
Axel stood by the altar, his eyes fixed on the beautiful bride walking towards him. Raya's uncle escorted her down the aisle, her graceful steps synchronised with the soft music filling the cathedral.

Axel's heart swelled with emotion as he took in Raya's stunning beauty—her radiant smile, her sparkling eyes, and her elegant wedding gown.

As they reached the altar, her uncle placed Raya's hand in Axel's, his eyes shining with wrath. "Take care of her, Axel," he whispered.

Axel's gaze locked onto Raya's, and his voice filled with pure intensity. "I will," he states.

There was something with Axles tune and the glare her uncle gave him, which didn't bother him for a sec.

He could feel Raya's burning stare at him, and if looks could kill, he would be six inches under the ground.

She had dared him and left him with no other choice; he wanted to prove to her that he was the big deal now and that he got to decide her faith.

He held firmly to Raya's hands, a smirk lingering on his lips.
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