Lenard Finley stormed into Mr Ben’s ward, glaring daggers at him. “You foolish man!” He roared. “What were you thinking, damaging my taxi like that?!”

Adrian looked at the man inquisitively before Mr Ben whispered to him in explanation. “He’s the manager of the taxi company.”

A second man, who looked to be around the same age as Mr Ben shuffled in behind Lenard. His eyes held a glint of disappointment as he stared at Mr Ben. This man was Lin Cheng, the sick friend who Mr Ben filled in for.

“Mr Finley, I apologize for damaging the car.” Mr. Ben voiced out in a strained voice. “It wasn’t intentional-”

“I don’t care if it was intentional or not!” Lenard spat as his eyes glinted with disdain.You have to pay for the damages. And Lin, this is all on you. Why did you allow such an irresponsible person to fill in for you?”

Lin’s hands balled into a fist, his frown deepening. “Benjamin, you call yourself my friend and you do this to me? My job is now at stake because of you. I shouldn’t have
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