4. Daren's New Figure

The next day.

"Help!" shouted Joshua from inside the cell.

"Help! Someone's fainted here!"

His screams were heard outside and one of the officers on guard approached the cell. Find out what happened.

"What is it? Who fainted?” The officer peered into the cell from behind the iron bars which were still locked. At first glance he found a prisoner lying down. However, we cannot yet confirm what the cause is.

"Help! It looks like he passed out from poisoning!" Joshua reasoned while making a pitiful face.

The officer hesitated to go inside. When he first saw it from a distance, it turned out that Joshua was right. White foam came out of Daren's mouth.

The man in the black uniform and gun hurriedly called his colleague who was in charge of guarding the cell key.

Joshua grinned, then sat back with a deep sigh, waiting for the stupid officer to come. Meanwhile, Daren was still lying down, pretending to be poisoned.

A few minutes passed, and officers arrived with their colleagues. Joshua immediately wore a worried expression.

The man in uniform and equipped with a weapon immediately opened the cell door. The two of them entered at the same time to check Daren's condition.

"What about this prisoner?" the man asked. However, before he got a response, Joshua had already knocked on him without warning.

"Hey, you!" Before the officers could take action, Joshua gave him a hard punch to the face.

The man staggered and took several steps back. Lost half of his consciousness. Daren hurriedly stood up. Then take a safe distance from Joshua. He might be hit by a rock if he didn't dodge quickly.


Continuous blows and blows resulted in the two officers finally lying unconscious.

"Let's go!" Joshua said quickly as he ran out of the cell. Not much time.

Daren tried to follow from behind. He didn't run as fast as Joshua because his earthquake body was quite difficult.


There was a loud sound. Daren spontaneously covered his ears and sat down.

Joshua who saw it just shook his head. "Are you a man or a woman? Just hearing the sound of an explosion makes you very scared," he quipped loudly.

Daren's stomach seemed to shrink suddenly. It is unimaginable to be faced with a dangerous situation like in an action film.

"Hey, fatty! Hurry! Or do you want us to get caught again, ah?" Joshua shouted, making Daren wake up from his reverie.

Daren raised his large body, rushing to catch up with Joshua who was already running.

Meanwhile outside the prison. The explosion came from there. The large wall was destroyed and the debris fell onto the officers guarding there.

More than five people became victims. Meanwhile, those who were still standing immediately got up because a group of six people dressed all in black came carrying long-barreled firearms.

"Shoot all the officers. We have to save you, Boss, as quickly as possible!" shouted one of them who was thought to be the leader of the group.

The other five nodded, immediately dispersing to their designated locations.

Joshua continued to throw punch after punch every time he encountered officers blocking his way until he fell helpless.

The weapons the officers carried did not scare Joshua at all. He took it easy.

Daren took some distance from Joshua. "Is he human or Thor? How strong was his blow that these officers immediately fainted?"

Daren walked slowly while watching the police officer who fainted from Joshua's punch.

"Hey, hurry up! Those evil officers are going to surround us! Do you want to get killed by their guns?!" Joshua shouted from five meters away because Daren was still behind.

"Good." Daren quickened his steps. He was tired from running all the time.

Having a fat body is not something to be proud of. At a critical moment like this, it was very difficult to run fast.

Daren took a deep breath. Accept the fate you are living. Every day I never hear insults from my family. Even small mistakes can drag on for a long time.

After expending a lot of energy, the outside of the prison was finally visible. Joshua grinned slightly, discovering that part of the walls of this prison had been destroyed. That must have been the result of the explosion that was heard earlier.

"Boss!" The man greeted Joshua, calling him Boss.

"You've finally come, Hans. What about the others?" Joshua asked while looking around.

"They will be back soon," answered the man named Hans confidently.

"We'd better go before that stupid officer comes!" Joshua looked back. So far no officers have followed, or maybe not yet.

"Okay, Boss. The car is ready outside." Hans said straightforwardly.

"What about me?" Daren raised his voice, after being silent for a while listening to the conversation between the two foreign men.

Joshua was silent. Looking at the fat man from head to toe. Daren is no longer used. But considering his contribution was small, Joshua decided to help.

"Come with us out of this prison."

That's more or less what Joshua said. Daren smiled faintly. He wanted to say thank you but stopped for one reason or another.

Joshua's men who came with Hans had also returned. They rushed to leave the prison. However, before that happens.


A shot from behind shot quickly and penetrated Daren's back. His body swayed uncontrollably.


The remaining officer fired a second shot. This time the target is the chest.

Joshua snatched the weapon from Hans' hand. Then ...


Joshua shot the officer from thirty meters away. The man in black uniform lay on the ground and his gun fell from his hand.

"Quick, get him to the car!" Joshua's orders were very strict, which his men immediately obeyed.

They carried Daren's body together because it was difficult for one person to work.

"It's just troublesome," Joshua hissed irritably. Don't set your expectations too high. If you don't want to end up upset.

Daren's bloodied body was immediately laid in the car. Joshua was in the same car, with Hans as the driver.

“I will take the bullet out of his body or his life will be in danger.”

Joshua said seriously, Hans nodded in understanding. Immediately he took out a bottle of alcohol and other equipment from the car dashboard.

Joshua opened Daren's chest using only simple tools. Occasionally Hans looked behind him but remained focused on the paved road.

Joshua was used to doing this, taking out hot lead to brand someone's body, without proper medical equipment.

It only took Joshua fifteen minutes to finally remove the bullet.

"It seems that God still gave him a long life. The bullet did not penetrate his heart. Even though currently his condition is still critical."

Joshua wiped the sweat from his forehead. Then he took a deep breath, "I'm so sorry for this man. His life always makes other people troublesome."

"Is he the one helping, Boss?" Hans asked and interrupted all of Joshua's thoughts.

"Instead of helping, this person is causing trouble. He can't run or defend himself. Those evil officers almost caught us," cursed Joshua, repeating the memory of what happened a few moments ago.

Even so, Joshua felt sorry for Daren. Not much was known, but he could guess what kind of life Daren had lived all this time.


Arriving at the hospital. The doctor and team immediately took further action. Daren has lost a lot of blood, he is currently on the verge of death.

Joshua did not have much hope that Daren would survive. The possibility is very small.

Apart from Daren who received treatment, Joshua was also examined by a doctor. There were no injuries, just a few scratches on the arms and forehead.


One month has passed. Daren also started a new life and style. Who would have thought, he managed to get through his critical period?

Joshua was shocked at that time. It turns out that God was really on Daren's side, allowing Daren to breathe fresh air.

Now Daren is no longer a simple man who is fat and experienced. Thanks to Joshua, Daren was transformed into a handsome and dashing man.

Anyone who saw it would be stunned.

"How was your training?" Joshua came to Daren who was practicing shooting in the target area.

Daren bowed slightly, showing his respect for the man who had saved his life.

"Still like yesterday. However, this time I tried a new type." Daren showed the firearm he was holding.

Joshua took the weapon from Daren's hand. "Type 200 roof." One look and he knew what kind of weapon it was.

"Yes. I like it because the power of this weapon is greater than the one I tried yesterday." Daren denied and Joshua smiled faintly. Even without being told, Joshua already knew his superiority.

“Sure, you should try something else too.”


Joshua fired his shot without using a safety guard. Daren was amazed by Joshua's shooting ability.

For some time now, Daren had Joshua as his teacher. The teacher who taught him many things. Especially when it comes to shooting and self-defense.

“You are indeed extraordinary, sir,” he praised without hesitation.

"You don't need to praise me like that. I've been familiar with guns since I was five years old. My father taught me to shoot. He said, 'A man will look great if he can shoot'. Yes, that's why I'm so interested in guns."

Unlike usual, this time Joshua spoke in a relaxed manner. Even invited Daren to sit down.

"You are lucky, Bos. Because you have a father who can teach you many things. This is different from me, who lived in an orphanage since I was little." Daren smiled wryly.

Life is like that. Daren never knew who his parents were. The owner of the orphanage found Daren cold by the river.

What a conscienceless old man.

"This life is cruel. The weak will be oppressed. While the rulers will act naively for the sake of power. Meanwhile, we are just minions."

Daren was stunned to interpret this sentence.

Joshua grinned slightly, "take a break! I'll introduce you to someone."

Joshua patted Daren on the shoulder, which then brought him out of his reverie.

"Who?" Daren frowned.

"You'll find out tomorrow." Joshua left after saying that.

Daren got up from his seat and continued to stare at Joshua's back until he was completely out of sight.

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