
She laughed, "cut the crap Axel Storm, what are you doing here? You don't belong here and slums like you shouldn't be welcomed." She mocks with a sneer.

Axel growled unsure of how to respond to her. He didn't want to do anything that would create a scene as it wouldn't be good for his reputation.

"Fuck off!" He hissed getting up but she pulled him back.

"No, you don't get to walk away from me while I'm still talking. You are nothing Axel Storm, you don't deserve to be here. I still regret the fact that I wasted my time on you" she states with meaning.

Axel is taken aback by her sudden actions urging him to get more infuriated and irritated.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He managed to keep his voice low but for some reason failed wearfully.

"I'll ask the guards to escort you out as you can see filthy people like you aren't supposed to be here. I still wonder how I was so stupid to have let you take so much control over me, I regret wasting my time on you Axel Storm "she st
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