All Chapters of RISE OF THE INVINCIBLE HEIR : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
43 chapters
Chapter 11
“You!” The both of them exclaimed in unison and Adrian’s eyes widened as he remembered Anita. Few days ago, he had accidentally ruined the parcel which he was supposed to deliver to a customer at a company where Anita worked. The owner of the parcel humiliated him and threatened to get him fired but Anita intervened and even paid for the damages. Even though Adrian was fired from the job because the customer had complained to his boss, Anita’s offer to pay for the damages had saved him from being arrested by the police and he promised himself to pay back her kindness one day. Could she be the granddaughter of the Davies whom he was supposed to get married to?The recognition and surprise in Anita’s eyes changed into that of confusion as her gaze raked over Adrian. “Was he here to deliver parcels?” She thought then proceeded to ask cautiously. “What are you doing here and why did you ask if I was Anita Davies?” Adrian cleared his throat at the now awkward situation as he was unsure
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Chapter 12
“What nonsense are you talking about?” Adrian demanded in a tone filled with indignation. “I was definitely not-.” The lady’s high pitched voice cut him off. “Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. I clearly saw you peeking under my skirt.” Her accusation drew a wave of murmurs and gasps from the patrons at the restaurant. “Some men are just too daring. Looking under a ladies skirt? What a pervert.” A woman scoffed in disgust. “Can you believe this bumpkin? He surely deserves ten more slaps.” Another person voiced out. Anita, who had witnessed the entire scene, knew the truth. “I’m sorry but you are mistaken,” she interjected, her voice firm. “He was simply tying his shoelace.” “Stop trying to defend him and don’t interfere.” The lady put her finger up dismissively at Anita then turned to face Adrian with a look of disgust. “Only a weakling like you needs a woman to defend him.” Adrian clenched his jaw and looked at her coldly. “You can’t just accuse me out of t
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Alex Peabody strode towards the La carte restaurant in Penthouse Hotel with two bodyguards in tow. The anger he felt rolled over him like waves. The person that insulted his favorite nephew was simply too daring. As soon as he reached the entrance of the restaurant, his eyes darted around until they landed on an obvious confrontation between two men and two girls. Seeing the exasperated look on Jerry’s face, he roared as he approached them. “Who dares to insult my nephew?!”Murmurs elicited from the customers at the restaurant, even the waiters had paused to see what was going to happen. The entire atmosphere was bubbling with anticipation.“Woah! This is the first time I’m seeing Alex Peabody in person. He looks really furious.” A lady whispered to her friend.“This lad should have begged when he had the chance. Those bodyguards look like they could crush someone with a finger.” Another lady shuddered at the sight of the burly bodyguards trailing behind Alex Peabody.“I’d definitely
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Liam Muller had just stepped out of a bar across from the courthouse when he sighted Adrian standing in front of the courthouse. “Isn’t it that bastard?” He mused, a cruel glint shining in his eyes as he approached Adrian who seemed to be lost in thought. “If it isn’t the good-for-nothing beggar.” He drawled in a bit to goad Adrian.Adrian sighed and closed his eyes for a second as if to calm himself before reopening them and staring coldly at Liam. “I’m not cut out for your trouble today, Liam.”“My trouble?” Liam snorted. “You should be on your knees thanking me for gracing a cheap loser like you with my presence.”Adrian ignored Liam and turned to walk away but Liam’s taunting words stopped him in his tracks. “How is your dear mother?” He asked maliciously. “I hope she hasn’t died since you couldn’t pay for her surgery.”Adrian clenched his fists, his jaw tightening as a surge of anger coursed through him. Forcing it down, he glanced back at Liam suspiciously. “How did you know t
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“Aargh!” Liam roared as he threw different objects against the wall of his room. He was very furious at the fact that Adrian had married Anita Davies, but even more so, he was angry at himself for rejecting her. He should have asked to meet her in person first before concluding that she was ugly. He continued throwing things across the wall and the noise alerted the attention of his mother, Tatiana Davies who rushed in to see what was going on.“Son!” she exclaimed, taking in the wreckage of Liam’s room with shocked eyes before rushing to his side. “What in heaven's name is going on? Why are you so angry?”Liam spun around to face her, his chest heaving. “It's because of that bastard beggar," he spat through gritted teeth. "He stole my woman from me. I can't believe it. It's unacceptable!”Tatiana’s brows furrowed in thought. She knew exactly who Liam was referring to. “How is that possible?” She questioned, her voice laced with disdain. “I thought he had married that ugly granddaugh
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Frustration and irritation settled deep within Anita’s bones, her mother seemed to care more about their status than her own daughter’s feelings. “Mom, I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” she said in a drained voice. “Adrian is my husband, and we are not getting a divorce, that’s final. Stop crying over spilled milk.” “I will never accept him as my son-in-law.” Regina huffed stubbornly as she rose from the sofa. Too annoying!” She shot Adrian a disapproving look before storming out of the room. “Well, that went well.” Adrian remarked sarcastically, after a moment of awkward silence. Anita offered him a small, tired smile. “Don’t worry about my mother and don’t take her insults seriously. That’s just how she is. When my dad returns from his trip, he would talk some sense into her. He is the more reasonable one.” Adrian nodded, appreciating her attempt to comfort him. Deep down, he wasn’t really bothered about Regina’s prejudice towards him. “By the way,” Adrian asked, hi
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Seeing as Mr. Ben was unconscious, Adrian, who only sported a small cut at the side of his face, whipped out his phone and called the emergency services. Before long the sirens signaling their arrival blared in the distance and Adrian whispered assuringly to an unconscious Mr. Ben, “Hold on for just a bit longer, help is on the way.At the hospital, Mr. Ben was wheeled to the intensive care unit while Adrian quickly went to see his mother before her surgery began.Immediately his mother Irene, saw him looking pale and disheveled, she slowly sat up on her bed as her brows pinched in concern. “Did something happen? You look shaken.”Adrian crouched next to her as he took her frail hands in his. “I got into a car accident on my way here.” Irene’s eyes instantly widened and she squeezed his hands as she frantically searched his face and body for any injuries. When her eyes zeroed in on the cut at the side of his head her eyes welled up with tears. “My son,” she choked out as she lightly
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Adrian frowned at Clyde’s preposterous demand. “I won’t do that.” He stated firmly. “Neither I nor the cab driver caused the accident. It was all as a result of Ashley’s careless driving.” Clyde’s face twisted into a sneer. “Don’t go too far, bumpkin!” He warned. “ I wasn’t giving you a choice to apologize. It was an order. Now do as I said or you’ll regret it.” “Stop now, Clyde. It’s enough!” Ashley fumed, frustration coursing through her veins like a tidal wave. “I know you are trying to defend me, but blaming innocent people is wrong.” Clyde was incredibly annoyed that Ashley was taking Adrian’s side. This made his hatred towards Adrian fester by the second. He needed to prove his dominance, not just to Adrian, but to Ashley as well. “Ash, don't you understand that I'm doing this for you? He needs to apologize, innocent or not!” He spat the words out, his voice leaving no room for argument. Clyde glared back at Adrian. “This is your last chance to apologize. If you refuse again
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A feeling of unease crept up Bryce’s spine as he saw the caller Id of his ringing phone—It was Jonah Leigh, the Young family Butler. His hand fidgeted slightly as he raised the phone to his ear. Immediately, Jonah’s low and stern voice echoed through the receiver. “Bryce Stevens, what did you do to anger the Young Master? He has ordered me to fire you from the position of CEO and you know his word is law! On that note, going forward, you seize to be the CEO of Fortgate Security Services. Goodbye!” Jonah ended the call and Bryce Stevens was rendered speechless as all the color drained from his face. He gaped at Adrian in panic. How had he failed to realize that Adrian was the Young Master, his boss. Clyde, on the other hand, was a blubbering mess as he sank to the floor, unable to believe that he had just been fired through a phone call. He didn’t even know when he crawled towards Adrian and clutched onto his leg. “Sir, I…I didn’t know you were my boss.” He stuttered, his voice fil
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Lenard Finley stormed into Mr Ben’s ward, glaring daggers at him. “You foolish man!” He roared. “What were you thinking, damaging my taxi like that?!”Adrian looked at the man inquisitively before Mr Ben whispered to him in explanation. “He’s the manager of the taxi company.”A second man, who looked to be around the same age as Mr Ben shuffled in behind Lenard. His eyes held a glint of disappointment as he stared at Mr Ben. This man was Lin Cheng, the sick friend who Mr Ben filled in for.“Mr Finley, I apologize for damaging the car.” Mr. Ben voiced out in a strained voice. “It wasn’t intentional-”“I don’t care if it was intentional or not!” Lenard spat as his eyes glinted with disdain.You have to pay for the damages. And Lin, this is all on you. Why did you allow such an irresponsible person to fill in for you?” Lin’s hands balled into a fist, his frown deepening. “Benjamin, you call yourself my friend and you do this to me? My job is now at stake because of you. I shouldn’t have
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