The road was clear. Daren drove his car at high speed. There weren't many vehicles on this road. During the trip, Daren and Joshua didn't talk much. Both Daren and Joshua were busy with their own thoughts. 

Right at kilometer 123. Daren saw two mysterious black cars, constantly looming behind. From the way the car was following, Daren guessed a little. 

"There's a little mouse, trying to get into the lion's cage," said Daren, using a meaningful gesture.

Joshua, who understood, glanced in the rearview mirror. What Daren said was true. He saw two black cars following them behind.

Joshua didn't recognize either car. After all, he hadn't asked Xena for an escort. Certainly, the enemy had arrived. They were delivering precious lives into the lion's den. 

"Do you want to switch positions?" offered Joshua, who immediately got a shake of the head from Daren. 

"I can handle this. I've been looking forward to the sensation for a while."

Instead of feeling fear, Daren felt the opposite sensation. He was encouraged, to find out, where was the enemy's strength?

Joshua didn't comment, but he nodded in agreement. 

In the past three months, Joshua had seen the progress Daren had made. The young man, in fact, was able to prove his words, which wanted to change. He wanted to be strong, so that he could avenge those who had underestimated him.

Daren did not increase the speed of his car. The speed of the car was at eighty to ninety kilometers per hour. 

Daren did this so that the enemy could catch up. He was baiting on purpose.

Sure enough. It didn't take long for the two mysterious cars to catch up. 

Originally there were two cars, in fact there were four cars that came at the same time. The four cars then surrounded the car Daren was driving.

"We're surrounded!" Daren was still able to maintain his composure. The same was true for Joshua, who looked normal.

He was no stranger to the situation at hand. Four cars surrounded from three sides. The right and left, and the two behind. 

"Keep moving!" Joshua ordered calmly. Nevertheless, he actually felt furious and annoyed. He wanted to curse, to issue words of challenge, to those behind this problem. However, the situation still didn't allow it.

"Okay!" Daren nodded in understanding. He had never faced a situation like this, but he was confident that he would come out on top.

One car, which was at the back, sped up until it was in front of Daren's car. 

The car simply overtook him. Had Daren not been able to control his car, there would have been a collision.

"Shit! What exactly do they want from us?" Joshua cursed in annoyance. He clenched his hands into fists. Trying to read the pattern of this attack.

Several minutes had passed, but they still showed no signs of going on the offensive or anything like that. It wasn't likely that they were Black Shadow members either, as none of the people in the car had come out to show identification. 

Daren's brow furrowed. He looked left and right, continuing to read their patterns as they surrounded. 


A car from the right side slammed into the body of his car, causing a collision that left Daren struggling to maintain his balance.

"Stay focused!" Joshua encouraged. That first hit, he knew, would have taken Daren by surprise. 

Daren nodded slowly. Now his concentration was growing. His awareness of the four cars had to be heightened. They were not friends, but opponents who had to be dealt with manfully.


Now a push from behind. Daren and Joshua bounced forward slightly. If Daren hadn't been such a good driver, the car he was driving would have crashed into the front.

"Do you have a plan?" asked Daren, asking for opinions. Suddenly he was haunted by anxiety. However, he tried to dispel it as quickly as possible.

"Hit the car in front of us!" Joshua ordered firmly. 

"Are you sure?" Daren furrowed his brow.

"Are you doubting my decision?"

"Fine." Daren nodded. For Daren, there was no doubt in his heart not to trust Joshua's decision.


Daren crashed his car into the car in front of him, quite hard. As a result, the car in front of him sped up.

"Right!" Joshua shouted. Daren immediately swerved to the right, as Joshua called out.

What Daren did, in fact, was able to surprise the car coming from the right side. As a result, the car also swerved. Unable to control its speed, the car rolled over several times. 

The loud sound of the car rolling over made Daren smile a little. Meanwhile, Joshua was calm and expressionless.

At this point, neither Daren nor Joshua could breathe a sigh of relief. Because their lives were still on the brink.

"Look at the car at the back!" Daren was quite surprised, as someone in the back car was carrying a basoca-type firearm. 

"Stay focused!" Joshua said flatly. He'd already shot, this was going to be in the attack. 

Daren took a deep breath. Again the order Joshua gave was Focus. 

"Didn't I tell you earlier. Would you switch places? You refused to do so. Therefore, face it now."


"Left!" Joshua ordered suddenly.

Daren lost his composure for a few seconds, before he swerved to the left and slammed the car hard.

Either daydreaming or losing concentration, the car on his side lost control.

At almost the same time.


The man opened fire from the basoka he was carrying. Daren stepped on the gas, and was able to dodge. Meanwhile, the car that lost control was hit by a basoka from his own friend.

The car rolled around a few times, before finally exploding with a loud bang.

Daren looked in the rearview mirror. He breathed a sigh of relief, as one by one the opposing cars were defeated. 

God, still gave Daren the chance to live a little longer. 

"Watch out ahead!" There was no time to breathe a sigh of relief. Joshua was already shouting again. He took over the steering wheel, because Daren was caught off guard.

In a matter of seconds, his car could have crashed into the car that stopped in front of him suddenly. 

Daren couldn't control his car, so it spun around several times. Daren slammed on the brakes, trying to stop. 

At the same time, he saw a woman, getting out of the car that had been in front of him.

Daren vaguely recognized the woman. Was it really her he was seeing now?

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