All Chapters of RISE OF THE INVINCIBLE HEIR : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
33 chapters
Adrian Muller made his way to the Muller mansion with a conflicted expression on his face as the weight of his circumstances crashed down on him. His girlfriend had left him to be with a richer man and now, he desperately needed $100,000 for his mother’s surgery. All the money he raised by working odd jobs day and night, had not even been enough to cover her chemotherapy treatments. Currently left with no other choice, he decided to ask his estranged father for help.As he got to the gates of the mansion, he was halted in his tracks by the buff security guard on duty. “Where do you think you’re going? You lost…or something?” The security guard named Jared sneered, his thick southern accent dripping with disdain as he took in Adrian’s worn out clothes.“I’m here to see Mr Robert Muller. It’s very urgent.” Adrian replied, his voice laced with desperation.Jared scoffed as his eyes narrowed at Adrian with revulsion. “You ain’t allowed to see him. Leave before I rough you up!” He ordered
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Robert Muller was in his study handling some paperwork when he heard the commotion coming from outside his house. Annoyed by the distraction it was causing, he decided to check it out. On getting to the scene, he saw Liam barking orders at a security guard to deal with a disheveled looking man and on a closer look, he saw that it was Adrian, his bastard son. Deep frown lines marred his features as feelings of anger and resentment towards Adrian festered within his mind. Getting more and more irritated with the commotion, he masked the feelings of resentment with a stoic look and decided to put a stop to it, “Let go of him now!” He boomed in an authoritative voice.Jared immediately let go of Adrian at the sound of Robert’s voice. Adrian heaved a sigh of relief as he glanced at his father’s imposing figure standing in the doorway, his voice cracking with emotion. “Please Father…I-I need your help. My m-mom is-”“Quiet!” Liam didn’t let Adrian finish his sentence, the veins in his fore
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Adrian gulped at the almost threatening words, “Yes sir.” He mumbled, clutching the envelope tightly in his hands as he opened the door to leave. As he exited the study, he met Liam who regarded him with a hostile gaze. “You succeeded in getting my father’s money huh?” Liam muttered, his expression unreadable as his eyes zeroed in on the envelope in Adrian’s hands.“Let’s see if you manage to save your worthless mother after all.” He added vaguely, a sinister smirk playing on his lips. He pushed past Adrian’s shoulder, shoving him slightly as he stormed into his father’s study and slammed the door shut behind him.Adrian didn’t pay much attention to Liam even though he still had the urge to punch the living daylights out of him. He simply put on a positive smile and left the Muller’s mansion but not without Jared shooting him a death glare on his way out. ***“Alright Dad!” Liam plopped down on the leather couch at the corner of the study wit
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A bewildered Adrian blurted out in confusion. “W-what trillion dollar empire are you talking about? And why does this Sir Edward want to see me? I don’t think I’ve met anyone with that name before.” Jonah noticed the skepticism and uncertainty clouding Adrian’s eyes and his lips quirked in a knowing smile, “I understand that this…” He gestured between them with his index finger. “…situation must seem strange and suspicious to you but I assure you that all your questions would be answered when you meet with Sir Edward.” “O-Kay...” Adrian conceded, his voice tight. Wincing slightly from the throbbing pain in his head, he managed to get up. “Let’s go see him, then.”Jonah frowned as he noticed the blotch of blood on Adrian’s temple. “Young Sir…what happened to your head? Do you need to get the injury checked out before we proceed?”“No, no, it’s fine. It’s not as bad as it looks.” Adrian waved him off as he wiped the blood with his sleeve, deliberately ignoring the ‘young sir’ title wh
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“That’s impossible.” Adrian countered, shaking his head in disbelief. “Robert Muller is my father, albeit illegitimate, but my biological father nevertheless.”Sir Edward had a knowing look in his eyes. “Get me the hospital reports, Jonah.” He instructed the man standing discreetly by the side.“Right away sir.” Jonah bowed curtly and disappeared down a hallway. Within seconds, he returned with a white envelope in his hands and presented it to Sir Edward.Sir Edward opened the envelope and brought out a single sheet of paper which he extended towards Adrian. “Here. Take a look at it. It’s the DNA report from the hospital.”Hesitantly, Adrian took the paper from Sir Edward’s hands and scanned through it. His eyes widened in shock as they landed on the words; 99% compatible, that were boldly written on the piece of paper.“This can’t be right,” Adrian muttered as his hands that held the DNA report trembled. “H-How can you be my father?” “Let me explain.” Sir Edward sighed in what seeme
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“Trillionaire?! What a fucking twist of fate.” Adrian whistled, his feeling of shock starting to dissipate. “One minute I’m a nobody begging a man who considers me worse than the dirt on his shoes for money and the next minute, I’m the beneficiary to an empire worth trillions. The universe really played a fast one on me.” Sir Edward gave Adrian a relatable smile. “Jonah would escort you to the bank tomorrow to transfer all my assets to you and finalize all legal proceedings.” He explained with a look of contentment on his face.“Tomorrow?” Adrian’s brows furrowed, a sudden worry gnawing at him as he remembered he was yet to pay for his mother’s surgery. Edward noticed the change in his countenance. “Is there a problem?”“My mother is down with cancer and in dire need of a $100,000 dollar surgery.” Adrian replied. “I managed to get the money from Robert a few hours ago but it was stolen just before I could get to the hospital.” “I see…” Edward said, his voice filled with understandi
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Jonah Leigh entered Capital Bank, a bank which he had been assigned the position of the CEO by Sir Edward. Looking around, his brows furrowed when he didn’t see the receptionist at the front desk and decided to head straight for the VIP section where he believed Adrian was. As he got closer to the door, he heard a voice yelling, “Call the Security to get this moron out of here before I lose my cool!”Jonah’s blood ran cold as he flung the door open and roared with a loud voice, “You dare to disrespect the Young Master?!”“T-The Young Master?” Alex and Gary gasped unanimously as they gaped at Adrian with wide eyes. Then, Alex instantly scrambled to his feet and rushed towards Jonah with a shaky voice. “W-welcome sir. I-I didn’t know he was the special guest you informed me about. I thought he was just a nobo—”Before Alex could finish his sentence, Jonah landed a deafening slap on his face. The force of the slap sent Alex's head reeling to the side as a red handprint began to form on h
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Flynn Holt had his head glued to his mobile phone as he texted his flavor of the day while walking towards the bank. He didn’t see Adrian approaching and they collided. The impact of this collision made his phone drop to the ground, leaving a spider web-like crack on the screen. Taken aback by the audacity of whoever dared to bump into him, he froze for a millisecond before looking up to find Adrian staring with an apologetic expression on his face.Anger surged through Flynn and before Adrian could utter a word, he shoved him forcefully to the ground, “Are you blind you useless twat! How dare you bump into me with your filthy body!” He sneered as he glared down at Adrian with disdain.Adrian blinked, momentarily stunned by the aggressive reaction before he rose back to his feet and dusted his clothes, “You didn’t have to do that.” He said calmly despite the growing pain in his shoulder. “I was just about to apologize.”“Who cares about your stupid apology? You stained my expensive Ar
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Sliding some cash into the cab driver's hand, Adrian exited the taxi and hurried towards the Lifemate Hospital. Immediately he opened the solid doors, he was greeted with the familiar scent of sterile bleach and drugs. He quickly approached the counter where two nurses sat gossiping, their faces plastered with animated expressions. Adrian cleared his throat to gain their attention. “Good afternoon, Please I'd like to see my mother.” The two nurses on duty stopped mid-chat and simultaneously turned in their seats to look at Adrian, an irritated expression instantly settling on their faces at the sight of him. “Are you sure your mother is in this hospital?” One of the nurses with the name tag, Kate asked dryly.“Yes I’m sure.” Adrian confirmed. “She’s been here for about a month now and I’ve even visited her several times.” “Then why haven’t I seen you before even though I’m always on duty?” She asked with narrowed eyes before shifting her gaze to her colleague. “Amy, have you seen
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Adrian returned the director’s handshake with a mirrored smile, “Likewise Dr. Arnold. However,” He paused and his gaze flickered towards Kate and Amy, a smirk forming on his lips at their bewildered expressions. “…it seems these two nurses have a problem with me.”Dr. Arnold’s brow furrowed as he shot a sharp glance at Kate and Amy. “Mr. Muller just tell me what they did and I’ll ensure they won’t go unpunished.”“Should I tell him or would you both rather do the honors?” Adrian raised an inquisitive brow at the two nurses in a bid to bait them.As if a bucket of iced water had been poured on them, Kate and Amy both regained their senses. Faster than a bolt of lightning, they scurried towards Adrian, almost tripping on their feets. “S-s-sir, we…we are so sorry. We acted foolishly. Please don’t punish us.”“It’s too late for an apology don’t you think?” Adrian muttered, his face betraying no emotion. “It would be best for you two if you report your actions yourselves because it would b
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