
Lyra stirred up the morning sunlight, hitting her face, causing her to let out a growl, reaching for her phone by the side of her bed, thinking it was her old room.

Realisation soon hit her, causing her to bolt up with her eyes wide awake. She looked like someone who had just seen a ghost.

Her heart hammered against it's ribcage as she struggled to digest the memories of what had happened lately and down to her wedding night.

She pulled the covers off her, her eyes widening as she saw herself dressed in lingerie she doesn't remember putting on.

Her lips quivered, hoping it wasn't what she thought it was.

Did he strip her off naked?

The thought boiled her up, causing her to take her sheets off and walk out of the room, her eyes roaming around in search for Axle's figure.

"Axel," she calls out, yet there is no response.

She walked into the kitchen with a sticky note on the wall, getting her attention.

She walked towards it, pulling it off.

'away for some days, would be back soon. Take
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