
Axel adjusted on his tye staring at his reflection through the mirror. His hardened look was still masked on his face.

His eyes were deemed dominance one that could scare you off just by a glance. His jawline hardened making his nose pop out and look outstanding.

Memories of what had happened earlier had his nose flaring as he thought of the person involved in it.

For some reason, he felt overprotective of Raya. Whoever that man was, because with his actions and words it does dim him fit to be her uncle

Axel made a me-talk note to have Felix run some security checks on him. He needed to have the information on Raya's family.

But the call, Raya may have called to call off the date or whatever they regard it as but he wasn't going to change his mind.

Axel has never wanted to go now, he may have had a little intentions of bailing out a while ago but not anymore.

The need to go there and be there for Raya burned with him.

Darius Mickelson.

He sure does have a way of messing wi
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