
Axel stared at him, still finding his words clear and wanting the old man to explain further.

"Axel, it is part of the rules that all Phoenix must possess a partner to produce and offspring one that would proceed with the legacy just like your father did, and here you are now, he explains.

Axel remains mute for a second, trying to digest the newfound information. "So let me get this straight. What you're saying is that I have to get married."

He nods and says, "Yes, and produce an heir."

Axel put the two together, and a small chuckle left his lips. He didn't even have to explain or convince his old man of the initial plan he had in hand before he came in.

"Well, that's great," Axel says, cutting the old man off guard, as he didn't expect such a reaction from Axel.

"I do have a woman in---"

His grandfather cuts him off.It better not be Ashley."

Axel cuts him off with a growl that has the old man leaning back while letting a breath out.


"So, who is she?"

"Raya Lewis," Axel blurt
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