A few days have passed. Daren was living a better life than before. Being Xena's bodyguard wasn't as bad as she thought it would be.

Xena didn't give Daren a hard time. He could still work on her martial arts and shooting skills, while off duty.

In a private room known only to Xena and Joshua. However, Daren was now the trusted figure to know that room.

"Do you have a plan to conquer Distric S01?" Xena said very seriously.

Xena's right hand held a wooden stick, which she used to point at a map that was right in front of her.

"Distric S01 is currently controlled by the EAGLE EYE Organization." Joshua said no less seriously than Xena.

As the right-hand man in the Black Shadow Organization, Joshua certainly had a lot of information in every district. He had solid people, who were ready to take orders at any time.

"I want EAGLE EYE, wiped out from District S01 and Black Shadow to occupy District S01," Xena said, staring intently at a map spread out on the table.

Joshua folded his arms across his chest, stroking his chin several times. There was doubt in his mind about being able to put EAGLE EYE's head down, considering the organization was so well hidden.

Not many people knew of their headquarters. Only a handful of people could enter EAGLE EYE's headquarters.

Joshua once infiltrated there. However, his efforts ended in vain. None of the people he met as members of EAGLE EYE knew the location of their headquarters.

"We need to infiltrate deeper into the EAGLE EYE organization. My first attempt brought poor results. They don't know where the headquarters is. Even their leader, his whereabouts are unknown. He seems to be someone who is very good at hiding his identity."

Agreeing with Joshua. Xena nodded slowly. Her thoughts with what Joshua said just now, were not much different.

Over the past time, Xena had mobilized those who were experts in tracking people, still unable to find the head of the EAGLE EYE Organization.

Daren, who had been listening, seemed enthusiastic about listening to Xena and Joshua's conversation.

District S01, for Daren was not an unfamiliar location. Although not for long. However, Daren once worked there. Working as a waiter in one of the restaurants.

"I have a plan!"

Xena and Joshua suddenly turned their heads simultaneously. In fact, the short sentence that Daren was trying to say, was able to attract attention. Although Daren wasn't sure his plan would work.

"What is it? Say it!" said Xena. As the head of the Black Shadow Organization, Xena had to be cold and firm. Don't just let your guard down and not be able to make the right decision, all the members of Black Shadow become victims.

"I once worked at a restaurant in District S01. According to the news I heard, the owner of the restaurant was one of EAGLE EYE's intimate members. In other words, he must know where EAGLE EYE's headquarters is located," Daren said calmly.

"Do you really mean what you say, Daren?" Xena raised her voice slightly. She hated being lied to the most.

Someone who dared to speak in front of her eyes, then he must be able to take responsibility for his words.

This also applied to Joshua. Even though Joshua's status was his right hand, it didn't mean Joshua could tell lies.

If that's what Xena had been applying to all members of the Black Shadow and Daren who had just entered the circle of the Black Shadow organization, must be ready to bear that responsibility.

"You're not fooling me are you?" Xena reiterated that she hated being lied to.

Daren nodded confidently, "My life is at stake. If I tell a lie. Then I'm ready to die at the hands of Miss Xena!"

Daren was no less serious than Xena. From the beginning, she had the principle to be consistent with her words. So far, he had always told the truth. It was just that many people took advantage of her sincerity.

"All right, I'll take you at your word! If you tell a lie, then I will not hesitate to shoot you in the head!"

Sexa's words were not just a mere threat or a joke to scare the opponent.

Once Xena had made a threat, she would not take back her words.

Daren nodded for the second time. "Do it, Mis! In case I'm proven to be lying. I will never regret my actions!"

Daren and Xena were like one soul trapped in two bodies. Both Xena and Daren had firmly held principles, indisputable.

"Then tell me. What is your plan to find EAGLE EYE's headquarters?" asked Xena seriously, which returned to the original topic of conversation.

"I have a plan that is..."

Daren brought himself closer to Xena and Joshua. Very carefully, he explained the plan he had devised. It had only been a few moments in the making. However, Daren was confident. This plan would bring victory to Black Shadow.

Daren explained the details. There was some hesitation. However, after seeing Xena's seriousness, Daren became motivated to conquer EAGLE EYE, as Xena wanted.

"Alright. Your plan isn't bad either. Still, it's worth a try."

Daren showed a flat expression. So did Joshua, but the burly man, was quite amazed at the strategy Daren had come up with.

Unexpectedly, the young man he had rescued while in prison some time ago, was also useful to the Black Shadow Organization. At the very least, Daren's intelligence was good for the Organization.

Xena gave no response. There was a slight curl at the edge of her lips, but it only lasted a few seconds. Before Xena finally put on a cold face again.



Daren was already in District S01. As had been planned before. Daren must be able to re-enter the restaurant, where he used to work.

Daren remembered very well, he had to be expelled from the restaurant, because he was incompetent when serving customers.

The restaurant manager kept blaming Daren for simple things.

Meanwhile, in the distance. About a hundred meters away from the restaurant. Xena and Joshua were in the car, watching Daren's every move from a distance.

"Are you sure Daren will pull it off?" asked Xena, after watching Daren enter the restaurant through a pair of binoculars.

Joshua held his breath for a moment, before rudely letting it out.

"As agreed in the beginning. We just need to watch Daren from afar. Let him execute this plan himself." Another person asked, another Joshua said.

Asked whether he was sure or not, Joshua didn't know the answer. He found it difficult to predict Daren, because in recent times, Daren had undergone rapid changes.

Daren's mindset was getting sharper. His shooting instincts were almost as good as his skills. That's why Joshua couldn't judge Daren. Given, the young man had grown.

"Alright. You can just stay here, all day." Xena again used her binoculars to see Daren's current condition.

Almost fifteen minutes passed, with no sign of Daren leaving the restaurant. Did this mean Daren had managed to get a job there?


Turning back time a few seconds ago, it was more precisely when Daren entered the restaurant.

Daren walked leisurely while looking around. Every inch of this room did not escape his attention, including the diners.

"Excuse me, sir. How can I help you?" One of the waiters approached Daren.

The waiter's style of speaking was very polite. Showing a friendly impression to the visitors who came.

"I'd like to see the manager of this restaurant." Daren went straight to the core.

"Oh, sorry, sir. The manager of this restaurant is not here at the moment. She may come to the restaurant later this afternoon or evening." The waiter explained and Daren nodded his understanding.

A little information, not a problem for Daren.

"Alright, I'll come again tonight. Give my message to the manager here. That someone is looking for him!" said Daren.

The waiter nodded, "Yes, sir."

Feeling that his business was done, Daren decided to return to Xena and Joshua who were waiting for him.


However, before he could take any further steps. Daren collided with a man, who was bigger than him.

Daren didn't bother bumping into the man as he turned around.

"Hey you, little guy! Watch your step!" The man reprimanded Daren loudly and called Daren 'little'.

"My apologies, sir." Daren bowed, showing guilt for not looking at the road while turning around.

Having said that, Daren decided to just leave. He didn't want to be the center of attention any longer.

"Hey, you! Wait!" The man called out again, and with that, he grabbed Daren by the shoulders.

Feeling threatened, Daren grabbed the man's hand, turning his body clockwise. Not a few seconds later, Daren landed a hard punch on the man's face.

Because of the force of the blow, the man collapsed to the floor. This suddenly made the atmosphere, which was originally calm, become chaotic.

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