Cage didn't still safe despite the measures that had already been taken to bring down the allegations. He knew that something was still out there, searching and waiting for him to slip so they could strike.

And he knew that he had to make sure that he didn't. The next day, he decided to call his lawyer again. He had decided that there was no need to rest anymore until he had gotten the whole problem sorted out. He felt uneasy when he picked up the phone and called his lawyer, Mark. The feeling was there with him, and it refused to leave him no matter how much he tried to.

"Mark, I need to talk to you." He said, sounding tense even though he was trying everything possible not to sound that way. Yes, they had taken care of Marcia and her lies but that wasn't just working for him.

It wasn't enough motivation because what faced them was bigger than Marcia, and even more deadly. He still remembered the attack of the assassins who had been sent to end his life. The thought made his gut
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