
“I don’t want to believe you. How sure am I that you won’t harm me when I don’t even trust you? I mean, what if Darius sent you to finish me off–” Axel trails off.

Mr de Storm laughed out inaudibly while Axel followed him with his stare mentally questioning if the old man was alright or not. He wasn’t even taking Axel seriously and that was beginning to frustrate him.

“Just how much has that Mickelson traumatized you?” Mr. Storm couldn’t help but ask.

Axel shrugged not finding it funny, “Please just let me go. I agree to have caused enough trouble but please do me this one favor”

Mr de Storm shakes his head. “This is no manner of the Storms’ we don’t coward away our troubles, we stay and fight for ourselves. Look, Alex, I know it’s a lot to take in and I am not here for jokes–”

Axel makes an attempt to chirp in but Mr de Storm manages to stop him before he can utter a word, “I am going to have the doctors move you back home now that you are awake, you’ve stayed here for too long and I can no longer bear that. You’re healing, your wounds will disappear soon enough.”

Axel could only stare at the man as though he had lost it, cause nothing Mr de Storm was saying, is making sense, that is for sure, but the hard look the old man held and the seriousness that lingered in his tune was too smooth not to be believed.

Mr de Storm placed a call and in a short while, Dr Smith came into view.

Axel watched as they exchanged pleasantries and converse about his health before the doctor made the affirmation on discharging Axel.

Dr Smith disconnected the machine monitoring Axel’s heart rate getting all necessary checkups done before Axel was set to leave.

“Come on” mr de Storm ushered helping Axel up on his feet.

They stepped out of the room, Axel coming into view with the stack of guards assembled in the corridor.

Who is this guy? Axel couldn’t help but mentally wonder.

They bowed in respect before tailing behind Axel and Mr de Luca.

Outside Axel’s sight is graced with black-tinted cars all looking expensive and posh. His breath hitched as he drew his inquisitive stare to Mr. De Storm who only chuckled.

He led them in till they both were settled in the back of the car. Axel is too tongue-tied to utter a word. Axel didn’t know exactly what to ask or how to believe whatever crap that is going to be coming out from mr de Storm’s lips.

“Take us home” the driver nods before hitting the road.

The ride home was a silent one with no words exchanged. Mr de Storm is too busy on his phone doing god knows what while Axel’s thoughts run haywire thinking of the worst-case scenario.

Soon enough they reached home.

As they drove up the winding driveway, Axel's eyes widened in surprise. Before him stood a grand, elegant mansion, its facade gleaming with wealth and opulence. He couldn't believe his eyes.

How wealthy is this man?

"Wow!" Axel mumbled, his voice full of wonder.

His grandfather, sitting beside him in the car, chuckled at Axel's reaction. "Ah, yes, it's quite something, isn't it?" he said with a smile.

As they stepped out of the car, some guards walked out from the mansion, leading them inside. Axel's eyes scanned the lavish interior, taking in the crystal chandeliers, marble floors, and priceless artwork adorning the walls.

A butler, impeccably dressed, greeted them in the foyer. "Welcome, Master," he said, bowing slightly to Axel's grandfather. "And welcome, young Master," he added, nodding to Axel.

"Ah, thank you, Peterson," Axel's grandfather replied. "Please, lead Axel to his room so he can freshen up and get some rest."

Axel stood unable to utter a word as he watched the duo converse.

As they followed Jenkins through the mansion, Axel couldn't help but gawk at the sheer scale of wealth surrounding him. "This is..." he couldn't even find the right word to explain it.

His grandfather chuckled. "Yes, it's quite impressive, isn't it? But remember Axel, true wealth goes beyond material possessions."

Axel didn't understand what he meant but still nodded not sure how to respond to what he had said.

Axel nodded, still in awe, as he watched his grandfather walk to his side of the house.

Peterson led him to a lavish bedroom suite. "This is your room, young Master," he said, gesturing to the opulent bed and furnishings. "Please, take your time to freshen up. Dinner will be served in an hour."

"What? This?" Axel states in shock.

Axel knew he didn't belong here, he didn't even know why he followed the old man in the first place.

The old man didn't seem trustworthy but he may have information about Axel's parents and for that, he needed to stick with the man till had enough information about his parents.

"The young master would you like the room refurnished to your taste? I could arrange for that" He states his tune held with respect.

Is he fucking kidding him? Who wouldn't like the furnishing of the sight he is seeing?

"N-no" he states barely audible.

"Can I take my leave?" He questions bowing.

Axel felt odd but "Yes"

As Peterson left, Axel collapsed onto the bed, his mind reeling from the sights of the mansion.

He couldn't believe he was staying here, surrounded by such wealth and luxury. It was a far cry from his poor life back home.

Clearing off the thoughts from his head, he proceeded to the bathroom pausing to admire the opulence of the surroundings.

The bathroom was a better place to stay than the slumps he used to stay in back in school.

He remembers how he had stayed at the slumps before he got admitted to EUNY. It was one of the sore memories he couldn't ever forget.

Axel did the necessities and by the time he walked out of the the he met with a pair of clothes.

With his mind wandering around what he saw in the bathroom, he eagerly dressed up walking out of the room with questions running on his head.

He walked through the halls unsure of where to follow to lead him to his grandfather's location.

A maid walking by has his eyes glistering with relief.

She walked towards him keeping her head hung low, "Young master dinner is served, your grandfather is in the dining hall awaiting your presence" she said.

"Take me to him" he orders to which she nods before he tails behind her like a lost puppy.

Reaching the dining hall, he is met with an array of different varieties of food as much as one could call for a feast.

"Axel! It's good you're here, come take a seat" he ushers.

At the sight of the different varieties Axel's tummy growled in hunger, his tongue slipping out and liking his lower lip.

He reached for his through feeling as hungry as he'd ever felt. It was almost like he had abstained from food for a long time and was now hungry enough to mount on all the varieties that sat on the table anticipating to be acted upon.

"Hungry?" Mr De Storm asked to which Axel ignored picking out a fork and diving into the food.

The old man laughed as he watched Axel eat like a hungry maniac knowing what was making him devour that much food into his system.

Axel had long forgotten what he wanted to ask his grandfather as he was too busy munching on the food in front of him.

Halfway through he paused breathing heavily. "What is happening to me" he asked falling to the ground and groaning in pain.

"Fight the pain, Axel, you're stronger than this" Mr. De Storm states sitting comfortably taking a bite out of his dessert as he watched Axel suffering in pain.

"What have you done to me?" Axel screams in pain clutching his hand that is held on the ring.

He cried in pain knowing that he had messed up big time by ever trusting to come with the old man.

Of course, he works for Darius and they plan on ending him.

"Again Axel, I don't work for anyone. I am the master, no one, absolutely no one do I submit to, not even God" The old man says getting up and walking to his side.

The old man leveled to the ground, "You're Weak Axel, I have a lot of work to do with you but I can't help you if you aren't willing to help for yourself."

"Am I dying?" Axel asks with a growl still trying to fight back and withhold the hurt.

The old man chuckled, "I'm your grandfather, Axel, the last thing I'd do is kill you." He placed a hand on the hem of his shirt lifting it.

"You're healing," he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "The ring is bonding with you."

But Axel was beyond comprehension, feeling the searing pain that ravaged his body. His screams filled the air, drowning out the words, as he thrashed about, his eyes wide with anguish.

The man's words fell on deaf ears, as Axel's mind was overwhelmed by the torment, his body trembling with each wave of pain.

Me De Storm knew that the ring's bonding process was a brutal one, the ring had to choose who it's subjects to.

Soon enough Axel's body began to regain composure and just like a blur, he passed out.

Mr De Storm chuckled seeing as the wound sealed completely. The process wasn't completed but the bonding was beginning to take place he knew that the ring would take Axel to be the one it responded to.


"What is this!?" He yells getting up.

Axel had just woken up from the deep slumber he slipped into.

"Leave us" Mr De Storm orders the maid that stood feet away from them.

She nods walking out. Mr De Storm adjusted his seating position his face holding a serious expression, "Take a seat"

"NO!" Axel blurts. "What is going on? What do you want from me?" He states fury lased in his tune.

Mr De Storm leaned back letting out a sigh as he watched Axel's chest lift up and down with his nose flaring with pure rage.

"Speak to me, say something or I swear I'm taking this ring off" Axel threatens reaching for it.

Mr De Storm chuckled, "Fine then, go ahead," he says watching Axel in amusement and anticipation to see how far he is willing to go.

"Take it off"Mr De Storm states again.

Axel hissed trying to pull out the ring but somehow it was too attached and clutched to his skin. He tried to slip it off but he couldn't during a frustrating growl out of him.

"What the fuck is going on. Stop playing mind games with me and tell me who you are and what you want from me. I don't own anything, I am managing my life. I can't even afford a three square meal talk of outfits to wear. I don't pay my school fees, I'm a scholarship student. There is absolutely nothing you can get out of me. I'm telling you you have the wrong guy so whoever you are and whatever you want or need, you will never get it from me" Axel paused letting out frustrating breaths.

Mr De Storm only stared at Axel for a second before saying, "You hold too much anger within your soul Axel. There is a hunger for vengeance lying beneath every inch of your soul and until you let that out, only then would you unlock your potential and master the teachings of the ring" he says.

Axel stares at him unbelievably, "What are you saying?"

"You're the Phoenix"

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