
"Master" Nova calls out as Axel punches on the punching bag like his life depended on it.

"What is it, Nova? I thought I made it clear that I wanted no distractions while I worked out?" Axel states in irritation.

"I know master but it---"

Axel cuts her off with a growl giving the punching bag a blow that has it burst out, while the sand leaks to the ground.

Axel's chest lifted heavily up and down as he stared at it in shock. The last punch felt like the whole energy within him surged giving him more than he could contain.

"What just happened Nova?" Axel asked.

"The Ring is starting to take effect on your system, producing more energy as the day---" she explains yet he cuts her off.

"I get it. How long does the bonding process take Nova" Axel asked.

"I am not sure, but according to my calculations, You regain full power when you have reached your full limits" Nova explains just as Liam would have said.

"And when does that happen?"

"I can't say Master, it all depends on you"
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