All Chapters of REVENGE OF AXEL STORM : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
25 chapters
His brows furrowed with his gaze fixated on the book he was reading. One look at him and you could tell he was too engrossed in the book he was reading.The noises running around have Axel releasing a groan in frustration trying so hard to focus yet to no avail.He hissed giving up and shutting the book looking up to see the causes of the noise. His eyes followed in the direction of where students had already packed up forming a crowd.“Hey! What’s up? What’s going on there?” Axel asked stopping one of the students that were rushing to reach the scene.“Yo! Bro, you haven’t heard? Check your phone and see for yourself” he answered walking away.Axel didn’t own a phone, he couldn’t afford a 20$ meal not to talk of buying a phone. Whenever he needed the services, he’d ask one of his roommates who is also his long-time friend whom he met on his first day at EUNY; the elite university of New York.Axel is a 20-year-old orphan who has been trying to make ends meet by running countless shif
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Ashley fell into Darius' arms, shivering vigorously. “He…He—” she stutters letting the crocodile tears stream.“What did he do?” Darius demands sending daggers at Axel.“He tried assaulting me” She stares bursting into a new set of tears.“The hell!” Darius curses pulling Ashley aside carefully and handing her over to one of his minions that stood beside them while the other one held a phone recording.“You dare lay your hands on my girl. Who the hell is this guy!?” Darius demands."That's Axel Storm, the poorest student on campus. He can barely afford three square meals a day, and his outfits never exceed $20. Despite his financial struggles, he's a scholarship student at EUNY, thanks to his exceptional academic record and intellect," John, one of Darius' minions, explains.Darius snickered, “You poor thing. For you to have the guts to lay your finger on my woman you think you could get away with it? Huh?” Darius states.“Put it on live John, I want everyone to witness this or gather
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His eyes squint in pain groaning. He placed his hands on his forehead trying to steady his blurry vision.The beeping of the machine urged a growl out from him as he struggled to get up but the striking pain that hit his head had him yelling returning to his initial position.“Ugh!” He groans reaching for his forehead.He doesn’t know what was happening to him but his body felt different almost like he lost control of it.The pain he felt on his left pack intensified with each move he made causing a scream out of him.The hospital room door burst open, and a team of doctors and nurses rushed in, surrounding Axel's bed. "Okay, let's move, doctors! We need to stabilize him!" Dr. Smith called out, leading the charge.Axel groaned in pain, his body writhing on the bed. "What’s hap—" he mumbled, his voice weak.“Hang in there," Dr. Smith said, examining his charts. "You’re going to be fine."Nurse Johnson began inserting an IV, while Dr. Patel worked on monitoring his vitals. "BP's droppin
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“I don’t want to believe you. How sure am I that you won’t harm me when I don’t even trust you? I mean, what if Darius sent you to finish me off–” Axel trails off.Mr de Storm laughed out inaudibly while Axel followed him with his stare mentally questioning if the old man was alright or not. He wasn’t even taking Axel seriously and that was beginning to frustrate him.“Just how much has that Mickelson traumatized you?” Mr. Storm couldn’t help but ask.Axel shrugged not finding it funny, “Please just let me go. I agree to have caused enough trouble but please do me this one favor”Mr de Storm shakes his head. “This is no manner of the Storms’ we don’t coward away our troubles, we stay and fight for ourselves. Look, Alex, I know it’s a lot to take in and I am not here for jokes–”Axel makes an attempt to chirp in but Mr de Storm manages to stop him before he can utter a word, “I am going to have the doctors move you back home now that you are awake, you’ve stayed here for too long and I
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"We lost your parents after an attack that was made in the night at this same mansion. We believe there was an outsider amongst us that had led your parent's killer" Mr De Storm explained as they walked into his study room."You were barely a year old when that happened. Your mother had wrapped you in a show and locked you up in the drawers. Before we could get to save your parents it was too late, your cries were the only noise heard around" Mr De Storm continued to fill Axel in who was trailing behind him"I ordered that you be taken to the orphanage." he blurts.Three...Two...One...Before it finally registered into Axel's head, "What!? Why?" Mr De Storm stopped, "It was part of the test. It's one of the hardest decisions I've had to make Axel but it was what needed to be done, it's the only way you could live up to your potential and someday take responsibility." "What test?""Axel you're the sole owner of the Storm Corp." His grandfather announced.Storm Corp? He had heard of
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It’s been almost a month since Axel reunited with his grandfather. These past few weeks have been hectic for him, getting to know and understand the family’s business especially now that he is in charge of it, is not something he’d ever imagined himself to do. He made up his mind to return to school today. Rumors have it that he was dead and he is well aware of who may have caused it and he’d make sure to keep it in mind that they pay for their mistakes. “Are you sure you won’t need any guards?” His grandfather asked for the one-hundredth time. Axel lets out a sigh dipping his hands into the pocket of his slacks. “Yes. I would like to keep a low profile in the meantime” His grandfather stared at him for a second skeptical whether or not to accept his proposition. “Very well then but I’ll have some undercover guards lurk around just to be on the safe side, I don’t want you almost killing yourself again” Axel growled at the end of his grandfather’s statement. He agrees he almost
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Axel stood nervously outside the Head of Department's office, his heart racing with fear that nothing would go wrong. All calls came through that he needed to report to the HOD’s office. His recent appearance has left murmurs and rumors going around which is how the information reached the board and now he needs to clarify things and he hopes he does. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door and entered. "Ah, Mr Storm," the HOD said sternly, looking up from his desk. "You've been away for quite some time. Over a month, to be exact. We had the police investigate and they had concluded that you died off the cliff as they saw some of your items just before the death scene." "Yes, sir," Axel replied, his voice cold. "I know I've been away for a while, not dead just going through some family issue that had compelled me to be away for that long," Axel explains his voice dead and cold. The HOD shakes his head letting out a chuckle, “I am not stupid Mr Storm, I have your records and
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Axel walked back into the classroom, his confidence and nonchalant manner drawing the attention of his classmates. They whispered and gazed at him with a mix of disgust and confusion. They heard about him being expelled then what on earth was he doing back here? He took his seat, his eyes fixed on the professor lecturing at the front of the class. Just then, the door burst open and the Head of Department rushed in, his face pale and sweaty. "Mr Storm, please, can I have a word with you?" he asked, his voice trembling. His sudden appearance has the whole class's attention drawn back to them. Axel raised an eyebrow, a smirk stealing its way to his lips. "What do you want, Professor?" he drawled, his tone dripping with irritation. He did warn him but he didn’t listen. They may have known him as the poor person he was but not anymore. He is more than that now. The HOD walked towards Axel's desk, his hands clasped together in a pleading gesture. "Mr Storm I know I s
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Axel's eyes snapped open in the darkness, his mind racing with thoughts on how his first training was going to be. He hasn’t slept a wink. He lay still, listening intently, ensuring that his Asher and Collins were asleep. He wasn’t ready for yet another question session. He knew sooner or later that he’d have to tell them as they deserved to know. They’re the only people who have ever been nice and honest with him, they treated him well enough with no disrespect or disregard and that is why he’d never forsake them. The soft snores and gentle breathing told him that it was time he left. His eyes drew to the wall clock cheering the time. It’s 10min before his training begins and god knows what his grandfather will do to him if he ever finds out that he slipped any Axel threw off his covers and swung his legs over the side of the bed, his bare feet dangling in the air. He stood up, his tall frame towering in the dimly lit room, and padded silently to his closet. He pulled out
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It had been a week since Axel began his intense martial arts training with Liam Chen. Every night, Axel would sneak out of his dorm room, careful not to disturb his roommates. He would make his way to the small, unassuming building on the outskirts of campus, where Liam would be waiting for him. The training sessions were grueling, pushing Axel's body and mind to their limits. He would return to his room in the early hours of the morning, his face covered in bruises, his muscles sore and aching. And the fucking ring that was supposed to be healing him was doing no fucking job. Despite the physical toll, Axel couldn't get enough of the training. He wanted to push through and prove to Liam that he wasn’t some weakling. Liam’s every word during the train is, “You’re Weak” The word riles Axel up and no matter how much he tries to prove himself and show that he wasn’t as he is classified to be, Liam always proves him wrong. He wanted to master the skills but it was as though th
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