
It’s been almost a month since Axel reunited with his grandfather. These past few weeks have been hectic for him, getting to know and understand the family’s business especially now that he is in charge of it, is not something he’d ever imagined himself to do.

He made up his mind to return to school today.

Rumors have it that he was dead and he is well aware of who may have caused it and he’d make sure to keep it in mind that they pay for their mistakes.

“Are you sure you won’t need any guards?” His grandfather asked for the one-hundredth time.

Axel lets out a sigh dipping his hands into the pocket of his slacks. “Yes. I would like to keep a low profile in the meantime”

His grandfather stared at him for a second skeptical whether or not to accept his proposition. “Very well then but I’ll have some undercover guards lurk around just to be on the safe side, I don’t want you almost killing yourself again”

Axel growled at the end of his grandfather’s statement. He agrees he almost made the mistake of ending his life which is something he won’t dream of doing again, after all, he was compelled to.

He did love Ashley, with all his heart. He didn’t imagine a life without her, he was willing to fight the world to get her every luxury she desires but all that is gone.

She has turned his heart ice cold and he doesn’t seem to want to give love any chance.

“It’s not necessary” Axel tries to protest but his grandfather beats him to it.

“Young man, you’re not changing my mind on this, so you better get your head straight. Would you be needing a car?”

“No. At least not yet”

His grandfather shakes his head earning a chuckle from Axel.

“I should be leaving now” Axel announces taking a quick glance at his wristwatch.

“Sure. Damon will drop you off”

He nods before making his way out, halfway out his grandfather stops him.

“Whatever you do Axel, make sure to always have that ring on” he reminds.

Axel may not know how much of important the item is, but it was. A ring that was passed down by their ancestors one that chooses its master for the great or good, and the wrong person that gets his hands on that, will cause absolute destruction.

Axel nods before walking out letting out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding.

His heart felt heavy for some reason, knowing that his personality had changed. Everything he thought he knew about himself was wrong, the discovery was going to be too hard to digest and live with but he knew he didn’t have a choice, especially with the way the ring cliches onto his ring finger as though bound to him for life.

Even though it was it scares him that he was expected to do too much.

“Young master” Damon greets with a bow to which Axel nods in response.

He still wasn’t used to all this, it felt too odd and surreal. Settling into the car, they soon hit the road.

Axel pulled out his wallet and stared at the black master card that contained not as much as the actual asset making a smirk grow on his lips.

Who would have thought he’d have so much?

Soon they arrive at the school. It was midnight, so not many people were out most students were in their dormitory using it as a perfect excuse to sneak in so as not to draw attention.

He stepped out of the car that was parked a bit distant away from the hostels.

Axel pulled his hoodie over his head and dipped his hands in the pocket marching to his location.

As he slid open the door, he came in view with Collins and Asher conversing on god knows what.

They didn’t seem to notice him so he cleared his throat announcing his presence.

They stared at him as though they had seen a ghost, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief.

"Axel?" Asher whispered, his voice trembling. "Is that...is that you?"

Axel chuckled, pulling off his hoodie and revealing his messy hair. "Yeah," he said with a grin.

Asher and Collins pounced on him, bombarding him with questions. "Where have you been?" "How did you survive?" "Everybody thought you died!"

Axel held up his hands, chuckling.

Of course, everyone thought he was dead. He thought to himself.

Asher's eyes narrowed. "You've been gone for months, Axel. We thought we'd lost you forever. Rumors have it that you jumped off a cliff and died"

It made Axel wince a bit, knowing that he was guilty of such an act, if not for his savior he’d be dead by now.

Axel sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know, I know. But I am not, I just needed some time away to clear off my head after what had happened."

Collins's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Then where we’re you for goodness sake?"

Axel hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "I got help from a random stranger, let’s just say he helped me out my life back together."

Asher's expression turned serious. "Axel, you can't just disappear like that. We were worried sick about you."

Axel felt a pang of guilt. "I know, guys. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."

Collins's voice softened. "We're just glad you're back, and um.Ashley isn’t worth it man. Don’t let her get to you, okay?"

Axel smiled a fake one, “Yeah” he said not wanting the conversation to hold anymore but he knew sooner or later they were going to figure things out and he would have to do a lot of explaining.

“So what now are you going to report to the school board, because as far as any of us are concerned, they declared you dead and Darius made sure further investigation made upon you are stopped, it’s like he erased you from existence” Asher explains.

Axel's hands balled into a fist his jawline clenching.

That mother fucker knew how to play his cards right. He is way too smart than Axel deems him to be.

As though stealing his woman wasn’t enough he had to go further and take away his life.

“I don’t know man, but surely I will make him pay for the damage he has caused.” He states his teeth greeting in annoyance.

“Don’t get yourself mingled with a Mickelson Axel, it’s a bad idea and we all know that. You did that a month ago and look where it had gotten you, so to—”

Axel cuts Collins off with a hiss of annoyance even though he knows what Collins is saying is right but if you look at it on the bright side, you can tell that, Darius didn’t only push Axel to almost end his life but rather discovering his true identity which he’s sure that he’ll put everything back to place and teach every one of them a great lesson that will have them bow down to Axel for mercy.

“Axel, just lay low for now. Ashley doesn’t deserve you and I don’t even know why you got yourself cut up with her. I mean, couldn’t you see that the girl is way out of your league, and even if it’s true or not that you too shared something, she was probably doing it for some selfish reason of her own?” Asher states.

Axel’s heart rate began to hasten up in rage making the ring in his finger tighten, his nose flaring with pure rage.

They were rubbing salts into his wounds but couldn’t sense that and as of that moment, If Axel didn’t keep control god knew what would go wrong.

He lets out a deep breath trying to calm down his racing heart as he remembers the training phase on how to be in control came in handy.

“I think you should just concentrate on graduating rather than getting yourself stuck into another mess that I’m sure won’t be funny next time. It’s clear you don’t stand a chance against him and I’m not saying this to discourage you but rather as a friend looking out for you” Collins states.

Axel rubs on his temples letting out a sigh while his shoulder relaxes, “Yeah. You’re right. Thank you guys.”

They patted him on the shoulder before each of them settled on their bed calling it a day.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day, Axel could sense that as he tossed and turned on the bed but couldn’t find the sleep in his eyes, as thoughts rambled in his head at how he was going to make an appearance tomorrow.

Darius is after his life and he knows that seeing him tomorrow would threaten his sanity and he won’t stop at nothing to see Axel buried six inches under the ground.

But to hell with him.

Axel Storm is back.

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