"What are you talking about, huh? Wait please!" He felt like he would have a heart attack. Payment has been cancelled?

He was ruined!

"You've offended the big dogs of the business industry. You brought this upon yourself. Good day."Lindsay said.

"Lindsay dear, are you forgetting who I am–hey, hello?" he was saying but she had already hung up.

"No. This can't be happening!" Bob cried out.

Meanwhile, Nicholas was just on his way to work. The building was a skyscraper towering to the clouds. He still couldn't believe he owned it!

He stepped down from his car and walked in. Just by the grand lobby, a woman was speaking to the receptionist.

"Come on ma'am, I would really like to meet the vice president. Bob Fisher knows her! You need to treat me right." Maya said stubbornly.

If she could meet Lindsay, then she would be able to submit her business proposal to her directly. It was good, she knew it. She just needed the right connection to win.

"Please ma'am. I've told you before. You need an appointment to see our vice president. Also, just submit your proposal like the other companies are doing." The receptionist said.

Nicholas wondered what his ex wife was doing there. He walked further close. That was when he saw his in-laws too. Shawn and his mother in law, Laura.

"Well well well, look what dirt dragged here," said Shawn. He was a stout short man with thick brows. "What are you doing here?"

His mother and Maya turned.

"Nick? What's he doing here?" Said Laura.

Maya frowned. "Please ignore him. Nicholas, come with me, let's talk."

"No need for that. I'm in a hurry." Nicholas said. This made them laugh.

"You? In a hurry?" Shawn said. "You must be looking for another cleaning job again huh!"

"But where did you see the money for the suit? It looks expensive!" his mother in law said.

His in-laws have always despised him because he was poor and was married to Maya. Even when he provided little, Maya lied that he was too lazy and really poor.

"You amuse me, Nicholas. Are you stalking me?" Laura said.

Nicholas' brows furrowed. "Now I'm actually curious. What are you doing here with all your family members?"

"None of your business!" Shawn yelled.

"You can't relate, but I'll tell you. I'm here to submit my business proposal." Maya said.

"But you can do that online." Said Nicholas.

"Well I'm an important guest. Bob Fisher promised me–" she stopped seeing Bob rushed in, sweating heavily.

He didn't see them until he heard Maya call his name. And then, Nicholas was there! He was fuming with anger now, but he must never let Maya and her family know he was now broke!

"Why are you running like this?" she asked him.

Nicholas already knew why. "Yea Bob, tell us why you were running like this. Someone might think you've lost your money or something."

Bob's face grew pale. "What? Nonsense! My money is uncountable! Billions!" he bragged.

"That's right, Nicholas. You can't relate." Maya said, holding him closer.

Just then, a lady walked in with expensive jewellery. She was with Lindsay.

"Hey Lindsay." Nicholas was eager to see her. She gave him a warm smile.

"Good morning, sir. This young lady sells antique jewellery. I was just taking her to the head director's office. I'll be right back sir."

Maya frowned. Isn't that the vice chairman??? And she called Nicholas...sir? She needed to speak to Lindsay privately about her proposal!

Bob too was shocked to see her respect Nicholas. He needed to speak to her privately to talk about his contract deal!

"No wait young lady." Nicholas said. The lady stopped and stared. Everyone was staring at him too, waiting to see what he would say. He had a crazy idea forming in his head now.

"How much is your most expensive necklace there?" he asked her.

The lady replied with a smile. She knew she was in the midst of rich people and would easily sell it.

"It's an antique vintage gold jewellery over 100 years old, and currently, this takes us back to around the Art Deco era sir. I don't have the most expensive one on me right now, but this one here costs 3.5 million dollars sir."

Maya's eyes widened in shock. It was expensive, but she just laughed out loud. "That's cheap for my love, Bob. Right?"

Bob gulped hard. "O-Of course!"

Nicholas's in-laws both stared to watch, wanting to know the end of the situation. Bob would shame Nicholas!

"Really? Is it that cheap? You should buy it then." Nicholas said. Lindsay was smiling now.

Bob gulped again. He was almost crying now. "Of course. I will buy it for my lovely girlfriend. But not today."

Maya frowned. "What do you mean not today? My family is here, and you would let Nicholas embarrass us?"

"What? No!" said Bob immediately.

"Yes, Bob. Don't let me embarrass you." Nicholas pressed on.

"Come on, Mr. Bob. You're bigger than this!" Said Shawn.

"That's right, my son. I'm counting on you." Laura said.

Everyone was looking at him now.

He brought out his card and the lady was with a machine already. She took the card from him and slotted it in.

The machine gave out a cry and the lady said, "it's saying decline sir."

Bob's heart was beating fast. He knew he must continue to pretend.

"What? No way! Try it again." He commanded.

The lady did so and said again, "it's still saying declined."

He was already sweating now. "This is rubbish! Your machine is fake."

"Then why don't you transfer right now sir?" the lady said.

"That's right. Do transfer, baby." Maya said.

Everyone agreed again and this only made him more scared. He was sweating again and breathing very fast.

"You should listen to them, Bob. Hurry up now, Mr. Billionaire." Nicholas said, with a grin on his face. "You don't wanna embarrass your lovely girlfriend, do you?"

“Guys, please wait. I will do the transfer now.” Bob said. He was shocked to see how they all were desperate for him to buy the stupid necklace!

The lady tries his card again, “same thing, sir.”

Nicholas smirked. “Maybe he doesn't have the money to do so, don't you think Lindsay?”

“Yes it's true. No need to hide it anymore, Bob.” Lindsay said.

His brows squeezed together in anger. Then he turned to see Maya glaring at him. “This must be a mistake, my love. Oh look, a message from my bank!” He lied.

“What does it say?” Maya asked him.

“It's a message. They're undergoing a system upgrade. I knew it! I'm going to sue this bank, I swear!” Bob continued to lie.

Nicholas just watched and smiled. Later, he said to the lady confidently. “Don't worry, lady. You'll still get your money. I want to buy the necklace.”

Deep down, Maya was curious. Her mother sneered and Shawn laughed out loud.

“You poor thing! Ha!” Exclaimed Shawn.

Bob waited too. Could he actually have that much money??

Nicholas ignored them and made the purchase.


The lady's eyes widened in astonishment. “Sir, I've seen the alert! Your purchase has been confirmed.”

“What?” Maya screamed on the inside. Where did he get the money??

Nobody could speak, only Lindsay and the lady were smiling now.

Then Maya was happy slowly. At least she would get the expensive necklace! She couldn't wait to brag to her friends! Until Bob said,

“Don't put that filthy thing around my dearest. I will buy you wonderful things, more expensive than this!” Said Bob to Maya.

Nicholas remembered when Maya told him that he should come back when she can afford to buy him a million dollar necklace. He could buy so much more for her now! But he was never going back to meet her.

“This is your necklace, sir.” The lady handed him a neat package in a designer box.

Maya wanted to talk, but she just kept quiet. She knew Nicholas still loved her and would keep the necklace for her.

But instead, Nicholas said. “Lindsay? This is for you. It will look beautiful on you!”

Lindsay was shocked to hear her name. She smiled happily.

The lady selling the jewellery giggled excitedly. “Wow miss, it will look so good on you!”

Maya felt like she would faint of jealousy! It grew worse when she watched now Nicholas took out the necklace and carefully wore it for Lindsay. The sight was so annoying that she walked away angrily. Bob followed.

Shawn wanted to say something but Nicholas and Lindsay with the lady selling jewellery walked away before he did.

As Maya stormed off, she was beginning to wonder how Nicholas could afford that necklace! Was he now…rich??

Nicholas smiled and celebrated with Lindsay later that evening at the restaurant.

Lindsay felt her face flustered red as she held the necklace pendant around her neck.

“I understand if you would need this back sir. I haven't asked all day because I didn't get the chance.” She said to Nicholas.

“You think that I only got it for you to make Maya jealous? No no, you deserve it. That lady said so, didn't she? That it would look pretty on you. And it does.” Nicholas flashed a soft smile at her.

She smiled back. “Wow, thank you so much sir.”

“You're welcome."

"It's so funny that after going broke, he would still rush his engagement party with Maya in only a few days' time." Lindsay said, sipping her wine.

Nicholas frowned. "Engagement party? With Maya?" He asked but tried to hide the little bit of sadness he felt in his heart.

But really, he was shocked she didn't tell him! Lindsay nodded.

After a while, Nicholas said. "You know, I want to crash this party. What do you say Lindsay, will you be my date?” He asked.

She blinked. “Me? But she didn't invite you.”

“The more reason I want to go. I'm happy for her moving on already, but I want to go.” Nicholas explained to her.

“Okay sir. I would happily escort you sir.” She said,

It was important to him to go because then, he would reveal to everyone that Bob had no money.


Maya was welcoming her guest. It was the night of her engagement. She wore a silver dress and silver heels, looking like a goddess. She was beautiful with her hair loose and her makeup.

“Right this way, sir, ma'am.” She said to a man and his wife.

“Congratulations on getting engaged to Bob Fisher! And you look beautiful dear.” The woman said with a smile.

“Hey dear, we need one thousand dollars for more wine. Gimme the cash Bob has given you.” Her mother called her.

Maya frowned. “Another money?”

“What? It's your fiancé's money anyway! Why are you being stingy?” her mother said.

Maya tightened her lips. “I can only spare you 500 bucks. Manage it!” She handed her mother the cash and walked away to meet Bob.

“My money keeps decreasing, Bob. You've been telling me you'll go to the bank and complain for four days now!” She complained.

Bob lied again. “Oh dear, I'm so sorry. I've told you, I will sue my bank if they don't answer by next month!” he said.

“Next month!? You said this week. Now, next month?? You'll wreck me by then!” Maya cried out.

The only reason she slept with Bob was to help her business grow and she wanted to collect lots of money from him. Now, she has been spending all her money.

“I'm sorry baby. You know what, I'll triple all the money you've borrowed from me. How much now??” He bragged.

She knew she had spent at least 10k grand, but she lied and said it's 50k.

Bob yelled out. “Whoa, it's a lot! But I'll pay you back. I'll give you 200,000$. Then I'll give you the money I promised you, don't worry!”

That seemed to relax her a bit. Her brother walked by and asked for money again, but as she was about to yell at him that no money again, Shawn looked up and said.

“Wow, who are those wealthy people?? They look so good together!” Exclaimed Shawn.

Maya turned to look back, and then, she opened her mouth in shock.

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