Adrian and Lucas walked together down the busy streets of the city at night. Lucas, who seemed curious about Roger, couldn't help but ask, “Are you sure he is going to show up?”

He chuckled, his gaze fixed on Lucas. He brought him to a halt and reassuringly placed a hand on his shoulder. “Don't worry,” Adrian assured. “I’m confident my plan will succeed. Your task is to keep a vigilant eye on my parents while I take care of the rest. We can't let them know that I have returned to the city; it would disrupt my plan to find the witch.”

Lucas nodded in agreement. “Okay. But that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t keep an eye on Roger. Perhaps he might tell someone about you.”

Adrian tried to persuade him, explaining, "We have no other choice but to bring him into this. He possesses more knowledge about Nexus Heights than anyone else. It's likely that others will eventually discover my return, especially since someone is following us. So, it's safe to assume that someone else is already aware."

Lucas scanned around the crowds for the spy. “Try to be more cautious then. I will head back home and get Diana to safety.”

“Don’t worry, I already texted her what to do; proceed to keep vigilant eyes on my parents. They should be the last to find out I’m back,” Adrian said.

Their conversation ended as they went their separate ways. Adrian walked into the bar where he had planned to meet Roger.

He went to take a seat at the bar counter while ordering himself a glass of Bourbon whisky to keep himself busy till Roger arrived.

Not quite long,

Roger sauntered into the dimly lit bar, his eyes scanning the crowded bar until they landed on Adrian. A wry smile curled his lips as he approached him.

"Well, well, if it isn't Adrian," Roger said, his tone a mix of amusement and curiosity. "Unbelievable, I thought I was just imagining when I got you replying to my text," he said.

"It is real, actually,” Adrian chuckled, extending his hand for a friendly shake. “Long time, no see."

Roger sat beside him and ordered a glass of whisky as they talked. "What has brought you back to the city you’ve abandoned for so long?"

He watched him carefully, a shrewd glint in his eyes. "I came back for something very important."

Fueled with curiosity, Roger leaned in closer. "What is this important thing?"

He took a sip of whisky and responded. "You're known for your ability to gather information, and I need information about someone specific."

“Go on, Adrian. What kind of information are we talking about?" He requested.

His voice lowered, laced with an air of mystery. "The kind of information that might lead me to a powerful witch."

Roger raised an eyebrow, clearly interested. "A powerful witch, you say? That's not a simple request. There are a lot of powerful witches in Nexus Heights. Do you have any information about her that might be of help?”

“She’s young and has a rare mark on her body,” Adrian revealed.

He nodded. “Okay, let’s see what I can get about her, but most importantly, what's my cut in all this?"

Adrian gaze was unwavering. "I'm willing to offer you anything you want."

With a thoughtful look, he said, “Then I want you to find me the phoenix feather.”

Even though Adrian wondered why he wanted the phoenix feather, it wasn’t the right moment to find out. “Okay, I will get it for you."

“Wow, that seems so easy." He said, “I hope you aren’t cooking up some surprises for me."

Adrian chuckled. “I assume you know how dangerous it is to find the Phoenix feather, and I agreed straight away. Don’t forget, I told you that I was going to do anything; just get me the witch information.”

As they continued their conversation, the atmosphere in the bar grew tense. The door to the bar slammed open, and a chilling silence fell over the customers.

A tall, imposing figure clad in dark leather stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Adrian. Behind him,

there were standing men with a menaced appearance. Roger's expression shifted from curiosity to concern.

Adrian slowly stood up, his senses alert. He could feel the hunters' intent, and he knew he had to act quickly. "We have company," he whispered to Roger.

The lead hunter pointed a silver sword directly at Adrian. "There you are, Hybrid. Welcome back to Nexus Heights."

The entire bar seemed to hold its breath as the tension escalated. Adrian had a choice to make: fight or flee. The outcome would determine his fate, and it was a decision he had to make quickly.

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