her so much. She never thought
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