All Chapters of REVENGE OF AXEL STORM : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 chapters
Axel brushed past him, not even acknowledging his presence. He doesn’t want to get involved with him at the moment and this is why he chooses to pretend as though he didn’t see him but as always he doesn’t seem to get the message. Darius's eyes narrowed, his face reddening with anger. "Hey, watch where you're going, Axel!" Darius snarled, his voice low and menacing. Axel didn't even flinch. He kept walking, his eyes fixed on the door to the dormitory. Darius's anger boiled over. He reached out and grabbed Axel's arm, spinning him around. "You think you're too highly of yourself, don't you?" he sneered. trying to mess with Axel as he usually does. Axel's eyes flashed with annoyance, he wasn’t in the mood. "Get your hands off me, Darius," he growled, his voice low and even trying as hard as he could to maintain his cool. Darius sneered. "Or what? You'll cry to your daddy?" he mocked letting out a laugh. “You seem to have developed a lot of balls these days Axel Storm, who fuck do
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Axel sat at the head of the boardroom table, his piercing gaze roaming the room as the team presented their new deals. His expression was stern, his jaw clenched, and his eyes narrowed. Almost like it wasn’t his first meeting as the new CEO. He watched as they all presented listening to their point of view on how to make the company better and secure deals. He wasn’t use to this guy for some reason he could relate and comprehend the words they kept exchanging. His grandfather had filled him up on everything he needed to know and for some reason no information seem to have slipped from his mind. He could remember each and everyone of them. His brain is sharp and collective. He got up walking out with Collins tailing behind him. This takes him back to when he had dropped the bombshell at first it was almost unbelievable but it was too easy to convince them. Axel knew that they were happy for him, at least now he had the chance to experience the luxury of life. Axel had ma
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Axel growls for the umpteenth time finding it so hard to convince Asher to be the grandson of Alexandra Storm. “See I just need you to take that position while we are in school. I can’t handle the scandal if they find out that I’m the rich one, at least till I figure things out. And don’t worry I will handle things at work and my name still stands there” he reasons. Asher's expression was incredulous. "You're crazy, Axel! If your grandfather finds out, he'll kill me!" Axel's annoyance increased. "He'll never know, I promise. And I'll owe you one, Asher. I just need you to do that for me in the meantime.” Asher tried to shake him off, but Axel held fast. "Axel, think about what you're asking. I can't just pretend to be you” he tries to fight back. Collins, who had been watching the exchange, chimed in. "Asher, it's not a bad idea. You're smart, capable, and charismatic. You could pull it off." Asher turned to Collins, his eyes wide with disbelief. "You're not serious, are you, Col
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Axel growled at Liam as he fought to get a hit but to no avail. Liam was too good and calculating, no match for Axel yet he wanted to push through. Liam hovered on Axel launching him down with a thud causing a growl to escape from Axel's lips. A frustrating growl. "Rule number one, always stay focused your mind should be strictly on your opponent Axel" He warns with a chuckle. Axel hissed pushing him off with sweat strands whirling down. "What time is it?" He questions instead. He has a meeting with the stakeholders by 2 pm and he's very sure it's almost time and he didn't want to be late. He was strictly warned by his grandfather to make sure he attended. He canceled all his classes for today to catch up with the martial arts classes he had been missing for a few days due to the never-ending work that kept coming his way. "Twenty minutes to 2. Why?" He responds with a question too. Axel shakes his head as he gets up gathering his stuff. "How's that going?" Liam asked pointin
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"So it's like a date or--" he stopped halfway due to the glare Axel shot him. Axel had informed them about Raya's offer and he knew that it was one of the parties he had to attend cause not shortly after Raya had left did he go through his nails to see the invitation. For now, Asher was going to take the place of Mr Storm. The few people who knew Axel's identity had been warned to seize shut or face the consequences. "For the last time collins, this isn't a date" Axel states irritatingly letting out a groan. Asher laughed, "Stop messing around. So when did you say the time is?" "It's starting by 8 pm," Axel announced. "So you're only going there as Raya's date and nothing else?" Asher asked wanting to be sure Axel knew what he was doing to which Axel nodded in response. "Yes. Once you're done with your presentation Asher and Raya introduce me to her uncle as her date, you will cook up a reason to explain that we have to leave" Axel states pinching the brick of his nose. A
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Axel adjusted on his tye staring at his reflection through the mirror. His hardened look was still masked on his face. His eyes were deemed dominance one that could scare you off just by a glance. His jawline hardened making his nose pop out and look outstanding. Memories of what had happened earlier had his nose flaring as he thought of the person involved in it. For some reason, he felt overprotective of Raya. Whoever that man was, because with his actions and words it does dim him fit to be her uncle Axel made a me-talk note to have Felix run some security checks on him. He needed to have the information on Raya's family. But the call, Raya may have called to call off the date or whatever they regard it as but he wasn't going to change his mind. Axel has never wanted to go now, he may have had a little intentions of bailing out a while ago but not anymore. The need to go there and be there for Raya burned with him. Darius Mickelson. He sure does have a way of messing wi
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She laughed, "cut the crap Axel Storm, what are you doing here? You don't belong here and slums like you shouldn't be welcomed." She mocks with a sneer. Axel growled unsure of how to respond to her. He didn't want to do anything that would create a scene as it wouldn't be good for his reputation. "Fuck off!" He hissed getting up but she pulled him back. "No, you don't get to walk away from me while I'm still talking. You are nothing Axel Storm, you don't deserve to be here. I still regret the fact that I wasted my time on you" she states with meaning. Axel is taken aback by her sudden actions urging him to get more infuriated and irritated. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He managed to keep his voice low but for some reason failed wearfully. "I'll ask the guards to escort you out as you can see filthy people like you aren't supposed to be here. I still wonder how I was so stupid to have let you take so much control over me, I regret wasting my time on you Axel Storm "she st
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Their lips moved in sync as they went deeper each of them giving the same energy as the other. Axel bit on her lower lip seeking entrance which she gladly accepted encircling her hands over his neck as he kissed her harder. She slipped her hands through his hair drawing him further causing him to let out a satisfying growl. Short of breath they pulled out with Axel nuzzling his head on her neckline and dropping sloppy kisses. Raya moaned the sound being like music to his ears as he sucked on a particular spot leaving a mark as though he had marked her as his very own. Seeing as things were beginning to get heated he snapped out of it pulling back. He stared at her shut eyes with her chest heaving up and down before she soon broke into sobs. Axel's brows furrowed feeling a pang in his chest. He moved closer to her yet she seized him waving him off. "What are you doing? Just step back" she blurts as a lone tear slips. "What happened wasn't supposed to" she states her voice
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"Axel" Collins calls out drawing my attention to the files he has in his hands. "Take a look at this" He offered placing it on the table. Axel had Felix run some checks on Raya's family and what they are up to, which he knows he shouldn't have cause it's more or less an invasion of privacy yet for some reason he couldn't help but prey. His curiosity got the better of him and now that Collins had approached him with the papers he knew there was more to it than Raya normally shows. "Are these the papers?" Axel asked for confirmation to which Collins nodded. "You won't like what you'd see though" he states just for a heads up. Axel's brows furrowed in confusion as he took them in his hands. Collins excused himself walking out of the office leaving Axel to himself. Axel roamed his stare around the papers deeply getting engrossed as he read more and more about Raya. His jawline hardened as he got into her uncle's dirty business in which he was involved. The part that got his a
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Axel stared at him, still finding his words clear and wanting the old man to explain further."Axel, it is part of the rules that all Phoenix must possess a partner to produce and offspring one that would proceed with the legacy just like your father did, and here you are now, he explains.Axel remains mute for a second, trying to digest the newfound information. "So let me get this straight. What you're saying is that I have to get married."He nods and says, "Yes, and produce an heir."Axel put the two together, and a small chuckle left his lips. He didn't even have to explain or convince his old man of the initial plan he had in hand before he came in."Well, that's great," Axel says, cutting the old man off guard, as he didn't expect such a reaction from Axel."I do have a woman in---"His grandfather cuts him off.It better not be Ashley."Axel cuts him off with a growl that has the old man leaning back while letting a breath out."Good.""So, who is she?""Raya Lewis," Axel blurt
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