"Are you ready?" Joshua asked seriously. Staring intently at Daren who stood proudly right in front of him.

"More than ready, to accompany you wherever you go!"

Daren replied coldly. Yet, full of authority. The look in his eyes portrayed firmness.

Today's outfit, a warrior sleeve T-shirt, which displayed his muscular build. The long pants were a little tight. The impression of a mature man is increasingly radiating.

In recent times, Daren has managed to transform himself from being fat, ugly and considered trash. Now he had transformed himself into a handsome, dashing young man who was proficient in martial arts and shooting.

"Nice! I've always liked your style." Joshua smiled with satisfaction and patted Darun's right shoulder once, before he walked away.

Joshua took out a pair of sunglasses from his pants pocket and put them on. He was known as the right-hand man of the Black Shadow Organization.

Meanwhile, Daren was not idle, and he soon caught up with Joshua. He stuffed both hands into his pants pockets and walked dashingly.

If you remember back. Today, Joshua was going to introduce Daren to someone, who had a great influence on the Black Shadow Organization.

Who was he? Daren didn't have a clear picture of the leader of the Black Shadow Organization. Joshua didn't tell him the details. Didn't he even tell him that the head of the Black Shadow Organization was a woman or a man?

Daren was quite curious. He couldn't sleep all night. His mind kept thinking about the chairman, whom he had never met before.

According to rumors. The head of the Black Shadow Organization is notorious for being ruthless, strict and indiscriminate when someone makes a mistake.


"Don't be tense like that." Joshua reprimanded Daren who was sweating while driving the car.

"No! You misunderstood. I don't feel that way." Daren tried to be evasive. In truth, though, he was a little nervous.

"As I said yesterday. We just want to meet the Chairman. Not the angel of death. So, behave normally, without being overly anxious." He shook her head slowly. He couldn't help but think that Daren still had excessive fear.

For Joshua, meeting the head of the Black Shadow Organization was nothing new, but for Daren. This was his first opportunity. A new experience as well as an encounter that made him sweat constantly.

"Alright. I understand."


From Joshua's residence to the Headquarters of the Black Shadow Organization, it took approximately one and a half hours. Even if the road was smooth without any obstacles.

Joshua left the car first. Meanwhile, Daren repeatedly took a deep breath, then let it out.

"Come on, Daren! Hurry up and get out!" Joshua called out loudly.

The man, who had a rough face and a stitch on the corner of his eye, let out a long sigh.

For a minute, he was made to wait. Daren finally got out of the car, having regained his composure. He tried to put on a forced smile.

Joshua walked first, and Daren followed behind.

The house, which had three floors, looked very beautiful. The front yard was spacious. Overgrown with all kinds of trees.

There were many men, wearing black suits, sunglasses and carrying weapons in their hands, standing guard at their respective posts.

Arriving inside. The room looked very quiet. Daren stared in amazement at the entire area.

There were many things that made Daren's gaze become unfocused on Joshua. However, Daren immediately stood up swiftly again, as an adult woman walked hurriedly over.

"Is Miss Xena here?" asked Joshua coldly. Not showing a friendly expression.

"Miss Xena is in her room. You can go there if you want to meet her," the woman replied calmly. Even though she was the most feared man in the city.

"All right. You can go. I'll meet Miss Xena in her room." Joshua said firmly and she nodded, quickly walking away from him.

"Come on, Daren!" He then admonished the young man who was engrossed in his own thoughts.

Daren didn't answer, just nodded his understanding. A few seconds later, he followed behind Joshua, who walked briskly up the steps.

The two men, who were from different generations, entered the room on the second floor. The room was filled with books, which were placed on shelves.

"Miss Xena." Joshua greeted. His tone was polite and gentle. Not like he usually did to his men.

A girl was sitting, looking down while reading a book. The look on her face was so serious that she didn't even care about Joshua's arrival.

"What brings you here, Joshua?" Xena asked without looking away. However, in one listen, she could already guess, who had come and disturbed her peace?

Xena's focus remained on one point, the book she was reading. Choosing not to pay attention to Joshua's arrival.

"I'd like to introduce Miss Xena to the man I told you about a few days ago," Joshua said calmly.

This time he had behaved naturally. However, still full of politeness, as a subordinate to his employer.


Xena, who had been curious for the last few days, closed the book. There was a slight sound when the book was closed.

She immediately dropped her sharp and unfriendly gaze on Joshua.

"Why did you come at a bad time? I'm seriously reading a mystery book, right now!"

Joshua didn't expect those words to come out of Xena's mouth. Daren looked transfixed as Xena raised her head. It revealed a beautiful and stern face.

Although Xena was a woman, she was able to make Joshua, who was the most feared man in the city, look down and unable to move in front of her.

Daren guessed. That Xena was the head of the Black Shadow Organization. It was obvious from the way she spoke and yelled at Joshua, that she had left him speechless.

"I apologize Miss Xena, for interrupting your time."

"Never mind, there's no need for you to apologize. It's useless because I have no appetite for reading anymore!"

Xena had a high position, so her every word was an order and should not be disobeyed.

Joshua nodded. The big, stout man was like a stray cat that gets scared when it sees a dog.

Xena put the book back on the shelf where it had been. Then she focused on Joshua.

"Tell me! What did you come to see me for, so early?" Xena had lowered the intonation of her voice. This time, she looked like a normal pretty girl. Sweet. However, there was not the slightest smile on her face.

"He is Daren. The young man I'd like to introduce to Miss," Joshua said straight to the point.

Without further explanation, Xena dropped her gaze on the young man, who was standing not far from Joshua.

Xena tilted her head and watched Daren from head to toe.

Daren had a handsome face. Athletic body and fashionable appearance. Xena guessed that Daren's personality was not much different from Joshua. The only two differences were age and experience.

"Where did you find this trash?" Suddenly Xena asked a rude question, referring to Daren as trash.

Daren gasped, her eyes blinking, just as the question was asked.

Joshua had his mouth wide open, wanting to explain. However, Xena had already raised her right hand. As a result, Joshua was silent.

"You don't have to say anything. I want this young man to answer!" Xena said inviolably.

Her words were an order that no one could evade.

"Me, Miss?" Daren referred to himself.

Xena nodded as she folded her arms across her chest. She walked over to Daren. Scraping away the distance that was only a few meters.

"My name is Daren..."

"I already knew that!" Before Daren could finish her sentence, Xena interrupted her.

"Tell me something else. Like, where did you live before you met Joshua?"

Daren nodded in understanding. More or less, he understood what Xena's question meant.

Daren explained about himself, who used to live in an orphanage. Daren no longer had parents because he was found by the owner of the orphanage, crying and wanting.

Daren was not an educated person. He learned only from used books given to him by donors of the orphanage. Despite this, Daren did not give up hope. He continues to learn to understand life.

Daren also added that he was married. However, the marriage did not last long. During his marriage, Daren received bad treatment from his wife, mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Nevertheless, Daren was still able to survive.

An unexpected incident happened to him. The wife, in fact, betrayed and made love to another man. Making out intimately in front of his eyes. At the same time, his father-in-law was murdered by an unknown person. However, Daren had to be accused of the murder, because he found the father-in-law.

After hearing Daren's sad story. Xena nodded and her mouth formed a big O.

"It turns out that your life is full of challenges too. No wonder Joshua wanted to pick you up off the street." Xena laughed after saying that.

Indirectly, she was hurling insults at the young man in front of her. Xena looked back at Daren from head to toe.

She seemed to be assessing Daren as a whole.

"You can be my personal bodyguard!"

Daren raised her head, "bodyguard?" He couldn't hide her surprise.

"Yes. Bodyguard. That job, suits you!" Xena made a face and gave an intimidating look, which seemed to patronize Daren.

Xena turned around, walking away from Daren. Right in front of her desk, Xena looked back at Daren and Joshua.

"You will be my personal bodyguard. Accompany me wherever I go. I've never had a personal bodyguard. After seeing and hearing your story. I'm interested in having you as my bodyguard. That is if you are willing to accept it."

From what Xena said, she had actually been considering this since the last few days, right when Joshua came to her and told her about Daren.

Actually since then, Xena had been interested and wanted to meet Daren. However, the time for the meeting was always missing.

"How about it, Daren? Did you accept my offer? Even if you're not interested, it doesn't matter to me. However, I assure you, your life is not peaceful."

Xena gave a small grin. She never messed with her words. If she said so, then it was certain that Daren's life would not be peaceful.

"Okay. I accept your offer, Miss." Daren said simply and clearly.

In the past few months, Daren had gotten used to being firm without much consideration.

Hearing that, Xena smiled meaningfully.

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