Adrian glanced at Bright, his eyes narrowing in confusion as he racked his brain for memories of him. After a few seconds, he recalled who Bright was—his high school classmate.

“Bright, it’s you? I see you are the manager here.” Adrian pointed out casually.

Janice felt a sense of panic rise within her, seeing that Bright was familiar with Adrian. “Sir, I didn’t know you two were acquainted. I’m sor-” She began to apologize but Bright cut her off.

“No need to apologize, Janice. He's just a...loser that I went to the same high school with.” Bright's voice dripped with disdain as he glared at Adrian. “What are you doing here?”

Adrian’s annoyance grew when he remembered how rudely Janice had treated him. “I wanted to buy some herbal supplements but your subordinate here,” he gestured to Janice, “was completely unprofessional. I suggest you keep her in line.”

Bright chuckled as he eyed Adrian with distaste. “Who are you to decide if Janice was unprofessional? You are merely a poor and shab
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