"Are you okay, Joshua?" asked Daren quite anxiously, even though he was also experiencing severe shocks. 

Joshua just nodded slowly. Wasting no time, he quickly got out of the car. So did Daren. 

A girl, walking briskly with a few stout men in tow, followed behind.

"Isn't she the woman we met earlier?" Daren narrowed his eyes. He re-examined the figure of the beautiful woman. It was familiar. However, it was unknown what her name was.

Joshua did not answer. He increased his vigilance, because the men who were guarding the woman were none other than the EAGLE EYE members, who in the past few days, had been wanted.

Joshua didn't bother with the woman, he focused more on the EAGLE EYE members.

"Increase your vigilance, Daren. They're EAGLE EYE members!" Joshua warned. 

Daren clenched his hands into fists. Now he understood that the woman had deliberately crashed into the car, to raise the flag of war to Black Shadow.

Daren remembered very well, how at the crosswalk, the girl had pretended to be hit and acted as if she was the victim of an accident. Daren was sure that it was not, as he thought. 

"Joshua! Do you remember me?" the woman exclaimed loudly. 

The first name she mentioned was Joshua. Daren looked at the man standing next to him.

"Joshua! Today, you delivered your life to me! In this place, I will avenge my brother's death!"

Joshua flinched slightly. He raised one eyebrow. He wondered, who was the girl referring to?

"You killed my brother! He suffered so much, in his dying moments!" The woman exclaimed again. Her words raised big questions in Joshua and Daren's minds.

"There are many people I've killed. I certainly don't know anything about your brother!" Joshua exclaimed. He wouldn't be surprised if someone took revenge on him. It was Joshua's risk, as a member of the Black Shadow.

"Die, Joshua!" She cursed, while at the same time, she pointed her firearm, which she had been holding. 

Apart from him, the EAGLE EYE members who were behind him also pointed their guns at Daren and Joshua.

The two men, who came from two different generations, looked calm. Even though they were faced with death in front of their eyes.

"Do you have a plan now?" Daren whispered.

"Maybe run!"


The woman, fired a shot at Joshua. However, that very second Joshua dropped his body, rolling on the asphalt. He dodged as best he could. While Daren ran in the opposite direction to Joshua.

Shot after shot was fired by the woman, along with her bodyguards at the same time. They were trying hard to kill Joshua and Daren today. However, both men managed to escape.

Daren and Joshua hid behind a car. 

"Quick, kill those two rats!" ordered the woman in the all-black suit with her hair in a ponytail, with a fierce look.

"Yes, Miss!" they replied in unison. 

Six men walked hurriedly to the car there. They split into two groups. Firearms were ready in each hand. 

They were sneaking around like burglars looking to take valuables from a mansion.


Just as they showed their faces in front of Daren and Joshua, that very second, a hard punch landed on the face.

One man staggered immediately. The man's position was at the front. Daren and Joshua immediately gave him a hard punch. 

A hard kick followed. Daren and Joshua fought them with their bare hands. 

Guns flew out of their hands. Daren and Joshua left all six EAGLE EYE members on the ground, without putting up much of a fight.

"You're getting good at martial arts," Joshua praised, in the midst of the unsafe situation.

Daren was small. Today was the second time he had heard Joshua praise him. It was a source of pride for Daren.

Six men lay on the pavement clutching their chests and faces, battered after receiving several punches and fists from Daren and Joshua.

The woman there began to feel anxious because the six men she was proud of had lost without putting up a fight.

"You have big bodies, but zero strength!" The woman grumbled. The plan that had been neatly laid out earlier ended in failure.

She still cared about her precious life, so she chose to leave. The woman got into her car, accelerated and left the area.

Daren wanted to chase after her, to find out more information about the EAGLE EYE Organization. However, at that instant, Joshua held him back.

"Don't chase!" Joshua said with a flat expression. However, his tone contained anger.

"Let him go. We'll meet him again, later." 

"Alright. You must have a plan for this matter." Daren accepted Joshua's decision, remembering. The man who was a confidant of the Black Shadow Organization was certainly more experienced than he was. 

"So, what do we do with them?" Daren looked back, as did Joshua.

"We'll interrogate them. Force them to show us where EAGLE EYE Headquarters is."

Joshua wasn't going to waste this opportunity. He could get information about the woman, from the EAGLE EYE Members who had been taken down.

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