
Axel walked back into the classroom, his confidence and nonchalant manner drawing the attention of his classmates.

They whispered and gazed at him with a mix of disgust and confusion.

They heard about him being expelled then what on earth was he doing back here?

He took his seat, his eyes fixed on the professor lecturing at the front of the class.

Just then, the door burst open and the Head of Department rushed in, his face pale and sweaty. "Mr Storm, please, can I have a word with you?" he asked, his voice trembling.

His sudden appearance has the whole class's attention drawn back to them.

Axel raised an eyebrow, a smirk stealing its way to his lips. "What do you want, Professor?" he drawled, his tone dripping with irritation.

He did warn him but he didn’t listen.

They may have known him as the poor person he was but not anymore. He is more than that now.

The HOD walked towards Axel's desk, his hands clasped together in a pleading gesture.

"Mr Storm I know I spoke out of tune earlier. I was under pressure, and I didn't mean what I said. Please, forgive me. I take back every disrespectful thing I said to you, please—”

Having heard enough, Axel snorted, his irritation growing. "I did warn you earlier to mind your tongue. You want me to forgive you? After putting my career on the line for some chicken change? You should have thought twice before opening your mouth."

HOD's eyes darted around the room as if searching for an escape route. "I know, I know. I was wrong. But please, Mr Storm, have mercy. My job is at stake. This job is all I have, I have my family to take care of, please don’t let my stupidity get in the line” he pleads.

The lecturer having heard enough walked to Axel’s desk placing a hand on The HOD’s shoulder.

“Why are you pleading with this church rat? What is wrong here?” The lecturer states sending a glare towards Axel’s way.

“Hey! Mind your words” Axel warns already getting riled up.

He didn’t like the scene that was already created. He only came back to receive lectures and not dwell on any of this drama but it seems now that it was almost impossible to Avoid it.

“Nonsense! How dare you speak to me in such manner!” The lecturer states in pure anger.

Axel leaned back in his chair, his eyes glinting with amusement ignoring the statement the lecturer had uttered and drawing his whole attention back to the HOD who seemed to lose it any moment from now. "You should have thought of that before you decided to play with fire. I warned you to mind your mouth, but you didn't listen. Now, deal with the consequences."

The professor's face turned red, his eyes pleading. "Mr Storm, please. I don’t exactly know what is going on but I beg of you to overlook my mistake and let me fix it.”

Axel's smirk turned cold, his voice dripping with venom. "You want me to have a heart? One can’t have a heart that has already been ripped apart. I have no ounce of humane in me left so if you know what’s best for you now, you better leave it I swear to you I’d do worse than this.“ he threatened his tune dead serious.

The lecturer's mouth slipped open to give a remark but the HOD halts him, “No, I suggest you don’t” he said before walking out.

Axel left no room for argument as he had already concluded that his mind wasn’t going to be changed. The earlier they understood that the better.

One by one. All of them he’d make them pay.

The classroom erupted into whispers and murmurs, the students staring at Axel in confusion wanting to know why the HOD came begging for mercy from a poor undeserving soul.

He ignored them, irritated by their whispers. His annoyance is evident.

His mind zoned out already plotting his next move.

He has trained with Liam Chen tonight. He growled at the thought knowing it was going to be the beginning of his reign.

He wasn’t sure he was prepared for it, but if his grandfather deemed him ready then so be it.

Axel hissed getting up and walking out having had enough of the class whispers that went around. He knew by now the video of what had happened may be trending that’s for sure.

And to his utmost surprise, he is met with yet another crowd outside his sight shifting to the HOD’s office, whose figure just came into view.

Axel passed by a smirk lingering on his lips as he dipped his hands into the pockets of his slacks.

His thoughts came to a halt as he bumped into a petite figure causing her to almost lose her balance but he cut her before she could fall to the ground.

He couldn’t see her face cause of the hoodie she wore and the turtle neck shirt she had drawn up to her nose giving him, not the sight of her blue orbs.

“Let go of me” his voice draws him back to reality urging him to shake off his thoughts and help her back up.

“Watch where you’re going Asshole” she hissed bumping past him and leaving Axel both Fascinated and flabbergasted.

He chuckled trying to recall if he had seen the face anywhere but not which he can remember.

Seeing Collins come into view he knew that the news had already reached them.

The way news passes down too quickly these days is alarming.

“Dude! What the fuck is going on” Collins shot as he got near Axel but Axel surprised him by walking past him.

“Nothing you should worry about”

Collins tailed behind Axel trying to match up to his pace.

“What do you mean by nothing? I saw the fucking video”

Axel paused letting out a sigh, “Trust me, you don’t want to get yourself involved”

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