
Axel stood nervously outside the Head of Department's office, his heart racing with fear that nothing would go wrong.

All calls came through that he needed to report to the HOD’s office. His recent appearance has left murmurs and rumors going around which is how the information reached the board and now he needs to clarify things and he hopes he does.

Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door and entered.

"Ah, Mr Storm," the HOD said sternly, looking up from his desk. "You've been away for quite some time. Over a month, to be exact. We had the police investigate and they had concluded that you died off the cliff as they saw some of your items just before the death scene."

"Yes, sir," Axel replied, his voice cold. "I know I've been away for a while, not dead just going through some family issue that had compelled me to be away for that long," Axel explains his voice dead and cold.

The HOD shakes his head letting out a chuckle, “I am not stupid Mr Storm, I have your records and it doesn’t state you have a family. You’re on Scholarship”

Axel remains mute his eyes glued to a piece of file that has his name boldly written on it.

Seeing as Axel wasn’t going to say a thing, the HOD shook his head. "I'm afraid that your admission has been withdrawn. You can't come back to school."

Axel's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? No, please! You can't do that!"

"I'm afraid it's out of my hands, Axel," the HOD said firmly. "You've been absent for too long, and we can't just let you pick up where you left off."

Axel is furious trying to keep himself calm "You can’t do that! It’s not possible to cancel my admission without any valid reason, just cause I was away doesn’t give you the right to do that. I didn’t break any roles and you know I am among the top-class student my records are clean and good" he justifies

“How dare you speak to me like that! I can ruin your whole career with a signature on your paper, mind the way you speak to me or I swear to you you’d regret it.” The HOD spat infuriated by Alex’s outburst.

Axel groans getting up, “I don’t think you know who you’re dealing with at his point.” He states his nose flaring.

“Who the hell are you? You’re the unfortunate poorest student in this school Axel Storm, who else doesn’t know you? People here are owned for wealth and power it’s so unfortunate that our student gets to mingle with undeserving people”

Axel's hands turned to fists, “With all due respect sir, I will not be going anywhere, for a matter of fact consider this your last day here”

He stared at Axel as though he had groaned two horns surprised at his confidence and where it was suddenly coming from.

“You are expelled Axel Storm. Find your way out” He roars.

Axel chuckles letting out a breath before turning on his shoes and walking out.

As he stepped out he was surprised by a crowd that had already gathered knowing very well who was in charge of it.

Darius Mickelson.

Axel sighted him with Ashley clinged on to him with a smudged look on both their faces.

“Finally, it’s about time you leave,” Someone threw.

“I agree, he doesn’t even belong here” another person adds.

“Just look at him”

“He’s so useless and broke”

The insults kept coming one by one as he walked passed the crowd. Axel didn’t want to get himself involved in any fights.

especially now that he isn’t really in control of himself. They say the ring holds so much power, one that he still hasn’t learned how to control and he doesn’t know what sort of power it is or what it could do.

But as always, Darius was always up for a fight never the one to miss out on one, he paused Axel’s action by taking a step pushing him back.

“I thought I had buried you six feet under the ground but you mother fucker have a way of pissing me off right?” He mumbled clutching on Axel’s neckline.

“If I were you I’d remove my hands” Axel warns sending him a glare.

Darius is taken aback by Axel’s sudden confidence making him chuckle, “Who the fuck do you think you are?” He spat.

Axel remained mute trying to keep his composure.

“Listen up duck head. You’re a nobody and you’ll always be one. You’re benanth and under my mercy” Darius states in an intimidating manner.

Asher suddenly popped out of the crowd getting in between Axel and Darius.

“Please, that’s enough,” he says trying to get Darius to let go of the clutch he has on Axel but the two seem to be engaged in an eye-to-eye battle.

“You warn this crap friend that if he knew better, he should prepare to get his ass away from this school. He doesn’t belong here and I’ve made sure I took care of that” Darius says with a smirk forming on his lips.

Of course, Darius had everything to do with his expelling. It all made sense now, the Hod has been bought not just by the HOD but by the school heads as well.

Darius Mickelson may own a share in the school's assets but they have no idea who the true master was.

“This isn’t your battle to fight Asher step out of the way. Let this be a man-on-man thing. You may have taken her away from me but if you think you could do the same with my career then you must be more dense than I thought” Axel spat riling Darius up.

“How dare you speak to me like that? Have you forgotten who I am?” Darius threatens trying to push Asher away.

“Yeah, how could I forget a narrow-minded imbecile” Axel states with a smirk that has Darius's eyes widen in shock.

Axel's face twisted in anger as he sent waves of daggers at Darius. "You think you're so much better than me, don't you?" Axel sneered.

Darius smirked. "I don't just think it, Axel. I know it."

Axel's fists clenched. "You've always looked down on me, haven't you? With your rich family and your imperfect grades."

Darius shrugged. "You're just jealous, Axel. You'll never be like me."

Axel's anger boiled over. "I may not have your wealth or your connections, but at least I have a brain! You stupid idiot "

Darius's expression turned icy. "You'll regret saying that, Axel. You'll forever be poor and beneath me."

Axel's face reddened. "I'll never be beneath you! And you’re so stupid you think that but don’t worry I’ll be sure to make you understand that !"

Darius laughed. "You'll never amount to anything, Axel. You're just a waste of space."

With that, Darius turned and walked away, leaving Axel seething with anger and humiliation.

Axel pushed Asher away, “I told you to stay out of this” He spat with utmost disgust.

Asher hissed. “Are you crazy! Do you know who he is or do I need to remind you of that for goodness sake, I don’t know what point you’re trying to point out, and whatever it is won’t end well. What happened to getting good grades and graduating? Huh? Are you seriously going to sell all of that up for a woman who doesn’t even deserve all your rage? She made her choices and I don’t even know if I should believe she ever loved you but you need to wake up man.” Asher spat with annoyance and concern.

“I guess all that now is too late” Asher states flying his hands up in the air.

“Don’t interfere in this, this isn’t your battle to fight. And this also isn’t over yet you can say it may just be the beginning. I am not leaving this school not when—" he paused.

Asher’s brows furrowed, “not when what?” He ushers for him to say more but Axel remains mute.

He doesn’t want them to get involved in all of this at least not yet.

“It doesn’t matter” Axel states and with that, he walks away leaving Asher’s questions unanswered.

He walked to where his feet could take him before pulling out his phone letting out a breath as he contemplated whether to call the number or not before he finally made up his mind and dialed the number.

He waited for it to ring for some time before the caller finally picked up.


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