
"We lost your parents after an attack that was made in the night at this same mansion. We believe there was an outsider amongst us that had led your parent's killer" Mr De Storm explained as they walked into his study room.

"You were barely a year old when that happened. Your mother had wrapped you in a show and locked you up in the drawers. Before we could get to save your parents it was too late, your cries were the only noise heard around" Mr De Storm continued to fill Axel in who was trailing behind him

"I ordered that you be taken to the orphanage." he blurts.




Before it finally registered into Axel's head, "What!? Why?"

Mr De Storm stopped, "It was part of the test. It's one of the hardest decisions I've had to make Axel but it was what needed to be done, it's the only way you could live up to your potential and someday take responsibility."

"What test?"

"Axel you're the sole owner of the Storm Corp." His grandfather announced.

Storm Corp? He had heard of that company name but he could point where before it finally clicked on his head.

Storm Corp is New York's Architectural Powerhouse, it's a company of innovation and design excellence, Storm Corp is the umbrella company for a collection of industry-leading firms specializing in Visionary architecture, Precision engineering, Sustainable design, and Interior design.

With a portfolio of iconic projects, Storm Corp sets the standard for excellence. A beacon of innovation, it's the go-to partner for projects that demand the best.

"What!" Axel couldn't help but exclaim.

Mr De Storm chuckled, "I'm too old to be handling such work. After your father passed away I had to take it on for as long as you were old and capable enough to handle it. Now is not the right time as you are not even done with your University but your decision to end your life, I was forced to step in."

Axel gulped at the mention of his stupidity averting his gaze from his grandfather's.

"That's alright Axel, we all fuck up at times. Axel, I apologize for letting you suffer all this while but you must understand that I did it for the sake of our people and your status. If your mother were alive she'd kill me before I can even go ahead with the idea of dumping you off at an orphanage" he chuckled at the end of his statement which Axel didn't find funny as he was trying to digest the newfound information.

"I have signed off all documents necessary for passing on the family's fortune unto you. You are now the CEO of Storm Corp and that's not all, all companies that answer to us are subjected to your mercy, you can make any adjustments you deem fit but you must also remember that whatever you do, you must do it for the good of the family's legacy."

"What are you even saying. You can just step into my life and tell me that I am the new owner of one of the best companies in the world and not just that--" Axel trails off barely being able to accept what the man is saying to him.

Mr De Storm paused him, "Come, let me show you something," he said reaching for a small picture portrait.

He hands it over to Axel. "This is a photo of you and your parents, it was taken some weeks before the incident"

Axel took the photo in his hands accessing it. He didn't need to be told twice before he believed that the man was right and the two couples in the picture were his parents.

Axel is a replica of his father although he has his mother's eyes. He trails his fingertips on his mother's photo as she holds him in her arms, the smile on her lips has Axel loosen up.

"Axel we don't have much time. Things are as messed up as you don't think. The sooner you work on getting yourself together and living up---"

"Living up to my potential" Axel completes the statement, "Yeah I know, you've said that a couple of times"

The old man chuckles, "Well it's good you're catching on."

Axel nods keeping the photo on the table.

"I've assigned some guards to you and passed on the information that you're the next heir, so everything you say is to be followed well except me" he states narrowing his sight at Axel.

"It's like I said--"

Axel caught him off before he could finish up, "You don't answer to anyone, you're the master of yourself"

A smile slipped from De Storm's lips, "I'm starting to see why your academic record is top-notch notch"

Axel shrugs.

A knock coming through the door has both of them pause before De Storm finally says, "Come in"

The door slipped open revealing Peterson held with a small box.

"Ahh... Peterson" De Storm calls to acknowledge his presence.

Peterson bows his head low, "The item is ready young master" he informs.

Axel watched as his grandfather reached out for the box unlocking it.

"Perfect," he says leaning back on the chair he sat.

Mr. De Storm, with a warm smile, handed Axel a sleek, elegant credit card. Axel's eyes widened as he took the card, noticing his name engraved on it in bold, golden letters.

"This, Axel, is your master credit card," Mr. De Storm explained, his voice filled with pride. "It's linked to your account, which currently holds approximately $400 billion."

Axel's jaw dropped, his eyes fixed on the card in disbelief. "W-what?!"

Mr. De Storm nodded, his smile growing wider. "Yes, Axel. You're a wealthy young man. And with this card, you'll have access to all the luxuries and opportunities that come with it and that's not just it, it's half-ass much as you own but for now, you have access to this."

Axel's mind raced, struggling to comprehend the enormity of his wealth.

He felt like he was dreaming like this was all some wild fantasy. But the card in his hand felt real, the weight of it substantial.

"H-how...how did I...?" Axel stuttered, still trying to wrap his head around the situation.

Mr. De Storm chuckled. "The Storms', Axel. We hold you a legacy that will last a lifetime. This card is just the beginning."

Axel's eyes remained fixed on the card, his heart racing with excitement and a hint of fear. He knew his life was about to change in ways he never thought possible.

For someone who was the epitome of Poverty, all of a sudden one day he became a billionaire.

It was crazy.

"But I can't take this--"

Mr De Storm smiled, "You don't have a choice, Axel. You're a Storm, wealth is built in you. I may have let you have a taste of Poverty but now as you have returned the only thing stopping you from taking your right place is your life." He states with seriousness laced in his tune.

Axel knew better than to argue.

"Master, He is here" Peterson chirped in announcing.

"Take him to the guest yard" Mr De Storm orders getting up.

Peterson nods before making his way out of the study room.

"I have someone I'd like to introduce you to." He says.

Axel followed suit like the lost puppy he was.

What now was he expecting?

Mr. De Storm led Axel to a spacious guest yard, where a man with a shaved head and piercing green eyes stood waiting. He wore a crisp white gi, his movements fluid and graceful as he bowed to Mr. De Storm.

"Ah, Liam Chen, this is Axel," Mr. De Storm said, gesturing to the young man. "He's the one I've been telling you about."

Liam's eyes narrowed slightly as he assessed Axel. "Ah, yes. The one with the... Phoenix."

He didn't like what was going on but he knew better than to speak.

Mr. De Storm smiled. "Liam will help you master your powers, Axel. Teach you to control them."

Axel's brow furrowed. "What powers? I don't have any powers."

Liam chuckled. "Ah, but you will, Axel. The ring will give you powers beyond your wildest dreams. When it has fully bonded with you, and when you live up to your potential."

What's up with them and stating that till he lives up to his potential?

It's starting to get irritating.

Mr. De Storm nodded. "The ancestral ring, It's an ancient artifact, imbued with incredible abilities. But it requires a worthy host to unlock its true potential."

Axel's mind raced. "And you think I'm that host?"

It was absurd for them to think he could do whatever they had in mind. Of course, he wasn't the one.

He is weak, he couldn't even fight Darius. He doesn't have any potential other than being the poor person he is.

Liam stepped forward. "We know you are, Axel. And I'll be here to guide you every step of the way. You'll unlock the secrets of the ring and your hidden abilities."

Axel felt a shiver run down his spine. He wasn't sure what to believe, but the prospect of having powers was both exhilarating and terrifying.

"I can't do this! I am not the one for this" Axel states.

"Nonsense of course you are, what are you the one and the sooner you accept that the better. Our family's fortune is at risk and you Axel will be the one to save it not just that but our lives and our people so the sooner you work your ass up and get your senses together the better" Mr. De Storm states with anger lased in his tune before walking away.

"Okay," Axel said finally, looking at Liam. "Teach me."

He knew that the old man was angered by his cowardness must have been the reason he lashed out.

Liam smiled, a fierce glint in his eye. "Ah, Axel. I'll teach you the ways of the ancient arts."

“I’m sorry excuse me” Axel states walking away and heading back inside

He met his grandfather in the study room who was in a deep conversation on the phone it seemed too serious to be sliced through so he waited till the old man eventually finished up.

“Axel you need to understand that I’m in a tight position. The early I help you figure your way out the better but I can’t do that unless you’re willing to do something for yourself”

“I want revenge” Axel cuts his grandfather off before he can finish up.


Axel nods, “Yes. I want to make every one of them pay. They had taunted me and took me for granted, all because I was poor and not rich enough to match their standards”

Axel’s grandfather could see the burning taste of vengeance in his grandson's eyes but he dared not to interfere as he had no right to have a say in Axel’s personal life.

“You can get your revenge Axel but it should be after, now is not the time for—”

Axel yet again chirped in before he could conclude his statement, “I will learn from Liam and master the powers I’m yet to believe in. I’ll do whatever you want but after then.” He paused.

“You can go ahead with any plans you have Axel. But for now, let’s focus on the main deal here.” He says to which Axel nods understanding his grandfather’s point of view.

“If your parents were here, they’d be so proud of how you’ve become. Living all alone by yourself and surviving proves just how much of a great leader you’ll be. I monitored every progress you made every day. I made sure my eyes and ears were secret with you, without you even knowing”

That’s right. It all makes sense now, no wonder he would sense odd things surrounding him at times but he never really lay head to it.

“With you, Axel lies true greatness”

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