
He kissed her gently as she tried to fight back and push him off until she eventually gave in and let him in.

She circled her arms around his neck while he gripped harder on her waistline.

"Ugh," she moaned out as they broke the kiss.

Axel moved down to her neckline, finding the dark hickey he had left on her the other day, a satisfactory smirk stilling its way to his lips.

"Axel," she growled as he deepened the kiss on the other side of her neck, liking the effect he was having on her.

Her hands roamed around his bare chest, biting on her lower lip to fight back the urge to let the sounds out.

Satisfied with what he had done, he lifted up, reclaiming her lips, till he made sure he had tasted every depth of her mouth. His dick hardened with the feeling of her soft hands on him.

"Please," she moaned.

He was unsure of what she wanted—to stop or not.

Axel let out a growl, pulling back and observing her features.

Her cheeks had turned crimson, while her eyes were left shut.

He could
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