
"Axel" Collins calls out drawing my attention to the files he has in his hands.

"Take a look at this" He offered placing it on the table.

Axel had Felix run some checks on Raya's family and what they are up to, which he knows he shouldn't have cause it's more or less an invasion of privacy yet for some reason he couldn't help but prey.

His curiosity got the better of him and now that Collins had approached him with the papers he knew there was more to it than Raya normally shows.

"Are these the papers?" Axel asked for confirmation to which Collins nodded.

"You won't like what you'd see though" he states just for a heads up.

Axel's brows furrowed in confusion as he took them in his hands.

Collins excused himself walking out of the office leaving Axel to himself.

Axel roamed his stare around the papers deeply getting engrossed as he read more and more about Raya.

His jawline hardened as he got into her uncle's dirty business in which he was involved.

The part that got his a
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