Lenard’s phone escaped from his grasp, clattering to the ground as soon as he saw the notification indicating that the fourth transfer was successful. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and gulped nervously, his bravado crumbling completely.

“Well, Mr Lenard,” Adrian began, his voice laced with amusement. “It looks like you’ve lost the bet. Time to fulfill your end of the deal.”

Lenard’s face contorted into a mix of horror and despair. His eyes frantically darted round the room, searching for an escape route. “This…this is unacceptable!” He sputtered. “There’s no way a lowly migrant worker like you could have that kind of money! How am I sure those transfers weren’t fake?”

“Stop trying to weasel your way out of the bet like a coward, Mr Lenard.” Adrian countered, a slight edge to his voice. “The transfers I made are as real as the holes in your singlet. So, instead of making excuses, take off your fourth piece of clothing and declare yourself the fool that you are.”

Lenard’s rotund
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