Detective Jeremy was deeply engrossed in his office, poring over case files, when the door creaked open. Mera, his sharp-witted colleague, entered briskly, a file clutched in her hand. Without preamble, she dropped it onto Jeremy's cluttered desk.

"You have to see this," she urged, her voice low with intensity.

Jeremy glanced up, curiosity piqued. The file detailed the enigmatic Sir Ren and his alleged misdeeds. As he skimmed through the pages, a thoughtful expression settled on his face.

"He's actually a big threat but I wonder how far his influence reaches within the government," Mera commented, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

Jeremy's lips curled into a knowing smile, a blend of determination and resolve evident in his gaze.

"No matter how deep his roots run, the law will catch up with him eventually," he replied calmly, a sense of justice guiding his next move.

"Just then, a call came in reporting a fight at Seventh Avenue, urgently requesting backup," crackled the voice over t
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